1.From the results of biological activity photosensitizers tested on the lung cancer cell
Narangerel B ; Oyunbileg G ; Young Key Shim
Mongolian Medical Sciences 2012;162(4):107-110
BackgroundIn the present time Photodynamic therapy is a largely experimental treatment modality which is under development for application in both of neoplastic and non–neoplastic diseases. PDT involves a light-sensitive compound (photosensitizer), light and molecular oxygen. The photosensitizer is excited to its singlet state by light of the appropriate wavelength. Responses to photodynamic treatment are dependent on the photosensitizer used the an illumination conditions, the oxygenation status of the tissue and the type of cells involved.CoalTo study new photosensitizers from the pyrazole derivatives which is based on chlorine and porphyrin and produced from sea algae to the lung cancer cell (A549) that is cultured in vitro medium and tested by two ways that are light treatment and dark treatment. Furthermore we define how the photosensitizer dictate cancer cells by test MTT/3-/4.5-dimethylthiazole-2- yl/-2.5-biphenyl tetrzolium bromide a yellow tetrazole/, and how to change the cell morphological characteristics by its micro photo and determine potosensitizers that dictates on the least doze of the cell.Materials and MethodsThe cell line tested was A549 (human lung carcinoma cell). The cell line was obtained from the cell line bank at Seoul National University’s Cancer Research Center (Korea) and were grown in medium RPMI-1640 (Sigma-Aldrich) with 10% fetal bovine serum, glutamine, penicillin and streptomycin at 37 0C in humidified atmosphere of 5% CO2 in air. Phosphate buffered saline (PBS) (Sigma-Aldrich), microscope (Olympus, CK40-32 PH, Japan), Laser irradiation (BioSpec LED 670-700 nm, Russia), ELISA-reader (BioTek, Synergy HT, USA), trypsin-EDTA solution, incubator (37 0C, 5% CO2) were used. The PDT was carried out using a diode laser generator apparatus (BioSpec LED, Russia) equipped with a halogen lamp, a band-pass filter (670-700 nm), and a fiber optics bundle. The wavelength was set at 670±1 nm. Duration of the light irradiation, under PDT treatment, is calculated taking into account the empirically found effective dose of light energy in J/cm2. Figure 1 shows micrographs from an optical microscope illustrating the morphological changes of A549 cells at different points of time after PDT.ResultsThe morphological changes for all tested photosensitizers were revealed by the same patterns, hence we have shown the morphological changes for compound 8 in this paper (Fig 1). Untreated A549 cells as a control did not show any significant morphological changes. The changes in the state and activity of cellular organelles induced by PDT were clearly observed after 3 h. PDT treatment against A549 cells induced plasma membrane disruption and cell shrinkage, indicating the plasma membrane as the main target for the photosensitizer: the membrane of A549 cells began to shrink immediately after PDT, and cell death processes commenced with cytoplasm leakage around the membrane for the first 3 h. After 24 h, the membrane had disintegrated, confirming the loss of cell viability.СоnclusionThe morphological changes were determined in 3 h, 24 h and 48 h after PDT. The bioactivity of 23 new photosensitizers was examined. Among them, 8 photosensitizers showed a promising effect for PDT, therefore, their in vitro biological results are displayed in this study. It was observed from the experimental results that the tested photosensitizers showed more promising effects for PDT or light toxicity. These photosensitizers inhibited more than 50% cells at 2.5 μM after 24 h. Untreated cells as control did not show any significant morphological changes. The PDT treatment cells induced to plasma membrane disruption and cell shrinkage. After 24 h of treatment the membrane was disintegrated, and confirmed the loss of cell viability.
