To collect the basic data for the health management of Korean farmers, we investigated physique factors, physical fitness, and cold resistance (by digital vascular hunting reaction during finger immersion in cold water), and examined their correlations in 74 subjects. In men, the stronger the digital vascular hunting reaction was the higher the physical fitness levels. For women, however, the motility of those who showed stronger digital vascular hunting reactions appeared worse. The correlation between physique and hunting reaction appeared weak in men but in women the hunting reaction of obese subjects was stronger than that of slender subjects. Agewise, men in their 30s, 40s and 50s who were short and slim appeared to have better cold-resistance. The men in their 60s who were broad-hipped had better cold-resistance, and the relation between physical fitness and hunting reaction appeared to be negative. In contrast, the women in their 30s whose subcutaneous fat was thinner showed positive hunting reaction, but in their 40s and 50s the correlation among physique, physical fitness, and hunting reaction appeared rather weak. The body fat content in the women aged 60 to 69 was high compared to that in other age groups. Among them, those who had less fat and better physical fitness showed more favorable hunting reactions.