1.Publication Overview of Sumbe Khamba Ishbaljir and Wonder of his Mindset
Oyun-Erdene B ; Bold SH ; Bolor B ; Ankhtsatsral L ; Ankhtuya P
Mongolian Medical Sciences 2014;170(4):68-72
Introduction: It is significant to translate medical texts having a beginning source of Ayurveda and identifyMongolian doctors, maaramba’s works and books on prescription as well as treatment methods that meetour culture, living condition and climate. Especially, we should clarify the new ideas includes innovatedtheories, which became paradigm not only Traditional Mongolian Medicine but also in Tibetan Medicine.Thus, it has become important to introduce and use in the training for students and practitioners the “FourAmbrosia Essences” and “Dictionary of Drug Identification” by Sumbe Khamba Ishbaljir (1704-1788).Goal: The aim of this study is to investigate “Four Ambrosia Essences” and “Dictionary of Drug Identificationby Sumbe Khamba Ishbaljir and to clarify the new idea of theory and treatment methods created by him.Materials and Method: “Source of Spring” (བདདུ ་ར་ིྩ ཆ་ུ རནུྱྒ ), “White Dew of Spring” (བདདུ ་ར་ིྩ ཟལི ་དཀར), “Drop of Spring”(བདདུ ་ར་ིྩ ཐགི ་པ), “Wedding of Spring” (བདདུ ་ར་ིྩ དགའ་སནོྟ ” by the Sumbe Khamba Ishbaljir were the main materials in thisstudy. In addition, we used to take some sort of sources and manuscripts that related to our studies andcomparative historical method, analysis and synthesis method were used in the studies.Results: According to resources we found, Sumbe khamba Ishbaljor detailed a number of new theoreticaland practical concepts which were never or seldom mentioned in The Four Medical Tantras, in his bookRashaany Dusal (“Drop of Spring”). He expanded the list of common diseases from three wind (khii), bile(shar), phlegm (badgan) to 6 (wind, bile, phlegm, blood, yellow fluid (shar us), nyan or khorkhoi (virus andbacteria) and prescribed treatments for each of them. In addition, he established a concept of 10 importantdiseases and gave them satiric names making them easy to read and understand as well as taught theways to treat them.Ishbaljir developed the traditional medicine and made a reform in it by the discovery of three more causesof diseases blood, bile us and bacteria in addition to the existing causes wind, bile and phlegm. His theorywas that disease causes are wind, bile, phlegm, blood, yellow fluid, and bacteria or virus individually and\or combined. Wind, bile, phlegm, blood, yellow fluid, and bacteria or virus called as diseases. Ishbaljir’sconcept of bacteria duplicates that of some Noble Prize laureates. At the beginning of the 20 century, anAustralian scholar Barry J. Marshall and J. Robin Warren won the Noble Prize for their discovery of the“Bacterium Helicobacter pylori and its role in gastritis and peptic ulcer disease” in 2005.Conclusions:1. Sumbe Khamba Ishbaljir expanded the list of common diseases from 3 wind (khii), bile (shar), phlegm(badgan) to 6 (wind, bile, phlegm, blood, yellow fluid (shar us), nyan or khorkhoi (virus and bacteria)and prescribed treatments for each of them.2. Sumbe Khamba Ishbaljir established a concept of 10 important diseases and gave them satiric namesmaking them easy to read and understand as well as taught the ways to treat them.3. The Four Medical Tantras did not mention stomach bacteria. It is pity that Sumbe Khamba Ishbaljirfound out the stomach bacteria disease in the 18th century.