2.Result of the treatment of certain eye diseases caused by adenovirus infection with normal immunoglobulin
Enhmaa Ts ; Tseveensuren Ts ; Sainjargal Z ; Sainchimeg B ; Oyunbileg J ; Uranchimeg D ; Lkhagvadolgor D
Mongolian Medical Sciences 2011;168(1):46-52
Background: In 1889, keratinocytes conjunctivitis with eruption in the form of Epidemic first was revealed by Fuchs and from 1995 it began to be diagnoses using the polymerase chain reaction. In our country annually about 11,850 patients visited the ophthalmology cabinet of the State Central Clinical Hospital, and from them 1290 cases or 10.89% were diagnosed to have viral infections, including 95% were sick of adenovirus infection, 3.7% had a herpes virus infection, 1,3% infection of other species respectively. At the international level of experience and research on the treatment of adenovirus conducted in a large circle, and immunoglobulin therapy has a high impact (P=0.0001, power 0.7599, ANOVA). In Mongolia, normal immunoglobulin is produced and widely uses to enhance immunity, but technological expertise and experiences on the use of immune globulin in ocular diseases caused by adenovirus infection had not been conducted yet.
Goal: To study the possibility to diagnose ocular diseases caused by adenovirus infection with laboratory method and use immunoglobulin in eye area.
Methods and materials: The investigation involved 50 patients aged 18-55 diagnosed with the infection of adenovirus. We took samples from eye conjunctiva, blood and stool of patients involved in the investigation and conducted a survey to identify adenovirus using the polymerase chain reaction. In this analysis it was used the diagnosing devise (Amply Sense Adenovirus – Eph) made in Russian Federation. Samples where the virus is detected were multiplied in Hep2 cell culture and viruses were abstracted. Linear cells Hep2 were made culture by methodology and recommendation from World Health Organization. Abstracted viruses were challenged in experimental rabbits by dropping it into their eyes or making injections. After rabbits became completely sick, they were divided into five groups and each had a different treatment. Statistical and analytical software used in the development of research. (SPSS,EPI-info8 STATA).
Results: Samples were taken from 50 people and made on them polymerase chain reaction analysis, at 43 (86%) of which were detected adenovirus: Viruses were found in 14(93%) of 15 samples taken from the eye, 12 (80%) of 15 samples taken from the blood, 17(85%) of 20 samples taken from the stool respectively. Sample with viruses was conducted the initial development and made culture in a linear cell Hep 2. Partial anesthesia were made on both eyes of 25 rabbits with use of Proparacaine Hydrochloride and infected them with adenovirus and after 7 days the following treatments were made dividing the rabbits in five groups so that each group has got five rabbits. (Treatment with interferon, ingavirin treatment against viruses, immunoglobulin drops, combined immunoglobulin drops jointly with ingavirin, immunoglobulin injection for combined with ingavirin). After infection eyes of rabbits with adenovirus and descending corneous phlegmon in their eyes, the symptom curing were observed on schedule at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14th days of each separate treatment group and calculated the average. On the 8th day after starting the treatment combined ingavirin with lg eye drop and treatment lg catarrh injection with ingavirin conducted in related groups, and on the 12th day of treatment with ingavirin, all the symptoms of infections were completely cured. Treatability of group treated with interferon after 14 days was 71 percent.
On the basis of the above indicators, we compared the most effective method of treatment with interferon treatment, which is currently in use, then developed a method of statistical significance of the study with indicator ANOVA and proved that the significance of the treatment is of P<0.05. As in the 8th day of the treatment, the symptoms of viral infection is completely eliminated, and at the 10th day is not detected any viruses, we can prove that the treatment of immune globulin effectively prevents the virus and is capable of neutralizing the virus.
1. The experiment shows that intravenous immunoglobulin therapy is an effective method against infection caused by adenovirus.
2. Since immunoglobulin counteracts the adenovirus, it has the opportunity to become a major application against inflammation caused by viruses and bacteria
3. Using of the drug against the virus with a combination of ingavirin has higher effectiveness than the use of only one immunoglobulin against adenovirus.
