1.2DGSTIforassessmentofleftventricularlongitudinalshrinkagefunctioninpatients withdifferentChildGPughgradeofcirrhosis
Lingyu MENG ; Xiufen YAO ; Peilu WANG
Journal of Practical Radiology 2019;35(3):459-463,487
Objective ToMeasureofleftventricularregionalsystolicfunctioninpatientswithcirrhosisby2DGSTItechnology.To exploretheclinicalvalueofleftventricularsystolicfunctionindifferentChildGPughgradedlivercirrhosispatientsanditscorrelation withthedegreeoflivercirrhosis.Methods Toselecting60casesoflivercirrhosispatientsincirrhosisgroup.AccordingtotheChildGPugh classification,thepatientsinA,BandCgradesweredividedintoA,BandCgroups.Toselecting30outpatientswithphysicalexaminations, whoseageandgendermatchedwithcirrhosispatientsatthesameperiodasnormal/controlgroup.Measuredtheconventionalindexes, andanalysedtwoGdimensionaldynamicimagesoftwoGchamber,threeGchamber,fourGchamberviewofapical.Thedifferencesinstrain indexandrelatedparametersbetweenthecirrhosisgroupsandthenormalcontrolgroupwerecompared.Results (1)Betweenliver cirrhosisgroupandcontrolgroup,therewerestatisticaldifferencesinheartrate,interventricularseptumthicknessandleftventricular enddiastolicvolume(P<0.05).leftventricularejectionfraction wassignificantlylowerintheChildCgroupthanintheChild A groupandtheChildBgroup(P<0.05),andwassignificantlyhigherintheChildBgroupthanthecontrolgroup(P<0.05).Withthe increaseofChildGPughscoreinlivercirrhosisgroup,interventricularseptumthickness,leftatrialanteroposteriordiameter,leftventricular enddiastolicdiameterandleftventricularenddiastolicvolumeweregraduallyincreasing.Therewerestatisticallysignificantdifferences betweensomegroups(P<0.05);(2)Longitudinalsystolicpeakstrainofeachsegmentofleftventricularwallwasgenerallylowerin thelivercirrhosisgroupthanthecontrolgroup,andthestrainin bothgroupsshowedincreasingtrendfromthebasaltotheapical segments.There werestatisticallysignificantdifferences between partialsegment(P<0.05);(3)WiththeincreaseofChildGPugh scoreincirrhosisgroup,longitudinalsystolicpeakstrainofthe leftventricularwallgraduallydecreased.ChildCgroupcomparedwithothergroups,theleftventricularlongitudinalstrainaverage valuedifferencewasstatisticallysignificant(P<0.05).Therewerestatisticallysignificantdifferencesinpartialsegmentbetweenthe othergroups(P<0.05).Conclusion (1)2DGSTItechnologycanbesensitiveandreliabletodetectsubGclinicalmyocardialregional systolicdysfunctioninpatientswithcirrhosis;(2)LeftventricularsystolicfunctionisnegativelycorrelatedwithChildGPughgradein patientswithlivercirrhosis.
2.Needs and influencing factors of patients with cerebrovascular disease and their caregivers in rural areas
Chunru WANG ; Xin LI ; Xiaoshuang XIA ; Tianli ZHANG ; Peilu WANG ; Qi DONG ; Lin WANG ; Ming LIU ; Liping WANG
International Journal of Cerebrovascular Diseases 2017;25(2):134-139
Objective To inves1tigate the needs and influencing factors of patients with cerebrovascular disease and their caregivers in rural areas.Methods An online questionnaire designed by World Stroke Organization for stroke patients and their caregivers was used,and modified appropriately according to China's national conditions.A questionnaire survey about general situation,and needs for psychological support,stroke-related knowledge,diagnosis and nursing,social support,and functional recovery in inpatients with cerebrovascular disease and their caregivers in rural areas was performed.Results A total of 514 patients with stroke and their caregivers (n =514) completed the questionnaires.93.0% of the patients had the needs for mental support,followed by clinical diagnosis and nursing (84.8%),stroke knowledge (74.7%),social support and functional recovery (53.5%);95.1% of the caregivers had the needs for mental support,followed by stroke knowledge (89.9%),clinical diagnosis and nursing (84.0%),social support,and functional recovery (66.3%).The degree of need for stroke knowledge,social support,and functional recovery in caregivers was higher than that in the patients (all P < 0.05).Multiple linear regression analysis showed that age,gender,degree of education,the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score,and the time from the first stroke onset were the influencing factors of needs for patients with cerebrovascular disease and their caregiver.Conclusions Many needs have not been met in patients with cerebrovascular disease and their caregivers,especially the psychological demand.The regional and individual services should be provided according to the different demands in patients with cerebrovascular disease and their caregivers,enhance the awareness of the prevention and treatment of stroke,and continuously improve the construction of rural health service system.
