1.A comparison of dimensional standard of several nickel-titanium rotary files.
Ki Won KIM ; Kyung Mo CHO ; Se Hee PARK ; Ki Yeol CHOI ; Bekir KARABUCAK ; Jin Woo KIM
Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics 2014;39(1):7-11
OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to compare the dimensional standard of several nickel-titanium (Ni-Ti) rotary files and verify the size conformity. MATERIALS AND METHODS: ProFile (Dentsply Maillefer), RaCe (FKG Dentaire), and TF file (SybronEndo) #25 with a 0.04 and 0.06 taper were investigated, with 10 in each group for a total of 60 files. Digital images of Ni-Ti files were captured under light microscope (SZX16, Olympus) at 32x. Taper and diameter at D1 to D16 of each files were calculated digitally with AnalySIS TS Materials (OLYMPUS Soft Imaging Solutions). Differences in taper, the diameter of each level (D1 to D16) at 1 mm interval from (ANSI/ADA) specification No. 101 were statistically analyzed using one-way ANOVA and Scheffe's post-hoc test at 95% confidence level. RESULTS: TF was the only group not conform to the nominal taper in both tapers (p < 0.05). All groups except 0.06 taper ProFile showed significant difference from the nominal diameter (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Actual size of Ni-Ti file, especially TF, was different from the manufacturer's statements.
Continental Population Groups
2.The Health Of Malaysia’s “Orang Asli” Peoples: A Review Of The Scientific Evidence On Nutritional Outcome, Parasite Infestations, And Discussion On Implications For Clinical Practice
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2015;15(1):83-90
The Orang Asli of Malaysia continue to experience poor health. There appears to be stagnation of certain aspect of their health status. Underweight (low weight-for-age) and stunting (low height-for-age) are significant amongst Orang Asli children. Worm infestation such as Ascaris, Trichuris and hookworm continue to afflict Orang Asli communities in Malaysia. Orang Asli communities can also be afflicted by other kinds of parasites, e.g. malaria parasites, microsporida parasites and Cryptosporidium parasites. Thus, primary care doctors who treat Orang Asli patients should be on the lookout for malnutrition and its effects (including anaemia, iodine deficiency, Vitamin A deficiency) as well as worm and parasite infestations. Such patients may need to undergo de-worming at regular intervals because of the tendency to get re-infected. Primary care doctors also need to be aware of possible interactions between infestations and nutritional deficiencies.
Population Groups
3.Congenital Hemihypertrophy (Congenital Total Segmental Hypertrophy)
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1970;5(3):103-106
Congenital hemihypertrophy is one of the more unusual and interesting errors of nature found in the human race. The hemihypertrophy was first described by Meckel in 1822, and the first case was recorded by Wagner in 1839. Since that time, over 140 cases have been reported. The purpose of this article is to report an additional case along with review of previous literatures.
Continental Population Groups
4.Acrocephalosyndactyly: Apert's Syndrome, Report of A Case
Soo Ill SONG ; Jun KIM ; Chang Soo KANG ; Ik Dong KIM
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1972;7(2):243-248
Acrocephalosyndactyly is one of the more unusual and interesting errors of nature (Congenital anomaly) found in the human race. This syndrome was first described by Apert in 1906. Since that time, over 200 cases have been reported. The purpose of this article is to report an additional case along with review of provious literatures.
Continental Population Groups
5.Different frequency of the absence of the palmaris longus according to assessment methods in a Korean population.
Dong Soo KYUNG ; Jae Ho LEE ; In Jang CHOI ; Dae Kwang KIM
Anatomy & Cell Biology 2012;45(1):53-56
The palmaris longus (PL) is a slender, spindle-shaped weak flexor of the wrist. Congenital absence of the PL is estimated to occur in 15% among individuals worldwide. However, the frequency of its absence varies considerably among different population groups and with different detection techniques. In the present study, the presence of the PL tendon was examined in a Korean population (n=269) using three clinical tests, namely the Traditional Test, Mishra's Test II, and the Gangata Test. We classified subjects into six types based on whether inspection or palpation was required to determine the presence of the PL and flexor carpi radialis. The most reliable test was determined using Kendall's coefficient of concordance. Our results showed that the PL tendon was absent in 4.1% of the subjects in our study, and bilateral and unilateral absences were 2.2% and 1.8%, respectively. Statistical analysis revealed that these tests had similar reliability for assessing the PL tendon, and the Traditional Test showed the highest effectiveness, at 93%. Therefore the Traditional Test was found to be the most effective for revealing the PL in this Korean population.