3.Identifying relation of anxiety and salivary cortisol among abused children
Altanzul Kh ; Munkhtulga G ; Tsend-Ayush A ; Oyunbileg O ; Jargal B ; Odkhuu E ; Khishigsuren Z
Innovation 2013;7(2):44-48
WHO informed that across world an average of 565 young people aged 10 to 29 die every day through interpersonal violence. Some studies mentioned that anxiety was most frequently occurred as one of the psychological consequences among victims of child abuse. Recent research on effects of adverse early life experiences on central nervous system as stress systems (hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis-HPA) has provided a greater understanding of the link between childhood abuse and susceptibility to anxiety disorder. Therefore, this research was done to study anxiety among abused adolescents, some physical parameters and level of cortisol in saliva.
There were selected 20 abused children and 40 non abused children aged between 11-16 years old and lived in Ulaanbaatar city. The Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale (SCAS; Spence, 1997) is a 38-item self-report questionnaire that assesses multiple symptoms of childhood anxiety disorders based on current diagnostic criteria. All participants were measured the cortisol in the saliva by Cortisol ELISA kit, Sigma,
Average age of all subjects in the study was 13.52±1.57 and 59% of them were female and 41% were male. All anxiety symptoms of case group was statistically significance higher (p<0.01) than control group. The average amount of salivary cortisol of case group was (18.65±7.08) statistically significantly lower (p<0.01) than average amount of control group (32.15±20.99).
Anxiety was more frequently occurred among abused children and blunted cortisol responses might indicate a level of impaired HPA functioning that could constitute a vulnerability to psychopathology with exposure to anxiety.
4. Identifying relation of anxiety and salivary cortisol among abused children
Altanzul KH ; Munkhtulga G ; Tsend-Ayush A ; Oyunbileg O ; Jargal B ; Odkhuu E ; Khishigsuren Z
Innovation 2013;7(2):44-48
WHO informed that across world an average of 565 young people aged 10 to 29 die every day through interpersonal violence. Some studies mentioned that anxiety was most frequently occurred as one of the psychological consequences among victims of child abuse. Recent research on effects of adverse early life experiences on central nervous system as stress systems (hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis-HPA) has provided a greater understanding of the link between childhood abuse and susceptibility to anxiety disorder. Therefore, this research was done to study anxiety among abused adolescents, some physical parameters and level of cortisol in saliva.There were selected 20 abused children and 40 non abused children aged between 11-16 years old and lived in Ulaanbaatar city. The Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale (SCAS; Spence, 1997) is a 38-item self-report questionnaire that assesses multiple symptoms of childhood anxiety disorders based on current diagnostic criteria. All participants were measured the cortisol in the saliva by Cortisol ELISA kit, Sigma, Average age of all subjects in the study was 13.52±1.57 and 59% of them were female and 41% were male. All anxiety symptoms of case group was statistically significance higher (p<0.01) than control group. The average amount of salivary cortisol of case group was (18.65±7.08) statistically significantly lower (p<0.01) than average amount of control group (32.15±20.99).Anxiety was more frequently occurred among abused children and blunted cortisol responses might indicate a level of impaired HPA functioning that could constitute a vulnerability to psychopathology with exposure to anxiety.
Oyunbileg J ; Batbayar B ; Odkhuu J ; Altantsetseg D
Innovation 2017;3(1):34-35
INNOVATION DENT • VOL. 3 • No.1 • Mar 2017 35
Odontogenic infection is defined as most dangerous inflammatory diseases in dental practice, it is believed that the cause of tooth decay disease and its complications currently a major cause of oral infections, or bacterial infection of the main sources of these diseases.
Between 2010-2011, odontogenic cellulitis in 21 patients were studied for aerobic and anaerobic bacteria by the Clinic bacterial laboratory in NCCD.
21 patients participated, were 10 men and 11 women with odontogenic cellulitis. Aerobic bacteria only were recovered in 3 (14%), anaerobic bacteria were recovered 8 (38%), mixed aerobic and anaerobic bacteria were recovered in 10 (48%).