3.Effects of lipopolysaccharide-induced toll-like receptor 4 on endoplasmic reticulum stress in atherosclerotic plaques of polipoprotein E gene knockout mice
Xiaokun GUO ; Xiaoshuang XIA ; Peilu WANG ; Lin WANG ; Xin LI
Chinese Journal of Geriatrics 2020;39(6):695-699
Objective:To investigate the effects of endoplasmic reticulum(ER)stress on the stability of atherosclerotic plaques in mice by examining the action of lipopolysaccharide(LPS)-induced Toll-like receptor 4(TLR4)on the protein expression levels in the ER stress pathway in atherosclerotic plaques of polipoprotein E gene knockout (ApoE -/-) mice. Methods:From October 2015 to February 2016, 24 ApoE -/-mice were randomly divided into the control group, the LPS group and the TAK group after 10 weeks of high-fat feeding(n=8, each group). After 10 weeks of intervention, peripheral blood was extracted by removing the eyeballs for the measurement of total cholesterol(TC), triglycerides(TG)and oxidized low density lipoprotein(ox-LDL). Then mice were sacrificed to obtain carotid and aortic specimens.Immunohistochemistry was used to detect the expression of carotid plaque macrophages(MOMA-2), smooth muscle actin(α-actin), TLR4, interleukin-1β(IL-1β), interleukin-6(IL-6), tumor necrosis factor-α(TNFα)and nuclear factor-κ-gene binding(NFκB). Western blotting was used to determine the expression of PKR-like eukaryotic initiation factor 2αkinase(PERK), C/EBP-homologous protein(CHOP)and glucose-regulated protein 78(GRP78). Results:The levels of TC, TG and ox-LDL were elevated in the LPS group, compared with the control and TAK groups[(25.0±2.3) mmol/L vs. (20.2±1.6) mmol/L and (20.8±2.6) mmol/L, (1.3±0.1) mmol/L vs.(1.3±0.1) mmol/L and (1.0±0.1) mmol/L, (17.4±1.3) mmol/L vs.(15.8±1.6) mmol/L and (12.1±1.1) mmol/L, P<0.05]. The comparison of plaque morphology and pathology showed that the LPS group had a wider range of atherosclerotic plaques, more macrophages and fewer vascular smooth muscle cells than the control and TAK groups( P<0.05). The expression of TLR4, IL-1β, IL-6, TNFα, NFκB, PERK, CHOP and GRP78 was higher in the LPS group than in the control and TAK groups( P<0.05). Compared with the control group, the expression of PERK, CHOP and GRP78 was lower in the TAK group( P<0.05). The expression of TLR4, PERK, CHOP and GRP78 was higher in the LPS group. Conclusions:LPS-induced TLR4 can up-regulate the expression of proteins in the ER stress pathway, increase the secretion of inflammatory cytokines downstream of the ER stress pathway, aggravate lipid metabolism disorders and increase the instability of atherosclerotic plaques.
4.The value of plasma ADAMTS4 in evaluating the stability of carotid plaque
Qinqin TIAN ; Tian DU ; Jie HU ; Peilu SHI ; Wenkai CHANG ; Yuwen WANG ; Haifeng LI ; Honglin DONG
Chinese Journal of General Surgery 2017;32(12):1043-1046
Objective To explore the relationship between the level of plasma ADAMTS4 and the vulnerability of carotid atherosclerotic plaque in patients with carotid artery stenosis and the clinical value of evaluating the vulnerability of the carotid atherosclerotic plaque.Methods 60 patients with carotid artery stenosis were divided into stable plaque group and vulnerable plaque group according to the histopathological typing after carotid endarterectomy (CEA).30 patients who had atherosclerosis but no carotid plaque formation served as control.Using ELISA to measure the level of plasma ADAMTS4.Results The level of plasma ADAMTS4 was significantly higher in the vulnerable-plaque group (112.74 ± 17.47) ng/ml compared with the stable plaque group (56.67 ± 22.14)ng/ml and the control group (56.67 ± 22.14)ng/ ml,P < 0.001.Logistic analysis showed that high level of plasma ADAMTS4 was risk factor for vulnerability of carotid atherosclerotic plaque (P < 0.05,OR =8.240,95 % CI:1.512-22.915).ROC curve showed that ADAMTS4 =100.935 ng/ml could accurately predict significant vulnerability with accuracy of 94.3%.Conclusion ADAMTS4 is an effective,sensitive and non-invasive biomarker to evaluate the vulnerability of carotid atherosclerotic plaque.
