1.Reflections of university students' experience under the online learning approach: A phenomenological study
Jacqueline F. Baltasar ; Michael P. Sy
Philippine Journal of Health Research and Development 2022;26(2):27-39
The pandemic has reshaped the lives of everyone, including the way learning is delivered. Online learning in Physical Education (OLPE) is a form of distance learning where fundamental concepts of physical fitness are conducted remotely through the aid of technology.
The study aimed to explore students' lived experiences in OLPE through the reflective narratives and photos generated from digital diary entries they made every other day for three weeks. The specific objective includes describing the students' feelings, processes, and realizations.
Eight health professions students participated in this hermeneutic phenomenological study. The reflective accounts were analyzed following the interpretive phenomenological analysis (IPA) approach and revealed super-ordinate themes clustered into three categories: feelings, processes, and realizations.
The first category is feelings evoked with super-ordinate themes, namely optimism with the course, appreciation of the teachers' attitude, empathy towards others, and desperation for a better set-up. The second category is processes experienced with super-ordinate themes, namely self-directed learning, awareness of the body, and dealing with heavy academic requirements. The third category is realizations with super-ordinate themes, namely experience of OLPE was a rollercoaster ride of successes and challenges, an experience that led to desires for improving self and the course, and finally, an opportunity for reflective learning.
Reflective accounts of feelings, processes, and realizations as students experience the sudden shift to OLPE are crucial in improving curricular policies and instructional designs for achieving quality outcomes.
Education, Distance
Physical Education and Training
2.Study on Nutrition Education for Elementary Schools in the Kyungnam Area.
Hyun Sook YOON ; Jung Suk RO ; Eun Sil HER
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2000;5(1):63-73
The purpose of this study was to investigate the status of nutrition education at elementary schools. A total of 226 elementary school teachers within Changwon and Milyang city participated in this study . The results of this study are as follows. The average score on a test of nutrition knowledge was 4.40 out of 10, and teachers of Milyang districts type scored significantly higher on nutrition knowledge than teacher of Changwon rural and Milyang rural districts. Only 9.0% of the teachers had nutrition education training. 64.1% of th total had teaching experience in nutrition, 91.0% of that was being taught as a part of physical education and home economics. The information source for nutrition education was mainly guide books and magazine and newspaper articles. Current nutrition education was being taught mainly by lecture(85.0%) but the preferred methods of teaching in nutrition education were small group discussion(44.3%), role-playing(22.9%) and lecture(21.4%). Audio visuals aids were used by 45.5% of the teachers and the most common of them were VTR(43.1%) chart(22.4%) as preferred audio visuals aids of them were VTR(71.9%) adn actual model(14.1%).
Periodicals as Topic
Physical Education and Training
3.Relationship between physical activity and the amount of maximal oxygen uptake of the freshmen of a university: Comparing students of college of physical education and general college.
Jae Hong PARK ; Byung Sung KIM ; Hyun Rim CHOI ; Jang Won WON ; Chan Young CHOI
Journal of the Korean Academy of Family Medicine 2001;22(11):1637-1646
BACKGROUND: Thesedays, the physical strength of adolescents had been weakened compared to the past. The reasons are that adolescents like to enjoy watching TV or video and PC in their rooms and going to school by car even though it is near distance. Therefore, the authors were to investigate the relationship between their physical activity and the amount of maximal oxygen uptake. METHODS: The subjects of this study were 103 freshmen of the college of physical education and 115 freshmen of general college of a university. The instruments used in this study are the step-test and the questionnaire which is composed of sex, age, physical activity, inactivity, rate of perceived exertion, and sports activity. RESULTS: The quantity of the physical activity of the freshmen of the college of physical education such as daily walking distance, floors of step-up and active sorts was significantly higher than that of the freshmen of general college. The hors spent on sitting in chair is less than that of freshmen of general college. The quantity of physical inactivity such as watching TV or video and using PC of freshmen of the college of physical education was lower than that of freshmen of general college. The amount of maximal oxygen uptake(VO2max) estimated by the step-test was significantly higher in freshmen of the college of physical education than those of general college. CONCLUSION: The amount of maximal oxygen uptake of the freshmen of the college of physical education was higher than that of freshmen of general college. And VO2mas was related with physical activity, sports activity and RPE.