A certain percentage of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria in odontogenic cellulitis shows simple space infection caused by aerobic bacteria, other complication of odontogenic cellulitis and multiple spaces infection caused by anaerobic and mixed bacterial infection. During dontogenic cellulitis determined high percentage of anaerobic and mixed bacterial infection, thus is our study have shown detection of anaerobic bacterial infection is important clinical significance in dental practice.
Zolzaya D ; Ser-Od Kh ; Batzorig B ; Nandin-Erdene O ; Oyunbileg N ; Davaalkham D
Innovation 2015;9(3):160-162
A school environment may cause positive effect upon health and healthy behavior, but also representmain factor for transfer of non-infectious diseases. Therefore, the issue of maintaining an appropriate environment in operations of training and educational institution would be considered as vital in every country of the world. In our country the solid waste hygienic conditions around children organizations represent one of actual problems. Through the research work was aimed to evaluate the state of solid waste at external environment of general educational institutions by the momentum model of analytical research and involving 103 state proprietary Educational Institutions of 9 districts. At developing estimation list of solid waste at external environment of schools were used current effective standards, resolutions and regulations. 88.3 percent of schools involved into research work had special solid waste-points and 11.7 percent had no special solid waste-points. 38.8 percent of solid waste-points were fenced from all sidesand 44.7 percent fenced from some sides and 16.5 percent had no fence in whole. The research of material from which was made a solid waste-keeping facility showed that 44.2 percent were made from metal, 2.3 percent from wood and 52.3 percent from brick. When we studied whether the solid waste-keeping facility is placed in distance of 25 meters from school according to standard,was determined that 71.8 percent were built according to the standard, 28.2 percent were allocated within 25 meters showing inconformity with the standard. During the research it has been detected that among schools 27.2 percent had too much solid waste-heap, 25.5 percent had placed no special recycle-bins on the school site and 13.6 percent conducted wrong activity by incinerating solid waste on the territory of school.2/3 or total 63 schools among Metropolitan state proprietary educational institutions has non- standard solid waste-keeping facility, 1/3 or 29 schools has located their solid waste-points in non- standard distance, there exists much solid waste-heap because of insufficient recycle-bins, absence of solid waste-points results in collection of solid waste in a special room inside of school and later its transportation with scavenger. Also, 13.6 percent or 14 schools are incinerating their solid waste within school site. This breeches effective hygienic norms and normative.
7.Detection of SARS-COV-2-S antibody in solid organ transplantation recipients of Mongolia after mRNA vaccination
Oyunbileg B ; Sarantsetseg J ; Bayan-Undur D
Health Laboratory 2021;14(2):17-22
The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus-2 has a major impact in solid organ transplant recipients and the effect of established mRNA based SARS-CoV-2 vaccines have to be evaluated for solid organ transplant patients (SOT) since they are known to have poor responses after vaccination.
We investigated the SARSCoV-2 immune response via SARS-CoV-2 S IgG detection in the serum of 17 renal transplant recipients and 11 liver transplant recipients after two doses of the mRNA based SARS-CoV-2 vaccine BNT162b2 following the standart protocol.
The median age was 52.5±12 years. Nineteen (67.8%) of the 28 patients were male, and 9 (32.2%) were female. The mean time after organ transplantation was 6.3±5 years (5 months-16 years). The immunosuppressive regimen included mycophenolate (19 of 28; 67.8%), tacrolimus (27 of 28; 96.4%), and corticosteroids (15 of 28; 53.6%).
The antibody response was evaluated once with an anti- SARS-CoV-2-S IgG CLIA (Elecsys Roche, Germany) 30±2 days after the second dose. Only 19 of 28 (67.8%) SOTRs were tested positive for SARS-CoV-2-S IgG after the second dose of vaccine and median titer was 119.5±106.4 Н/мл.