2.Some results of the study on morbidity of gastrointestinal infectious diseases among population of soums in Selenge River Basin
Nyamsuren L ; Oyun-Erdene O ; Tuya E ; Dorjkhand B ; Erdenechimeg E ; Burmaajav B ; Bolormaa I
Mongolian Medical Sciences 2015;171(1):30-35
INTRODUCTION:Waterborne diseases, especially diarrhea, related to water quality and safety, personal sanitation and hygienehave been still reported very high in developing countries. Globally, there are an estimated 1.4 million casesof hepatitis A every year. The hepatitis A virus is transmitted through ingestion of contaminated food and wateror through direct contact with an infectious person. Hepatitis A is associated with a lack of safe water and poorsanitation [2].Dysentery is bloody diarrhea, i.e. any diarrheal episode in which the loose or watery stools contain visiblered blood. Dysentery is most often caused byShigella species (bacillary dysentery) or Entamoeba histolytica(amoebic dysentery) [3].Kharaa and Orkhon River are tributaries of the Selenge River-basin, in which many mining and other industries,agriculture, and residential areas reside. It has become a one pollutant factor for water of the Kharaa andOrkhon rivers. As a result, water of the Tuul, Kharaa and Orkhon River was reported to be highly contaminated(Mongolian Human Development Report 2010: Water and Development report) [4].GOAL:The aim of the research was to study incidence of gastrointestinal infectious diseases among population ofsoums are located in Selenge River Basin.MATERIALS AND METHODS:Data on health statistics 2009-2013 years of gastrointestinal infectious diseases, including dysentery, diarrhea,hepatitis A virus and others, were collected and analyzed.RESULTS:Incidence of dysentery was registered highly among people who live in Mandal soums in 2009-2013 years. Butincidence of dysentery (per 10 000 population 2.82) among population ofMandal soum lower than the Selengeprovince and National average. Incidence of hepatitis A virus was registered highly among people who livein Orkhon (74.46), Orkhontuul (48.86) soums and it was greater than 1.3-2 times than the Selenge provinceaverage. Incidence of diarrhea was registered highly among people who live in Khushaat soum and it wasgreater than 2.18-3.8 times the than Selenge province averageCONCLUSION:Incidences of diarrhea and hepatitis A virus were registered highly in Orkhon, Orkhotuul and Khushaat soumscompared to other target soums and it was greater than 1.3-3.8 times than the Selenge province average.Especially, these diseases were registered highly among 0-16 aged children.
3.Study of knowledge, attitude and practice (kap) of population on climate change, Mongolia, 2010-2012
Suvd B ; Oyun-Erdene O ; Otgonbayar D ; Narantungalag G ; Tsolmonbayar G ; Enkhtuya P ; Burmaajav B
Mongolian Medical Sciences 2012;162(4):54-61
BackgroundClimate change, as defined by the United Nations Convention on Climate Change, is a “Change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and is observed over time”. In 2001 an Initial Communication on Climate Change was prepared by the Government as part of its obligations under the UNFCCC. One of its recommendations was for “creating public awareness among a wide range of stakeholders including public, private and community sector organizations”. GoalThe main goal of the study was to develop recommendations and measures on prevention from diseases and adaptation to climate change by assessing knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of population towards climate change. Based on the main goal the following objectives were setup. Therefore addressing the different levels of knowledge and types of attitudes and practices people have towards climate change must initially be dealt with at the local level where site specific variations can be accounted for. Once research has been undertaken at the local level it can later inform decisions and policy at the regional, continental and global levels on how to incorporate site specific variations with in the greater context of the global threat.Objectives:1. To determine knowledge and attitude of population towards climate change;2. To determine practice of population on some adverse consequences of climate change;3. To develop recommendations and measures on prevention from and adaptation to climate change;Materials and MethodsThe study was at once carried out by means of questionnaire. In order to assess KAP of population, the data was collected using a card with 38 questions in three chapters which previously produced and ratified. The questionnaire was structured into 4 sections; demographics, knowledge, attitudes and practices. Two sums in an aimag from each climate zone of Mongolia were selected. In total, 2258 respondents aged 15 to 64 were involved from eight sums in four aimags (Zavkhan, Selenge, Dornod and Umnugovi), and two districts in Ulaanbaatar. The study data was input to computer using EPIDATA-3.6 software and statistically analyzed using SPSS-18.0 software.ResultsA total of 2258 individuals were interviewed. 44.1% 44.1% (995) of the participants was residents of Ulaanbaatar city and remained percentages accounted for residents living in the center of aimags and soums. 56.7% (1281) of participants were women and 43.3% (977) were men aged with 35.2±15.1 in average. Most of the study participants had educated with medium level (34.8%) and high level (30.0%). Employment percentage is 47.5% (1073). However, most respondents interpreted the meaning of climate change as “a change in weather,” “a change in normal climate conditions,” or “a change in temperature” – answers that requires more common sense than climate change savvy. Global warming is one of the evident of climate change. To know study participants awareness about climate change we used terminology of global warming. 25.3% (571) of the total participants answered that climate change revealed by the overheating or warming earth surface. 42.4% of the respondents answered the climate change could affect to health, 33.2% to environment and 16.3% to economy. 84.5% (1908) of the study participants agreed with that climate change has been started. Most of them (71.3%, 1824) allowed that people’s improper use of nature tend to global warming. When ranging the protection practices during the strong storm means of timbering the houses or gers accounted for 42.5% (960). Study participants supported the following activities; 41.2% (931) agreed that is it necessary to increase health services and 34.1% (769) suggested that it is better to enhance training and propagation for increasing awareness of population about climate change adaptation procedures and some information on climate changes and protection events. 85.2% (1923) of the study participants answered that they want to get the information on climate change from public TV.ConclusionsAlthough knowledge on global warming as the climate change was poor among the respondents, they agreed the climate change has already been started worldwide as well as in Mongolia. Only half of the respondents have had practice to prevent themselves from natural disaster.
