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Author:(Phui-Sze AU-YONG)

1.Nonsurgical faecal diversion in the management of severe perianal sepsis: a retrospective evaluation of the flexible faecal management system.

Minghui GOH ; Min-Hoe CHEW ; Phui-Sze AU-YONG ; Choo-Eng ONG ; Choong-Leong TANG

Singapore medical journal 2014;55(12):635-639

2.Efficacy of SG Shield in reducing droplet contamination during collection of oropharyngeal swab culture specimens.

Phui-Sze Angie AU-YONG ; Xuanxuan CHEN ; Wen Hao LOW ; Keen Chong CHAU ; Stephanie FOOK-CHONG ; Shariq Ali KHAN

Singapore medical journal 2022;63(9):509-513

3.Perceptions of healthcare workers in high-risk areas of a Singapore hospital during COVID-19: a cross-sectional study.

Phui-Sze Angie AU-YONG ; Wee-Ming PEH ; Frederick Hong-Xiang KOH ; Li-Ming TEO ; Siok-Peng NG ; Alina Li-Na TAN ; Aven Shan-Hua NG ; Min-Hoe CHEW

Singapore medical journal 2022;63(9):514-519

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