Thus, the humoral response of SOTRs after two doses of the mRNA based SARS-CoV-2 vaccine BNT162b2 is impaired. Individual vaccination strategies and third dose of vaccine might be beneficial in these vulnerable patients.
8.Impact of HLA-A-B-DR matching in kidney transplantation: Graft and patient survival in 5-year experiences
Sarantsetseg J ; Oyunbileg B ; Odgerel D ; Narandulam B ; Batbaatar G ; Munkhbat B
Health Laboratory 2019;9(1):5-11
Kidney transplantation has being performed in Mongolia since 2006. However
there is currently no published data available on long-term graft and patient survival.
Our aim was to assess the long-term graft and patient survival rate correlation with HLA-A-B-DR matching.
We retrospectively analyzed data from 70 adult kidney transplants performed at
our hospital from August 2006 through January 2014. The data was retrospectively collected
from patient files, including characteristics of the recipient and donor, post transplant features
and HLA-A-B-DR DNA based typing results. The Kaplan-Meier method was used to analyze
graft and patient survival.
The mean patient follow-up period after kidney transplantation was 39,6±25.9
months, and the mean kidney graft follow-up period was 36.6±23.7 months for 70 cases.
Overall graft and patient survivals were 52 (74.3%) and 60 (85.7%) respectively in 70 cases.
Five-year graft and patient survivals were 23 (67.6%) and 29 (85.3%) respectively in 34
cases. The group with four to six mismatched were found to have a significantly lower 3 and
5-year graft and patient survival (71%; 35%); (80%; 40%) compared to 0 to 1 mismatched
group (100%) (p=.030; p=.015). Furthermore we analyzed the association of HLA matching,
immunosuppressive therapy and long-term graft survival. We selected CNI mono-therapy
group for long-term survival analysis and observed a similar pattern. In mono-therapy group,
the group with four to six mismatched were found to have a significantly lower 3 and 5-year
graft and patient survival (75%; 30%); (65%; 30%) compared to 0 to 1 mismatched group
(100%) (p=.037; p=.001).
The results showed that graft and patient survival rates were lower compared
with results from established centers. Statistically highly significant effect of HLA matching on
kidney graft and patient survival rates was found in our analysis. Five years after
transplantation the graft survival rate of first adult kidney transplant with 4-6MM was 65-70%
lower than that of grafts with 0-1MM. Longitudinal cohort study needed in the future to exhibit
an improved transplantation outcome.
9.De-novo anti-DQ antibodies as a risk factor for kidney allograft failure
Sarantsetseg J ; Oyunbileg B ; Оdgerel D ; Narandulam B ; Batbaatar G ; Munkhbat B
Health Laboratory 2019;9(1):33-38
De-novo donor and non-donor specific antibodies could be detrimental to
the kidney allograft. Kidney transplantation has being performed in Mongolia since 2006.
However there is currently no published data available on post-transplant de-novo
antibodies and long-term graft survival. Our aim was to determine immunosuppressive
drug through level, its combination, de-novo HLA antibodies and its influence on graft
survival in different immunosuppressive protocols.
We analyzed data from 56 adult first kidney transplant recipients at our hospital
from August 2006 to May 2013. We determined the level of tacrolimus, cyclosporine A,
and the presence of pre and post-transplant anti-HLA antibodies.
Post-transplant follow up period was 1-8 years. Mean recipient age on
transplantation was 33.9±9.1 years. Male 45 (80.4%). Cadaver donor kidney was 5 (8.9%).