Motor Activity*
Physical Education and Training*
4.The Effect of Sleep Duration and Relief of Fatigue after Sleep on the Risk of Injury at School among Korean Adolescents.
Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing 2015;26(2):100-107
PURPOSE: To explore the association between sleep and the risk of accidental injury at school among Korean adolescents. METHODS: From the database of the Ninth Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey (KYRBS), the researcher selected 63,307 adolescents who responded to a survey on sleep hours. We conducted logistic regression with sleep duration and fatigue after sleep as independent variables, the risk of injury at school as a dependent variable, and gender, grade, school type, economic status, parents' education level, number of participations in physical education, and current smoking and drinking as control variables. RESULTS: Using 9 hours of sleep as the reference, the adjusted injury risk (odds ratio) was 1.74 for those sleeping less than 5 hours a day, 1.61 for 5 hours, 1.45 for 6 hours, 1.31 for 7 hours, 1.13 for 8 hours, and 1.40 for 10 hours or longer. The difference between each pair of groups was statistically significant. In this study, injury risk increased as sleep duration decreased and fatigue after sleep increased. CONCLUSION: The findings suggest that a short nightly duration of sleep and fatigue after sleep can be considered potential risk factorsfor unintentional injuries at school among Korean adolescents.
Logistic Models
Physical Education and Training
5.Development of Nutrition Education Textbook and Teaching Manual in Elementary School.
Kyung Hea LEE ; Eun Sil HER ; Tae Jung WOO
Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association 2005;11(2):205-215
Health is easily overlooked because it doesn't be changed good or bad due to sudden effort or indifference unexpectedly but kept in daily life. Especially, schoolchildren period, an important lifetime to develop both physically and mentally needs to be helpful to promote the growth of the body and keep well-balanced mind through balanced and nourishing diet. The purpose of this study was to develop nutrition education contents for discretional activities in elementary school. The present educational contents about food and nutrition was analysed in the curriculum of elementary school. The results showed the Korean language(20.8%) included an highest ratio in educational contents about food and nutrition, the next was the courses of physical education and wise life(18.1%, each). As the educational contents about food and nutrition in the textbook were dealt with food information (20.8%), Health.Disease(15.3%), and correct dietary habits by order. We could found more contents in the text for the higher classes than for the lower classes. But the most of the contents appeared lack of structure, profundity and continuity for the systematic nutrition education in its entirety. The developed nutrition education contents for discretional activities in this study consist of korean dinning cultures and foreign dinning cultures, correct dinning etiquette, how to choose healthy food, personal sanitary and health, nutrients and food tower, and problem for children's nutrition as main subject. This six main subjects were composed of 23 subtitles. The teaching manual consisted of the educational goal, background, teaching plan and effect-evaluation plan, and the notice point for the effective lesson. The teaching plan was made for 30 hours and consisted of cooking course, singing/making lyrics, games in nutrition, debate on dietary habit, and role play etc which are oriented to practical learning. We intended to develop this program that attempts to improve in dietary habit of schoolchildren. It is because once formed an adults dietary habit is difficult to change. Schoolchildren's period is the best adjustable stage. Therefore, nutrition education in elementary stage can change to dietary habit and build the awareness of health.
Food Habits
Physical Education and Training
6.A Comparative Study of Obese Children and Normal Children on Dietary Intake and Environmental Factors at an Elementary School in Inchon.