4.The study of androgen receptor gene cag and ggn polymorphism in relation with androgen status
Munkhtogtokh J ; Buyankhuu T ; Tuul B ; Oyun-Erdene R ; Munkhtsetseg J
Mongolian Medical Sciences 2013;166(4):6-8
Background: Discrepancies in the sensitivity to biological effects of the androgens, exerted through the binding of the hormone to the androgen receptor (AR), may also be involved in the inter-individual variation of T as well as in age related decline. The human androgen receptor (AR), located on chromosome Xq11-12, is a transcription factor regulating the development of male reproductive organs in the fetus and secondary sex characteristics at puberty in response to testosterone (T) and 5a-dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The AR contains two polymorphic regions, the (CAG)nCAA repeat encoding polyglutamine, and the (GGT)3GGG(GGT)2(GGC)n repeat encoding polyglycine, commonly referred to as the CAG and GGN repeats respectively. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of the human androgen receptor genes CAG and GGN repeat polymorphisms in relation with androgen level.Materials and Methods: Sample collection: 180 male, the medical data of these volunteers were obtained and determined some androgen hormones at first phase of study in 2010-2011 (total testosterone (TT), free testosterone (FT) and bioavailable testosterone (BAT)). To determine CAG/GGN repeats length in exon of androgen receptor gene, using frozen serum as a source of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). DNA was extracted from blood samples (200 ml) using High PurePCR Template Preparation Kits.Results: The 180 men whose age is at least 40 were involved in our research and their average age was 55.1±10.3. The 46.7% (84) of the participants presents CAG gene, the 6.1% (11) of the participants presents GGN gene while the 25.5% (46) of the participants presents both CAG and GGN genes. However, the 21.7% of 39 men not presents CAG and GGN genes.Conclusion: The free testosterone level was significantly decreasing with aging. However, the appearance of CAG gene polymorphism was significantly higher in more aged people. Decline of free testosterone level in participants with CAG and [CAG+GGN] combined form was stronger than in people with GGN gene polymorphism and CAG, GGN both undetected people. But the level of bioavailable testosterone was decreasing with aging and the appearance of CAG gene polymorphism (r=-0.425, p=0.01) and [CAG+GGN] combined form (r=-0.491, p=0.028) was also increasing.
5. The study results of correlation between levels of contamination of Kharaa and Orkhon river’s water and rate of gastorintestinal infectious disease of people who live near to Selenge river basin
Nyamsuren L ; Oyun-Erdene O ; Tuya E ; Dorjkhand B ; Burmaajav B ; Bolormaa I ; Erdenechimeg E
Innovation 2015;9(2):44-48
In recent years, many researches that is related to waterborne diseases, especially diarrhea and water quality, safety, personal sanitation, hygiene have been conducting in developing country. Kharaa and Orkhon river are tributaries of the Selenge river basin and the many industries,agriculture, mining, provinces, soums are located in the near of Selenge river basin. Also Tuul,Kharaa and Orkhon river water is very polluted (Mongolian human Development Report 2010: Water and Development report).The aim of the research is to study correlation between to Kharaa and Orkhon river’s water pollution level and rate of gastrointestinal infectious diseases of people who live in the near of Selenge river basin.We analysed Kharaa and Orkhon river’s water quality and statistical data of gastrointestinal infectious diseases (such as dysentery, diarrhea, hepatitis A virus and others). Then we conducted correlation analysis between to river water pollution level and rate of intestinal infectious diseases. Kharaa and Orkhon river’s water was determined “less polluted” by physical, chemical andorganic indicators. But total number of bacteria was determined highly and Proteus vulgaris,Citrobacter freundi, Enterobacter agglomerans pathogens were detected in these river’s water. There were significant positive correlations between level of nitrit in river water and incidence of dysentery and diarrhea. (r=0.38, p=0.022; r=0.291, p=0.005).
