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Author:(Pasquale MALARA)

2.Spontaneous Upbeat Nystagmus and Selective Anterior Semicircular Canal Hypofunction on Video Head Impulse Test: A New Variant of Canalith Jam?

Andrea CASTELLUCCI ; Cecilia BOTTI ; Salvatore MARTELLUCCI ; Pasquale MALARA ; Silvia DELMONTE ; Francesca LUSETTI ; Angelo GHIDINI

Journal of Audiology & Otology 2022;26(3):153-159

3.Spontaneous Jamming of Horizontal Semicircular Canal Combined with Canalolithiasis of Contralateral Posterior Semicircular Canal

Salvatore MARTELLUCCI ; Andrea CASTELLUCCI ; Pasquale MALARA ; Giulio PAGLIUCA ; Veronica CLEMENZI ; Andrea STOLFA ; Andrea GALLO ; Giacinto Asprella LIBONATI

Journal of Audiology & Otology 2022;26(1):55-60

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