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Author:(Prashant MODI)

1.Elbow dislocation with ipsilateral diaphyseal fractures of radius and ulna in an adult-is it type 1 or type 2 Monteggia equivalent lesion?

Prashant MODI ; Ish Kumar DHAMMI ; Ashish RUSTAGI ; Anil K JAIN

Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2012;15(5):303-305

2.Elbow dislocation with ipsilateral diaphyseal fractures of radius and ulna in an adult-is it type 1 or type 2 Monteggia equivalent lesion?

Modi PRASHANT ; Dhammi Kumar ISH ; Rustagi ASHISH ; Jain K ANIL

Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2012;(5):303-305

3.Monteggia fracture dislocation equivalents--analysis of eighteen cases treated by open reduction and internal fixation.

Ajay-Pal SINGH ; Ish-Kumar DHAMMI ; Anil-Kumar JAIN ; Rajeev RAMAN ; Prashant MODI

Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2011;14(4):221-226

4.Nonunion of coronal shear fracture of femoral condyle.

Ajay-Pal SINGH ; Ish-Kumar DHAMMI ; Raju VAISHYA ; Anil-Kumar JAIN ; Arun-Pal SINGH ; Prashant MODI

Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2011;14(3):143-146

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