1.Preventation of teeth and jaw defect
Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 1998;225(9, 10):56-57
2.Etopic eruptive tooth
Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 1988;221(2):53-55
Malposition tooth (etopic eruption tooth). Malposition tooth are abnormal eruption teeth in the jaw. It can be: transversion or not (labioversion and hard palate). There are many causes of large tooth and small jaw; supernumerary teeth; primary teeth exist too long; odontoma, cleft palate or cleft lip. Malposition tooth causes effect to function and esthetics
Tooth Eruption
3.Study on the tocolysis effectiveness of nifedipin on uterine contraction in the management of preterm labor
Journal of Medical Research 2005;36(3):44-52
A clinical trial was performed to evaluate the tocolytic possibility of nifedipin and to propose a treatment regimen for preterm labor in the National Hospital of Gynecol-Obstet from July 2003 to December 2003. There were 40 cases of preterm labor with gestational age 31 weeks and 3 uterine contractions per minute on average. Patients received a 10 mg sublingual loading dose every 20 minutes (maximum dose 40mg), and followed by 20 mg oral dose every 6- 8 hours. Result: the effectiveness in tocolysis of nifedipin is very fast. It took 60-80 minutes to arrest uterine contraction (70- 80%) (including contractions of high frequency and intensity), especially in urgent tocolysis. The lower the frequency and intensity is, the higher and sooner the effectiveness is. 92.5% of delivery were delayed for 48 hours. 82.85% were postponed until 36 weeks, and the mean time of prolonged pregnacy was 39 days. Side-effects were mild and transient and in normotensive pregnant women blood pressure was almost unaffected. This treatment regimen of nifedipin showed the effectiveness in preterm labor. In brief, nifedipin is an effective, safe, convenient and economic tocolytic agent. It may well represent the best suitable tocolytic alternative currently available and can be used widely in Viet Nam.
Obstetric Labor, Premature, Nifedipine, Tocolysis
4.Perinatal care services and neonatal mortality in Quang Ninh province
Hoa Thi Phuong Dinh ; Nga Thu Nguyen
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2003;0(6):13-16
Background: In Vietnam, although there were interventions in perinatal and neonatal care services, the neonatal mortality reduced slowly, accounting for >50% of under-5-year-old mortality rate and >70% of under-1-year-old mortality rate. \r\n', u'Objectives: Discover the status of prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal care services, and analyze the relationships between healthcare services and neonatal mortality in Quang Ninh province. Subjects and method: Information on births and neonatal deaths between January and December 2005 in Quang Ninh province was collected. The perinatal care services including antenatal, delivery and post partum cares were described. The relationship between neonatal deaths and places of delivery was analyzed in order to uncover the risk of death in newborns delivered at home. Results: 76% of pregnant women received 3 or more antenatal care visits. More than 90% of deliveries took place at health facilities, of them, 16% occurred in community health stations. Only 49% of mothers received post partum care visits, with 82% of them received the visits in the first week after delivery. There were 17,519 births and 284 neonatal deaths in 2005. The neonatal mortality rate was lowest in cases born in community health stations (7.5/1.000) and highest in home birth cases (39/1.000). Conclusion: Further improvement in safe motherhood and neonatal survival can be achieved by increasing the accessibility of women to perinatal cares during pregnancy, delivery. \r\n', u'
perinatal care services
neonatal mortality
5.Study of the mutation of the CCR5 and SDF1 gene in the HIV-1 infected mothers and their children
Anh Thi Thu Phan ; Thuy Thanh Nguyen ; Lan Thi Phuong Nguyen
Journal of Medical Research 2007;47(2):16-22
