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Author:(On LIM)

1.Hypertensive Crisis

Lim Kruy

Cambodian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery 2012;14(1):36-43

2.Reducing Stigma Towards People With Mental Illness In Malaysia

Lim Sheri

ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry 2015;16(2):1-4

3.Antibiotic Stewardship

Victor Lim

International e-Journal of Science, Medicine and Education 2012;6(supp1):S75-S79

4.Diagnosis and management of depression in terminal cancer

Leslie LIM

Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare 2007;16(2):88-96

6.Outcome of Delayed Decompression Surgery for Cauda Equina Syndrome secondary to Lumbar Disc Herniation: A Case Report

Lim SM

The International Medical Journal Malaysia 2019;18(2):113-116

7.Changing trends in informed consent

Victor Lim

International e-Journal of Science, Medicine and Education 2014;8(1):3-7

10.Leptospirosis: a re-emerging infection


The Malaysian Journal of Pathology 2011;33(1):1-5

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