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 1999;4(4):504-511
The purpose of this survey was to investigate the relationship among obese children, dietary intake and environmental factors. Therefore, this survey compared obese children with normal children on dietary intake and environmental factors. The survey were 110 obese children and 110 normal children whose age, height, and sex were same as the obese children of 21 elementary school in Inchon. The statistical analysis of data was completed using SAS program. The results were summarized as follows : 1) The student's obesity was related to parent's obesity and number of their siblings. There were significant differences between obese groups and normal group for these two factors. 2) Meal time of the obese group showed more irregularity than that of the normal group. Otherwise, the normal group were more "piclity" about special food than the obese group(p<0.05). Also obese children showed unconsious eating while reading or watching TV(p<0.01). The normal group attended physical education class more eagerily the obese group(p<0.001). There was no significant difference between obese children and normal children for learning habits. 3) Obese children shoed higher intake of nutrients compared to normal children. Among all the nutrients, minerals and vitamins showed significant differences. Therefore, further study on obese children and their intake of minerals and vitamin is needed. Also, in order to prevent factors which influence obesity, nutrition education at home as well as school was needed.
Physical Education and Training
7.Relationship among the use of food-related content, dietary behaviors, and dietary self-efficacy of high school students in Seoul and Gyeonggi areas
Min Hwan OH ; Kyungeui HONG ; Sung Eun KIM
Journal of Nutrition and Health 2019;52(3):297-309
PURPOSE: This study examined the relationship among the use of food-related content (FRC), dietary behaviors, and dietary self-efficacy to demonstrate the need for nutrition education to help adolescents build healthy eating habits and provide evidence for developing nutrition education programs for adolescents. METHODS: Three hundred and eighty-one high school students in Seoul and Gyeonggi areas participated in the study. The subjects were divided into three groups (low, medium, and high) according to the level of use of the FRC, and their general characteristics, dietary behaviors, and dietary self-efficacy were analyzed. Correlation analysis was performed between FRC usage, dietary behaviors, and dietary self-efficacy, and the mediating effects of dietary self-efficacy on the relationship between the level of the use of FRC and dietary behaviors were estimated. RESULTS: A higher level of FRC usage was associated with an increased daily cost of eating out and snacking, but no difference was observed in the BMI range. The subjects in a group with a high level of FRC usage ate convenience store or instant foods instead of homemade meals (p = 0.033), had a late-night meal or snack (p = 0.024), and turned to emotional eating under stress (p < 0.001) more than those in the low level group. In addition, the high level group checked the nutrition facts label more carefully when purchasing processed foods (p = 0.016) and exercised at least 30 minutes daily, not considering physical education classes (p = 0.057). The higher level of FRC use, the lower the dietary self-efficacy, whereby the subscales ‘environmental stimulus control efficacy’ and ‘affective factor control efficacy’ showed complete mediating effects. CONCLUSION: Given that FRC has been increased recently, adolescents are in need of support to help them control and enhance their dietary self-efficacy as well as develop healthy dietary behaviors through proper nutrition education programs.
Physical Education and Training
8.Current Status and Future Direction of Interprofessional Education in Nursing Education
Kon Hee KIM ; Eunhee HWANG ; Sujin SHIN
Korean Medical Education Review 2017;19(1):18-24
This study examined the perception and readiness of nursing educators regarding interprofessional education (IPE), and discussed the validity and application of IPE in nursing. From December 2016 to January 2017, 239 nursing professors and nurses completed a structured questionnaire consisting of general characteristics, the Interdisciplinary Education Perception Scale, the Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Survey (RIPLS), and an IPE action plan. The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and t-test using the IBM SPSS ver. 23.0 program (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA). The analysis revealed that 91.6% of the participants had not experienced IPE, and only 11.7% knew about IPE. However, approximately 80.0% answered that IPE is necessary. The results of this study showed that the score of the perceived need for cooperation was higher in nurses than it was in professors, while the score on competency and autonomy was higher in professors than it was in nurses. With reference to the scores on the RIPLS, those of professors were high on the sub-scales of teamwork and collaboration, professional identity, and roles and responsibility. The results revealed that participants considered the upper-grade undergraduate years as the ideal time for imparting IPE, and it was deemed suitable to include communication, simulation, and clinical practice in IPE. Doctors, pharmacists, and physiotherapists were thought to require cooperation for IPE the most. Despite the presence of several barriers to IPE, the participants thought that IPE can achieve learning outcomes such as interprofessional communication and cooperation, conflict resolution, and teamwork. It is necessary to cooperate with professionals in the complex clinical environment as professional areas are specialized and subdivided. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the application of IPE in undergraduate education and in on-the-job training.