Background: HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is the virus that causes AIDS. This virus is passed from one person to another through blood-to-blood and sexual contact. In addition, infected pregnant women can pass HIV to their baby during pregnancy or delivery, as well as through breast-feeding. Objectives:To study the CCR5- 32 and SDF 1-3 A allelic frequence in the HIV -1 infected mothers and their children. Subjects and method: Amplificated on CCR5 and SDF1 gene by PCR and restriction of this fragment length polymorphisme (RLFP) assay for detection of the mutated gene by EcoR1 and Hpall. Results: No mutation of CCR5 was found but only mutation identified at the SDF1 gene. Mutation identified at the SDF1 gene of the mother was: homozygote 2.7% (accounted for 2/37 cases), heterozygote 40.54% (accounted for 15/37 cases) and at the children: homozygote 5.4% (accounted for 1/37 cases), heterozygote 45.95% (accounted for 17/37 cases). The CCR5 chemokin receptor is a co-receptor for M trofic HIV-1 strains, which predominate in the early stage of the HIV disease and SDF-1 natural ligand for the CXCR4 reception. The mutation of these genes protect from HIV-1 infection (slow progression).\r\n', u'Conclusion: It\u2019s necessary to find the mutation of CCR5 and CCR2b related the progression of HIV patients. \r\n', u'
HIV-1/ metabolism
6.Expression of Heparansulfate Interacting Protein (HIP) in benign prostatic hyperplasia,prostate intraepithelial neoplasia and prostate cancer
Ngoc Thi Phuong Nguyen ; Thuy Thu Nguyen ; Chi Kim Dao ; Khanh Van Tran ; Van Thanh Ta
Journal of Medical Research 2008;56(4):98-104
Background: Heparansulfate Interacting Protein (HIP) is up-regulated in various human cancer cell lines at both transcript and protein levels. HIP expression is related to the differentiation status and cancer development. Objectives: To determine HIP in benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia and prostate cancer tissues. Materials and method: Western blot method was used to determine HIP expression in 3 different types of prostate tissue, including 11 prostate cancer samples, 2 benign prostatic hyperplasia samples and 11 prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia samples. Results. HIP was particularly up-regulated in prostate cancer and prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia, indicating that up-regulation of HIP expression may be an early event in tumorgenesis. Conclusion: The expression of HIP was different between cancer, prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia tissue and benign prostatic hyperplasia. HIP may serve as a prognostic marker for prostate carcinoma.
HIP expression
Prostate cancer
Prostatic hyperplasia.
7.Detection of IgM anti Japanese Encephalitis (JE) virus by antigen genotype 1 & genotype 3
Hoang Viet Nguyen ; Loan Phuong Do ; Trang Minh Bui ; Thu Thi Hien Le ; Nga Thi Phan
Journal of Preventive Medicine 2008;18(1):20-25
Background: Recently Japanese Encephalitis (JE) virus type 1 has surfaced and is co-circulated with JE virus type 3 in the northern areas of Viet Nam, so a sensitivity of JE viral antigen genotype 3 to detect IgM is required. Objectives: To compare the sensitivity of JE viral antigen genotype 1 and 3 to detect IgM against the JE virus. Materials and method: 783 cerebrospinal fluid and serum samples from viral encephalitis cases from 1999-2005 were collected and examined by MAC-ELISA for JE viral antigen genotype 1 and 3. Results: The agreement on the diagnosis of these kinds of antigen was 99.7% and the sensitivity of JE viral antigen genotype 3 was higher than that of genotype 1. Thus, JE viral antigen genotype 3 could be considered as the selected antigen for JE diagnosis in Viet Nam. IgM titer determined by JE viral antigen genotype 1 was higher than that of genotype 3 in 2003 and 2005 and lower in 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2004. Conclusion: The dominant phenomenon of JE viral genotypes differing over the years might be due to the interaction of the virus and its vectors. Further study is required to clarify this observation.