Population Groups
6.It should be attention in the use of traditional native medicines
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 1998;(1):15-17
41 patients with the allergy due to the traditional native medicines in Bach Mai Hospital were monitored closely the clinical symptoms and their total IgE were determined. It was difficult to identify precisely the compounds that caused the allergy. In addition to, the allergy to the traditional native medicine usually related with the renal, hepatic lesion or other lesion therefore, the mortality rate of this allergy was higher 3 times than this of other allergy at the same time. The study also introduced some measurements for limiting the accidents due to the traditional native medicine in the community
Population Groups
Medicine, Traditional
7.An Anthropometric Study of the Head and Face in Uygurs of Xinjiang, China.
Ki Seok KOH ; Young Il HWANG ; Seung Ho HAN ; Byoung Young CHOI ; Kyu Seok LEE ; Hee Jine KIM ; Kyung Hoon LEE ; Min Suk CHUNG
Korean Journal of Physical Anthropology 1994;7(2):187-198
Stature and four cephalometric measurements (head lengh, head breadth, bizygomatic diameter, bigonial diameter) were examined from samples of 461 Uygur in Xinjiang, China. Comparisons of head and facial morphology with geographically adjacent tribes were carried out to characterize Uygur population and to understand racial hybridity. Most of Uygur were hyperbrachycephalic as expressed by cephalic index and had larger lateral facial and smaller antero-posterior dimensions than Western Caucasians. The values of metric traits showed differences between East and West among Uygur populations. The results support the genetic diversity that seems to be caused by genetic hybridity and unequal growth between East and West in Uygur.
Genetic Variation
Population Groups
8.Dose the Self-Assessment(in training examination) for the Residents of Anesthesiology have any Significance?.
Seong Ho CHANG ; Hye Won LEE ; Seong Deok KIM
Korean Journal of Anesthesiology 1993;26(2):189-192
The Korean Society of Anesthesiologists began to take in training examination(Self Assessment) for the residents in April 1989. Two hundreds thirty four participants took the first examination and after that 343 in 1990, 399 in 1991, 455 in 1992 took the examination obviously the actual number is increasing each year. This study was done to see if there is any correlationship between the results of self assessment and board examination in the same population group. Ninety two persons who took self assessment in April 1990 and board examination in Jan 1991 and 108 persons who took self assessment in Sept. 1991 and board examination in Jan 1992 were investigated. In both groups we can see the close positive correlationships between the results of self assessment and written board examination.
Population Groups
9.The Scope of Population Groups and Nutrients for Codex Nutrient Reference Values.
Youn Ok CHO ; Hye Young KIM ; Young Sun CHOI ; Hyeon Sook LIM ; Oran KWON ; Namsoo CHANG
The Korean Journal of Nutrition 2009;42(2):189-196
The purposes of this study were to establish the scope of population groups to be set and nutrients to be included for Codex Nutrient Reference Values (NRVs). Examination of a variety of documents and reports on the principles of scientific evidence was gone through to choose representative groups from a variety of population groups and kinds of nutrients for setting Codex NRVs. Also, hearings from the groups of NRVs expertise has been formed and was gone through by e-working process. The differences of food and foods being consumed in general and by specific population groups and limited actual space on packages for food labeling were considered. This paper suggest the options on the scope of population groups to be set and nutrients to be included for Codex NRVs on the basis of the above procedures. Also, the advantages and disadvantages of these options are commented when the options are applied for establishment and revision of the Codex NRVs.
Food Labeling
Population Groups
Reference Values
10.Different Perceptions of Facial Attractiveness According to Race and Gender.
Sang Hun KIM ; Seung Chul RHEE ; Rahil HWANG ; Soo Hyang LEE
Archives of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 2012;18(3):126-132
There have been few studies investigating the differences in the perception of facial attractiveness according to gender, races and ethnicity. This study was conducted to determine whether different races or genders show actual differences in the perception of beauty. Using 5 composite faces of different races, this survey was designed on 486 participants from different races and ethnicities. Photographs of the composite faces were displayed on a large poster at Incheon International Airport and passersby were asked to take part in the survey regarding which composite face was the most attractive. Data were statistically analyzed to determine differences in beauty perception in terms of gender, race and ethnicity. There were significant differences in the perception of the most attractive face and the least attractive face according to gender. There were significant differences in the perception of the most and least attractive face according to race. Multivariate analysis also revealed that there were different perceptions of facial attractiveness according to ethnic backgrounds. The results of this study suggest that the perception of facial attractiveness may differ according to gender, race and ethnicity, and that some unique or peculiar patterns of beauty perception may exist.
Continental Population Groups
Gender Identity
Multivariate Analysis
Population Groups