Cooperative Behavior
Education, Nursing
Inservice Training
Physical Therapists
9.Direction in Health Education of smoking Prevention for Elementary School Children.
Jung Soon MOON ; Soo YANG ; Ho Rahn PARK ; Eun Suk LEE
Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing 2000;6(3):305-315
In order to provide a desirable direction for the health education on preventing smoking of elementary school students, by understanding the views held by elementary school teachers on smoking prevention education, 529 teachers at elementary schools located in Seoul were responded by constructed questionnaires during the period of Nov. 15 to Dec. 18 1999. The results of the survey analysis were as follows: 1. 91.9% of the respondents said that schools should offer education programs on preventing smoking, and this view was more strongly shared by teachers with religions than non-religious ones. 2.37.6% of teachers responded that the education should start with 4th-5th graders, while 36.0% opted for 6th grades. With regard to the appropriate class in providing such education, 41.1% selected physical education (PE), followed by extracurricular activity class with 28.8%, 45.1% of the respondents said discussion would be the most effective education method, while 39.9% recommended using experiments. fall in diseases and growth and developmental defect were pointed out as the most interesting topic for students by 33.2% and 28.1% of the surveyed, respectively. As for the most effective media for education, 57.2% recommended video, followed by computer games(19.2%) and cartoons (20.0%). 64.1% of the teachers picked school nurses as the most appropriate person in carrying out the education. The results of the finding show that it would be most desirable to provide health education on preventing smoking to senior elementary schoolers during the PE or extracurricular activity class by school nurses. The program would be structured to first show video clips on growth and developmental defect or fall in diseases resulting from smoking and to have discussions or experiments on related matters.
Surveys and Questionnaires
Growth and Development
Health Education*
Physical Education and Training
Child Health
10.Direction in Health Education of smoking Prevention for Elementary School Children.
Jung Soon MOON ; Soo YANG ; Ho Rahn PARK ; Eun Suk LEE
Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing 2000;6(3):305-315
In order to provide a desirable direction for the health education on preventing smoking of elementary school students, by understanding the views held by elementary school teachers on smoking prevention education, 529 teachers at elementary schools located in Seoul were responded by constructed questionnaires during the period of Nov. 15 to Dec. 18 1999. The results of the survey analysis were as follows: 1. 91.9% of the respondents said that schools should offer education programs on preventing smoking, and this view was more strongly shared by teachers with religions than non-religious ones. 2.37.6% of teachers responded that the education should start with 4th-5th graders, while 36.0% opted for 6th grades. With regard to the appropriate class in providing such education, 41.1% selected physical education (PE), followed by extracurricular activity class with 28.8%, 45.1% of the respondents said discussion would be the most effective education method, while 39.9% recommended using experiments. fall in diseases and growth and developmental defect were pointed out as the most interesting topic for students by 33.2% and 28.1% of the surveyed, respectively. As for the most effective media for education, 57.2% recommended video, followed by computer games(19.2%) and cartoons (20.0%). 64.1% of the teachers picked school nurses as the most appropriate person in carrying out the education. The results of the finding show that it would be most desirable to provide health education on preventing smoking to senior elementary schoolers during the PE or extracurricular activity class by school nurses. The program would be structured to first show video clips on growth and developmental defect or fall in diseases resulting from smoking and to have discussions or experiments on related matters.
Surveys and Questionnaires
Growth and Development
Health Education*
Physical Education and Training
Child Health