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Author:(Ozgur AKGUL)

1.Primary Synovial Sarcoma of Lung.

Devrim CABUK ; Berna USTUNER ; Asli Gul AKGUL ; Ozgur ACIKGOZ ; Busra YAPRAK ; Kazim UYGUN ; Salih TOPCU ; Bahar MUEZZINOGLU

The Korean Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2014;47(3):306-309

2.The Independent Relationship of Systemic Inflammation With Fragmented QRS Complexes in Patients With Acute Coronary Syndromes.

Mustafa CETIN ; Sinan Altan KOCAMAN ; Turan ERDOGAN ; Aytun CANGA ; Murtaza Emre DURAKOGLUGIL ; Omer SATIROGLU ; Ozgur AKGUL ; Tuncay KIRIS ; Yuksel CICEK ; Baris YAYLAK ; Sitki DOGAN ; Ismail SAHIN ; Mehmet BOSTAN

Korean Circulation Journal 2012;42(7):449-457

3.Serum Chitotriosidase Activity in Pulmonary Tuberculosis: Response to Treatment and Correlations with Clinical Parameters.

Gulhan CAKIR ; Seyfettin GUMUS ; Ergun UCAR ; Hatice KAYA ; Ergun TOZKOPARAN ; Emin Ozgur AKGUL ; Bulent KARAMAN ; Omer DENIZ ; Ismail KURT ; Metin OZKAN ; Hayati BILGIC

Annals of Laboratory Medicine 2012;32(3):184-189

4.Effects of general and spinal anesthetic techniques on endothelial adhesion molecules in cesarean section.

Mehtap HONCA ; Tarik PURTULOGLU ; Emin Ozgur AKGUL ; Muzaffer OZTOSUN ; Tevfik HONCA ; Ali SIZLAN ; Mehmet AGILLI ; Ibrahim AYDIN ; Memduh YETIM ; Fevzi Nuri AYDIN ; Halil YAMAN

Korean Journal of Anesthesiology 2014;66(5):364-370

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