5.Application of"rotation-correction loop technique"in the retrieval of complex inferior vena cava filters
Jie HU ; Maolin QIAO ; Qinqin TIAN ; Heng WANG ; Sheng YAN ; Wenbo ZHAO ; Yongbin SHI ; Peilu SHI ; Miao XING ; Haifeng LI ; Haijiang JIN ; Ping WANG ; Wenkai CHANG ; Yuwen WANG ; Honglin DONG
Journal of Interventional Radiology 2024;33(3):289-294
Objective To discuss the application of the"rotating guidewire and correcting the filter recovery hook direction technique"("rotation-correction loop technique"for short),a technique invented by the authors in clinical practice,in the retrieval of complex inferior vena cava filter(IVCF),and to discuss its technical skills and advantages.Methods The clinical data of 417 patients carrying an IVCF,who were admitted to the Department of Vascular Surgery of Second Hospital of Shanxi Medical University of China to retrieve IVCF between January 2022 and December 2022,were retrospectively analyzed.Taking the time spent on the retrieval of IVCF and the intraoperative radiation dose as the evaluation indicators,the advantages and disadvantages of the standard filter retrieval technique,the"rotation-correction loop technique"and the other loop-assisted techniques were compared.Results Both the intraoperative radiation dose and the time spent on the retrieval of IVCF using"rotation-correction loop technique"were remarkably lower than those of other loop-assisted techniques(P<0.000 1).Conclusion For the retrieval of complex IVCF,especially for the IVCF which is heavily tilted and/or its recovered hook is attached to the vascular wall,the use of"rotation-correction loop technique"can shorten the time spent on the the retrieval of IVCF and reduce the intraoperative radiation dose.This technique carries high safety and practicability,the device is simple and it can be manipulated by single physician,which is conducive to clinical application and promotion.(J Intervent Radiol,2024,33:289-294)
6.Clinical research on masticatory efficiency and force in the two types of complete denture
Peilu WANG ; Xu WEI ; Xiaojing YANG ; Rongrong NIE ; Xiangfeng MENG
STOMATOLOGY 2024;44(11):851-855
Objective In this study,we compared the masticatory efficiency,occlusal functional indexes,and satisfaction of lingual-ized occlusion(LO)vs.anatomic occlusion(AO)and discussed the difference between these occlusions.Methods Twenty edentulous patients were included in this clinical trial during 2021 April to December.They were divided into 2 groups according to their denture occlusion.Masticatory efficiency was tested by chewing the same amount of peanuts(by weight)and then the absorption of the solution was compared under a spectrophotometer after wearing dentures for 1 month.The TeeTester occlusion analysis system was used to test masticatory function,and satisfaction research was conducted for the edentulous patients at this time point as well.Finally,statistical analyses were conducted to compare the difference in masticatory efficiency between AO and LO by SPSS 20.0.Results The indexes of LO were worse than AO in masticatory efficiency,masticatory function and most of satisfaction research,while LO was better than AO in speech recovery.The difference was only statistically significant in COF-y of masticatory function(P<0.05).Conclusion LO is similar with AO in terms of masticatory efficiency,satisfaction and denture stability;LO has good performance in denture's fit and use for patients.
7.Synthesis of selective PAK4 inhibitors for lung metastasis of lung cancer and melanoma cells.
Peilu SONG ; Fan ZHAO ; Dahong LI ; Jiqiang QU ; Miao YAO ; Yuan SU ; Hanxun WANG ; Miaomiao ZHOU ; Yujie WANG ; Yinli GAO ; Feng LI ; Dongmei ZHAO ; Fengjiao ZHANG ; Yu RAO ; Mingyu XIA ; Haitao LI ; Jian WANG ; Maosheng CHENG
Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B 2022;12(6):2905-2922
The p21 activated kinase 4 (PAK4) is serine/threonine protein kinase that is critical for cancer progression. Guided by X-ray crystallography and structure-based optimization, we report a novel subseries of C-3-substituted 6-ethynyl-1H-indole derivatives that display high potential and specificity towards group II PAKs. Among these inhibitors, compound 55 exhibited excellent inhibitory activity and kinase selectivity, displayed superior anti-migratory and anti-invasive properties against the lung cancer cell line A549 and the melanoma cell line B16. Compound 55 exhibited potent in vivo antitumor metastatic efficacy, with over 80% and 90% inhibition of lung metastasis in A549 or B16-BL6 lung metastasis models, respectively. Further mechanistic studies demonstrated that compound 55 mitigated TGF-β1-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT).