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Author:(Prasanta RATH)

1.Developing the criteria for evaluating quality of individualization in homeopathic clinical trial reporting: a preliminary study.

Saha, Subhranil ; Koley, Munmun ; Ganguly, Subhasish ; Rath, Prasanta ; Roy Chowdhury, Pulak ; Hossain, Seikh Intaj

Journal of Integrative Medicine 2014;12(1):13-9

2.Developing the criteria for evaluating quality of individualization in homeopathic clinical trial reporting: a preliminary study.

Subhranil SAHA ; E-mail: DRSUBHRANILSAHA@HOTMAIL.COM. ; Munmun KOLEY ; Subhasish GANGULY ; Prasanta RATH ; Pulak Roy CHOWDHURY ; Seikh Intaj HOSSAIN

Journal of Integrative Medicine 2014;12(1):13-19

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