Unfortunately, only a minority of patients with pancreatic cancers are suitable for resection and potential cure. Despite recent advances in systemic treatment of patients with advanced pancreatic cancer, the prognosis still remains poor. The median survival of patients in whom pancreatic cancers are surgically unresectable is 6 months. Thus, optimal palliation of symptoms to maximize remaining quality of life is of primary importance to most patients. Common problems include pain, unexplained weight loss, nausea, vomiting, streatorrhea, dyspepsia, depression, and jaundice. Management is directed at the palliation of symptoms. Treatment of patients with locally unresectable, recurrent, or metastatic disease is individualized, cosidering the patient age, patient wishes, family influence, and insurance constraints. Success in managing progressive symptoms is needed to palliate patients with advanced pancreatic cancer.
*Palliative Care
Pancreatic Neoplasms/diagnosis/psychology/*therapy
Quality of Life