6. Study of practical significance the first embrace
Otgontugs L ; Bolortuya B ; Oyun-Erdene L ; Saruul P ; Urnaa T ; Enkhtuya T ; Shatar SH
Innovation 2016;10(2):32-36
The Western Pacific Region have the highest neonatal mortality rate of any country in the world. It has 37 countries and areas with approximately 1.8 billion people which comprises one-fourth of the total world population. The First Embrace It is care for all mothers and newborn infants. The components of the First Embrace are immediate and thorough dying, appropriately timed clamping and cutting of the cord, skin to skin contact and initiating exclusive breastfeeding for all newborns. Aim: First embrace and Early Essential Neonatal Care the importance of infant seeks to to learn some of the problems faced by identifying the skills of medical personnel. We were conducted in this study by a cross sectional questionnaire in order to assess the knowledge, attitude and practices of healthcare providers about essential newborn care and administrated a structured questionnaire to evaluate instruments and materials of the maternity wards.Skin to skin contact and a mother first embrace is the beginning of a healthy life is to reduce the newborn mortality. And the first embrace is improves the children’s immunity. We determined urgent problems for EENC including a lack of maternal health education, inadequate salaries for health care providers, a lack of essential medicines and commodities for birth preparation and numbers of health care providers delivering neonatal intensive care are increased due to the stillbirth rate has increased dramatically year by year.The first embrace is important to reduce neonatal mortality rate and 92.0% of all participants have the enough experiences for the first embrace care and 80.3% of all participants for the EENC.
7.Carbon monoxide poisoning, 2016-2020, Mongolia
Oyun-Erdene O ; Suvd B ; Buuveidulam A ; Narantuya Kh ; Bataa Ch ; Burmaajav B
Mongolian Medical Sciences 2021;196(2):46-54
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless gas produced by carbon-containing substances, most
commonly incomplete fuel and biomass combustion. Carbon monoxide deprives the human body
of oxygen, leads to severe poisoning and death. In 2017, there were 137 new cases of carbon
monoxide poisoning per 1,000,000 people worldwide, and 4.6 deaths per 1,000,000. The global
incidence of carbon monoxide poisoning has remained steady over the previous 25 years, while
mortality has decreased by 36-40%. Every year in Mongolia, 700-840 persons are hospitalized for
carbon monoxide poisoning. Also, there has been a lack of study into the prevalence and causes of
carbon monoxide poisoning and death.
Study the dynamics of morbidity and mortality cases caused by carbon monoxide poisoning in
To analyze the carbon monoxide poisoning morbidity recorded in Mongolia between 2016-2020.
To analyze the carbon monoxide poisoning mortality reported in Mongolia between 2016-2020.
Material and Methods:
The survey was conducted utilizing data from outpatient and inpatient poisoning and deaths reported
in 2016-2020 with the goal of studying carbon monoxide poisoning and mortality in Mongolia.
Workplace exposure poisoning was excluded from quantitative data on carbon monoxide poisoning
(fires, suicidal, accidental and domestic explosions, accidents, external effects).The statistics analysis
was performed using 23 versions of the SPSS program, to estimate a distribution of new cases
and fatalities per 10,000 population depended on age, sex, average number of hospital days, and
standard error. ArcGIS version 10.8 was used to map the locations.
Acute carbon monoxide poisoning. Carbon monoxide poisoning was 0.01-0.31 cases per 10,000
population during 2016 and 2018. Between 2019 and 2020, it increased to 1.5-1.9 cases per 10,000
population, with up to 37% of those admitted to hospitals. In the last five years, carbon monoxiderelated deaths have been reported in 0.1-0.3 cases per 10,000 population. The amount of hours firing
of the households increases every year in September, when the colder season begins. Incidences
of death and intentional poisoning were reported in Arkhangai, Uvurkhangai, Khuvsgulaimags, and
Ulaanbaatar. The average age of poisoning patients admitted to the hospital was 33 ± 19.5 years old
(minimum 2 months, maximum 81). In terms of gender, women registered for 58.4 (734) percent of
all cases. The average number of days spent in the hospital was 3.4± 3.7 days.
