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Author:(Oya Ovunc KURDAS)

1.Red Cell Distribution Width: A Novel Marker of Activity in Inflammatory Bowel Disease.

Atakan YESIL ; Ebubekir SENATES ; Ibrahim Vedat BAYOGLU ; Emrullah Duzgun ERDEM ; Refik DEMIRTUNC ; Ayse Oya KURDAS OVUNC

Gut and Liver 2011;5(4):460-467

2.A Lower Serum Gamma-Glutamyltransferase Level Does Not Predict a Sustained Virological Response in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Genotype 1.

Fatih GUZELBULUT ; Mesut SEZIKLI ; Zuleyha Akkan CETINKAYA ; Selvinaz OZKARA ; Can GONEN ; Ayse Oya Kurdas OVUNC

Gut and Liver 2013;7(1):74-81

3.Efficacy of the Combination of Tetracycline, Amoxicillin, and Lansoprazole in the Eradication of Helicobacter pylori in Treatment-Naive Patients and in Patients Who Are Not Responsive to Clarithromycin-Based Regimens: A Pilot Study.

Mesut SEZIKLI ; Zuleyha Akkan CETINKAYA ; Fatih GUZELBULUT ; Atakan YESIL ; Mustafa Erhan ALTONOZ ; Nuriye ULU ; Ayse Oya OVUNC KURDAS

Gut and Liver 2012;6(1):41-44

4.The Relationship between Quiescent Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Peripheral Polyneuropathy.

Zuleyha Akkan CETINKAYA ; Yilmaz CETINKAYA ; Mehmet GENCER ; Mesut SEZIKLI ; Hulya TIRELI ; Oya Ovunc KURDAS ; Kayihan ULUC ; Onder US ; Tulin TANRIDAG

Gut and Liver 2011;5(1):57-60

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