Mean donor age on transplantation was 39.98±11.13 years. Rejection occurrence was 12(21.4%). Tacrolimus and cyclosporine A through levels were 3-12.8ng/ml and 65-
324ng/ml respectively. Anti-HLA class I antibodies were detected in 17.9% of pretransplantation (n=10) and in 23.2% of post-transplantation (n=13) cases respectively
(p=0.607). On the other hand, anti-HLA class II antibodies were detected in 5.4% of pretransplantation (n=3) and in 33.9% of post-transplantation (n=19) cases (p=0,001). We
determined anti-HLA class II antibody specificity. Anti-DQ, DR, DP antibodies were 25% (
n=14), 14.3% ( n=8) and 7.1% ( n=4) respectively on all 56 cases. Two (3.6%) patients’
samples were positive on three loci of HLA class II. Six patient samples (10.7%) were
positive on two loci. Nine (64.3%) of anti-DQ positive patients have rejected their grafts
and begun hemodialysis treatment. All 9 graft rejected recipients were anti-HLA DQ
positive and had taken cyclosporine mono-therapy for the first year after transplantation.
The presence of de-novo anti-HLA class II antibodies, especially de-novo anti-DQ were significantly increased on cyclosporine mono-therapy group following transplantation and negatively affected kidney graft survival. The blood through level of cyclosporine was very variable. The graft survival was better in standard triple regimen.
Therefore, it is essential to monitor immunosuppressive drug combinations with drug blood level and anti-DSA antibodies as well as to manage antibody removal therapies such as therapeutic plasma exchange, intravenous immunoglobulin and Rituximab therapy on time. HLA –DQ-DP antigen determination is important for the kidney transplantation.
10.Circulation of enteroviruses among healthy children under 5 years of age and clinical features of infection
Ariuntugs S ; Ankhmaa B ; Tuguldur B ; Altanchimeg S ; Altantsetseg D ; Sarangua G ; Oyunbileg J ; Ichinkhorloo B
Mongolian Medical Sciences 2019;189(3):40-49
Major outbreaks of infectious diseases caused by enteroviruses (EV) have been reported in recent
years. As of 2017, in Mongolia, hand, foot and mouth disease, or HFMD, accounts for 13.7% of all infectious diseases. The purpose of this study was to investigate the circulation of EV among healthy children, and clinical characteristics of infection.
Materials and Methods :
The analysis of EV circulation was conducted on Polio Laboratory data of 1172 specimens, collected in
2013-2018, from 9 districts of UB and 21 provinces of Mongolia. Also specimens of 239 patients, who
underwent outpatient and inpatient treatment at the NCCD in 2014-2018, were randomly selected and
stool samples were collected. Clinical symptoms of patients were analyzed and virus isolation analysis
was performed in order to confirm the diagnosis.
Children from 1 month of age to 5 years have participated in the study and the average age was 2 years and 5 months. The enterovirus rate among healthy children was 20.1%. Virus circulation rate was highest in 2013 (37.2%), lowest in 2014 (11.8%). The peak of circulation is observed in May and October, while the minimum rate is in July.
Out of selected patients 52.7% (n=126) were diagnosed with HFMD, rash infection occurred in 28.5%
(n=68), acute flaccid paralysis-18.8% (n=45). EV was detected in 56.4% (n=135) of the collected stool
Children from 1 month of age to 5 years have participated in the study and the average age was 2 years and 5 months (95% CI:2.5 ±0.1). 49% (n=578) of participants were female, 50.7% (n=594) were male. The enterovirus rate among healthy children were 20.1% (n=236; 95% CI: 20.1 ± 0.55). Virus circulation rate was highest in 2013 (37.2%), lowest in 2014 (11.8%). The peak of circulation is observed in May and October, while the minimum rate is in July. Although the enterovirus isolation rate was relatively high among children under 3, there was no statistically significant difference (p>0.05), as well as there was no difference in gender (p>0.05). As for the EV circulation by region, the highest prevalence rate is found in Central region (27.5%), while the lowest is in the Eastern region (12.7%) with no statistical significance by regions (p>0.05).
Among children, HFMD is a common disease, that caused by EV. Enterovirus infection can often cause
fever, flu like symptoms as well as spotted, maculopapular rash. The EV isolation rate of 20.1% indicates
that the incidence of enterovirus is characterized by symptoms of influenza-like illness or is asymptomatic.