Carbon monoxide poisoning-related mortality. During the previous five years (2016-2020), 353 people
died in Mongolia as a result of carbon monoxide poisoning, although 1.4 percent, or five people, died
in hospitals, one case in Bayan-Ulgii, Zavkhan, and Uvs aimags, and two cases in Ulaanbaatar.
However, 98.6 percent of them died prematurely at home or in poisoned places due to a lack of
access to health care. The average age of carbon monoxide poisoning deaths cases was 35 ± 19.9
years old, and 71.7 (253) percent were male. The Ulaanbaatar, Selenge, Uvs, and Dornod aimags
had the lowest death rate of 0.08-0.21 per 10,000 population, while Khuvsgul and Arkhangai aimags
had the highest death rate of 0.96-1.57 per 10,000 population.
Carbon monoxide poisoning among the population rises during the winter season, however, in the
previous five years, 96.5 percent of cases have been poisoned accidentally, particularly 82.6 (1035)
percent of cases reported in Ulaanbaatar. According to socioeconomic factors, 41.6 (529) of the
cases were male, with an average age of 36.5±15.4 years.
During the preceding five years, carbon monoxide-related mortality in Mongolia was between 0.2 per
10,000 people. Without medical attention, 99.2% of cases died at the exposed location or area. The
death rate in Khuvsgul aimags was low, whereas it was high in Ulaanbaatar city. The average age of
premature deaths was 35±19.9 years, and 71.7 (253) percent were male.
8.The result of measured household indoor air quality, Ulaanbaatar, 2020
Oyun-Erdene O ; Tsegmed S ; Buuveidulam A ; Bolor B ; Bataa Ch ; Narantuya D ; Suvd B
Mongolian Medical Sciences 2020;194(4):74-83
Beginning 15 May 2019, the consumption of raw coal in Ulaanbaatar has been replaced by the
consumption of briquette fuel for the improvement of air quality according to Governmental Resolution
No.62 adopted in 2018. Since after this resolution has been in placed the number of CO poisoning
has been increased as of 18 December 2019, nine persons were died and 1394 people get a health
care service due to CO poisoning. However, it has been not been assessed briquette affect to the
indoor air quality and its health impact. Thus, it is need urge to define the indoor air quality effect of
briquette and its heath impact.
To assess the indoor air quality of the household using the “improved briquette” and identify the
causes of the risk.
Material and Method:
This a cross-sectional survey, conducted from January 31, 2020 to April 31, 2020, data were obtained
by quantitative, qualitative (observation, interview) and direct indoor air quality measurement. The
survey sampling frame was 40 households in central 6 districts of Ulaanbaatar that used improved
fuels (20 households with a history of carbon monoxide poisoning and 20 households that were not
affected), and 14 households in the Nalaikh district that used raw coal, in total of 54 households were
participated. Indoor air quality was measured by PM2.5, PM10, CO, SO2, NO2, and microclimate per
household for 24 hours during a week.
The statistical data analysis was done by the SPSS-23 program and preformed required parametric
and non-parametric tests. The normality of the data was checked by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test.
The most of data was not normally distributed. So, thus we used median and used relevant non-parametric tests. The average level of microclimate indicators, and air quality indicators were defined
as mean, median and its IQR and standard deviation. The 95% confidence intervals of mean and
frequencies were determined and used to differentiate group differences.
The Ethical permission to start the survey was approved by the 2nd meeting of the Ministry of Health
on February 4, 2020. The committee was reviewed and approved the research methodology based on
whether data collection technique and tools are considered the ethical issues, and whether provided
accurate information for make decisions to enroll to the survey for respondents.
According to the health statistic, from October 2, 2019 to March 31, 2020, a total of 2,768 people from 837 households were exposed to carbon monoxide poisoning. Of the total reported cases, 10 were
drunk, and 2 were due to other disease complications, and a total of 2,756 cases were confirmed
diagnosis as carbon monoxide poisoning.
Emissions of CO were recorded every 15 seconds and the results were calculated by conducting
continuous measurements per household for 24 hours a week. The level of CO emitted into the
indoor environment of households exposed by carbon monoxide had increased during the following
time from 7 am to 9 am in the morning, from 13 pm to 15 pm, from 18 pm to 20 pm in the evening, and
from 22 pm to 24 pm at night. During this period of time, the indoor air CO level had increased from
the WHO mild poisoning recommendation level.
It has been defined that the carbon monoxide emits to the indoor air households which are using an
improved fuel according to measurement the 30 minutes, 31-60 minutes, and 61-120 minutes after
9.Hematological changes in peripheral blood of patient with covid-19 infection reported in Mongolia
Amgaa B ; Baldauren S ; Oyun-Erdene S ; Enkhjargal O
Health Laboratory 2020;12(2):15-22
According to CDC guideline, common changes in patient admitted due to pneumonia caused by COVID-19 are lymphopenia (63%), leukocytosis (24-30%), leukopenia (19-25%). Neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), lymphocyte-monocyte ratio (LMR), thrombocyte-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) are important to evaluate prognosis of infectious diseases as well as cancer.
Hematological tests are important for diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of patient with COVID-19. Our study objective was to determine the changes of leukocyte, lymphocyte, thrombocyte, NLR, LMR, and PLR in imported cases of COVID-19 into Mongolia.
The data such as age, gender, and laboratory test of a total of 249 cases who admitted to National Center forCommuncable Diseases (NCCD) from March 11 to July 20, 2020 was collected from information system of clinical laboratory of NCCD. Peripheral blood tests were conducted by XN 550 which is fully automated hematological analizator of Sysmex corporation, Japan. Statistical analysis such as mean, standard deviation, probability range was done by Microsoft Excel SPSS -25 program.
Regarding to gender, 163 (66.5%) were male and 86 (34.5%) were female. Mean age was 26 with range age of 11-80. Statistic analysis on leukocyte (mean 6.38 x 109/L; P <0.000), thrombocyte (mean 283 x 109/L P <0.000), neutrophil (mean 3.33 x 109L; P <0.000), lymphocyte {mean 2.3 x 109/L; P <0.000), NLR (mean 1.6, P <0.000), PLR parameter (mean 141.8 P <0.000> were revealed. Leukopenia (<3.98) were in 17 (6.8%), leukocytosis (>10.0) were in 11 (4.4%) cases. Lymphopenia (<1.18) were in 14 (5.6%), lymphocytosis (>3.74) were in 14 (5.6%) cases. Thrombocytosis (>369) were in 21 (8,4%), thrombocytopenia (<163) were in 4(1.6%) cases. Neutropenia (<1.56) were in 14 (5.6%) neutrophilia (>6.13) were in 15 (6%). The rest 220 (88.3%) cases have been determined no changes. PLR were 141.8 ±88.6, NLR were in 1.29 ±1.26 in 249 cases. Increased NLR and decreased PLR were in 10 (4.0%) and 114 (45.7%); increased PLR and decreased PLR in 31 (12.4%) and 28 (11.2%), respectively.
Our result which is leukocytosis in 4.4%, leukopenia in 6.8%, lymphopenia in 5.6% of all imported eases ol"CO\ 1D-W. are similar to other studies. However, percentage of changes were lower than similar studies due to low rate of severe cases. It suggests, further studies clinical stages and severity of the infection need to be conducted.
10.Research on kidney disease in the scriptures
Gunjidmaa G ; Narkhand A ; Khaliunaa S ; Oyun-Erdene B ; Tuul Kh
Mongolian Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2022;21(2):23-26
Kidney disease is common in our country due to the four seasons and harsh climate. This article is discussed about the kidney health, causes, pathology and kidney on the relationship of other organs in traditional medicine.
The study was processed using analysis and synthesis methods.
1. The root nature of the five vital organs are included in the yang character organs which hot nature qualities in five elements. However, some of the five vital organs will be under the influence of that place, as they will be located in the place of the “badgan”, in the place of the “mkhris”, and in the place of the “rlung”.
2. Kidney disease is usually caused by falling from a height, hit and injured, lifting heavy things, jogging and twisting your back uncomfortably, sit for a long time in a damp place, water events excess, eating too sweets that are heavy and cold qualities. In medical practice, kidney disease is accompanied by heart disease and liver disease.
In according to traditional medicine main theory, kidneys are a solid vital organ that generates heat and warms the lower body because of the high blood flow through its, on the other hand they are cold character which are in the place of the “rlung”. The kidneys are functionally closely related to other organs therefore, to get sick the effects of disease on other organs.