Japanese Encephalitis
8.Detection of Japanese encephalitis genotype 1 in central, southern and highland of Viet Nam
Hoang Viet Nguyen ; Loan Phuong Do ; Trang Minh Bui ; Thu Thi Hien Le ; Nga Thi Phan
Journal of Preventive Medicine 2008;97(5):38-45
Background: In recent year, Japanese Encephalitis Virus (JEV) genotype 1 has been detected among isolates from mosquitoes and pig\u2019s blood samples in northern Viet Nam, but there has been no information on the presence of this genotype in the Central, Southern and Highland regions. Objectives: This study aims to detect the Japanese encephalitis genotype 1 in various different geographic regions of Viet Nam. Material and method: Sequence analysis\u2019s of whole E gene of 18 strains isolated from human, mosquitoes and pig\u2019s blood during 2001-2007. Results: 7 strains isolated from pig\u2019s blood and mosquito samples in the Northern, Central, Southern and Highland fell into genotype 1, but 11 others isolated from humans in the Northern and Central regions belonged to genotype 3. Conclusion: This is the first time that JEV genotype 1 was detected in the central, northern, highland Viet Nam and further studies on genotype 1 causing human diseases needs to be carried out.\r\n', u'\r\n', u'
Japanese Encephalitis
genotype 1
E gene.
9.Detection of Japanese encephalitis frequency in the pig population in Ha Nam province by GAC-ELISA.
Loan Phuong Do ; Thoang Dinh Dang ; Hoang Viet Nguyen ; Trang Minh Bui ; Thu Thi Hien Le ; Nga Thi Phan
Journal of Preventive Medicine 2008;18(2):12-17
Background: Mosquitoes and pigs play important roles in maintaining and increasing the Japanese Encephalitis (JE) virus in nature and which is then transmitted to humans. Thus, surveillance of the JE infection frequency in the pig population may predict the human JE cases. \r\n', u'Objectives: The study aimed to determine IgG antibody against the JE virus in the pig population in Hanam province \r\n', u'Subjects and methods: The study included 1791 pig serum samples collected from 3 districts of Hanam province from Apr 2006 to Mar 2007. GAC-ELISA technique was used to determine the JE virus infection in the swine population.\r\n', u'Results: The average positive rate in pig population was 34.9 % (626/1791); with the highest frequency occurring in the summer (37.7%- 84.0 %), co-incident with the JE season in Northern Vietnam. On the contrary, in winter JE case are rare, frequency of IgG antibody against JE virus in the swine population was low, ranging from 9.2% to 22.0.%. \r\n', u'Conclusions: These results have shown the ecologically close relationship between the amplification of the JE virus in the swine population, vector and JE cases in northern Vietnam. \r\n', u'
Japanese encephalitis
pig population
10.Evaluation of the quality of the IgM antibody capture ELISA diagnostic kit for the Japanese encephalitis virus produced by National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology
Nga Thi Phan ; Loan Phuong Do ; Hoang Viet Nguyen ; Trang Minh Bui ; Thu Thi Hien Le ; Tomohiko Takasaki
Journal of Preventive Medicine 2008;96(4):55-59
Background: IgM antibody capture ELISA (MAC-ELISA) technique has been widely applied for Japanese Encephalitis Virus (JEV) diagnosis. So far rare internationally commercial kits are available. Thus, the international evaluation of the kit is required as per the recommendation of the WHO. Objectives: To evaluate the quality of the IgM antibody capture ELISA diagnostic kit for JEV produced by the Vietnam National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (NIHE). Subjects and method: In this study, NIID kit was used as control to check the kit from NIHE. Both NIHE and NIID kits were used to detect JEV IgM among 38 serum and 6 CFS samples, which belongs to 5 sample groups (JE patients group, dengue patients group, other viral encephalitis patients group, Tick Born Encephalitis (TBE) patient group and healthy JE vaccinated donors group). Results: The detection of JEV IgM by NIHE kit was concurrent with the NIID kit. There is no positive with the JE in the groups of Dengue patients, TBE, other virus encephalitis patients and JE vaccinated donors. Conclusion: MAC-ELISA kit of NIHE can be used for different diagnosis of JEV and Dengue virus (both viruses are in Flavivirus genus), as well as other viruses caused by encephalitis.
IgM antibody
ELISA diagnostic kit
Japanese encephalitis virus