1.Vietnam health sector with the date of global health and blood transfusion safety
Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 1999;232(1):5-7
With the helping of international organizations, world health organization and humanitarian organizations and efforts of Vietnam health sector, We obtained the significant results in the people health protection and care. There has not been the blood replacement compound, it must use human blood for the treatment, the date of global health (7/4) every year is considered as the date of blood transfusion safety to prevent from transmissions of communicable diseases.
Healthcare sector
Blood Transfusion
2.Regulation of functions, duties and organizational structure of hospital for nursing and rehabilitation under provincial health service
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;407(1):2-3
The functions, duties and organizational structure of hospital for nursing and rehabilitation were regulated in the decision No 963/1999/QD-BYT by Minister of Health. The functions- duties include the consultation, treatment, nursing and rehabilitation, profession leading, scientific research, international cooperation and economic management. The organizational structure of hospital depends the state regulation. The hospital is directly managed by the provincial health services.
Nursing Service, Hospital
Rehabilitation Nursing
Urban Renewal
3.Results of “The month of action for food safety, hygiene and quality”: a report.
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):2-5
The report revealed some remains in a campaign for food safety, hygiene and quality, included the cooperation between varied sectors has not been close, the co-responsibility in management food safety, hygiene and quality has not been expressed highly. Guidelines have not been developed timely, affected to progress of development. The propagation has not been continuous and not reached widely. Specialist inspection system has not been available. The month of action for food safety, hygiene and quality has gathered the encouraging results, draw the attention of governments at varied levels, of sectors and social organizations and public to the importance of food safety, hygiene and quality.
4.Vietnam medical service entering into the New Millennium: rising knowledge, biulding systematic standpoint and rational policies that are the premises to the development of health care task
Pharmaceutical Journal 1999;282(10):18-55
Summary of health tasks in past years. The premises and major challegenes with health task in first years of 21st century. Systemic opinions about health task and 5 major policies is needed to currently focus in realization
Delivery of Health Care
Public Policy
5.Health protection and care strategy for people in the mountain, deep and remote areas during 2001 -2010
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2000;(4):1-5
This paper introduced the achievement and shortcomings of the people health protection and care of the health sector as well as challenges of these activities in the whole country and the mountain, deep and remote areas. The paper also presented the strategy of the health protection and care for people in the mountain, deep and remote areas during 2001-2010 including point of view, objectives, and major solutions.
Residence Characteristics
6.The human right in the health protection and care - a global problem and the country's situation
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 1998;(1):4-8
The Declaration of Alma- issued the human right in the health protection and care. Vietnam promulgated the people health protective law in 1989. The perquisite condition for the health protection and care was the health system. The causes of the successful assurance of the human right in the health protection and care in Vietnam included enhancement of the ability in approaching the health services, equity in the health care, quantity and quality of the health services, strengthen the inspection and supervision
Human Rights
7.Application of the 4th Resolution of the Central Committee of the VietNam Communist Party for the activities of the Public Health Branch
Pharmaceutical Journal 1998;265(5):2-3
We must define resources to inform a developmental tasks. Implement industrious and thrifty, against peculation, spendthrift. Affirmation on main force to bring into play the internal force and impulse development. Building and informing on the democratic institution. Rearranging the governmental enterprises; people health care, health care for poor
Public Health
Delivery of Health Care
8.Stepping up the movement of patriotic emulation, the branch of Public Health is striving for realization the instruction of Uncle Ho "The good physician must be an affectionate mother"
Pharmaceutical Journal 1998;272(12):2-4
Realization on the strategic orientation of people's health protection and care in stage of 2001 - 2010, stepping up the movement of patriotic emulation, striving for realization the instruction of Uncle Ho "The good physician must be an affectionate mother". With glorious tradition of Public Health Branch, under leading of Communist Party of Viet Nam, leading of Government, Public Health Branch will surmount difficult, exert all one's strength strive to conduct step by step the Health Branch that keep pace with tasks, worthiness with the faith of Communist Party and people, realization on better in the task of people's health protection and care
Ethics, Medical
Delivery of Health Care
9.Strengthen the local levels, the medical ethics and professional level to fulfill the task of people's health protection and care
Pharmaceutical Journal 1998;272(12):2-5
Minister of Health has set up tasks for following years. (1) Strengthen the local levels, voluntary physician for lower level. (2) Completing health network at communes, mountain villages. (3) Strengthen medical ethics by a specific activities. (4) Especially concern people who had dedication for country or poor. (5) Preventing disaster and epidemic diseases
Ethics, Medical
Codes of Ethics
10.Enhancement of health service quality and medical ethics to implement the HoChiMinh’ s will
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2001;(11):1-4
The head principle of Uncle Ho to develop the Vietnam’s medicine was that the Nation’s medicine must base on the scientific, national and popular principles. The medicine was a cause of people and must serve people. The physicians must have a good ethics “a good physician as a good mother”. It should combine the traditional and modern medicine
Ethics, Medical
Health Services