1.The actual status of patients with spinal injuries by industrial accidents.
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1991;3(1):32-42
No abstract available.
Accidents, Occupational*
Spinal Injuries*
2.IV-gamma Globulin Therapy for Severe Abdomlnal Pain Refractory to Steroid Therapy in Henoch-Scholein Purpura.
Journal of the Korean Society of Pediatric Nephrology 1997;1(2):176-178
To make the objective standard of nuclear size in grading nuclear pleomorphism of invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast, we measured maximal nuclear diameter of tumor cells on imprint cytology slides and histologic sections from 65 cases by using computer-based image analysis system (Optimas 6.0). The maximal diameter of red blood cells were also measured to evaluate the ratio of maximal nuclear diameter of tumor cells to maximal diameter of red blood cells. The mean values of maximal nuclear diameter of tumor cells on imprint cytology slides and histologic sections were 7.56microgram, 7.53microgram in nuclear grade 1, 8.92+/-0.98microgram, 9.02+/-0.74microgram in nuclear grade 2, and 12.90+/-1.47prn, 12.44+/-1.41microgram in nuclear grade 3, respectively. There were no significant differences between values of imprint cytology and histologic section. The ratio of maximal nuclear diameter of tumor cells to maximal diameter of red blood cells were 1.3-1.4:1 in nuclear grade 1, 1.6-1.7:1 in nuclear grade 2, and 2.2-2.3:1 in nuclear grade 3. Ths would be guidelines for grading nuclear pleomorphism of invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast on routine surgical pathology work.
Carcinoma, Ductal
Pathology, Surgical
4.The diagnostic value of barium enema in acute appendicitis
Yong Ga KIM ; Duck Soo CHUNG ; Ok Dong KIM
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society 1986;22(4):559-567
Acute appendicitis is the most common acute surgical condition of the abdomen. when the clinical presentationis atypical, barium enema has proven to be safe and useful in confirming the diagnosis and reducing the negativesurgical exploration. However, the performance of barium enema in acute appendicitis has known contraindicationprimarily because of fear of leakage by perforation of the inflammed appendix. This study using barium enema as adiagnostic aid in acute appendicitis with atypical clinical presentation was performed to further support thepreviously noted efficacy and safety of this procedure. The results were as followings: 1. In case of acuteappendicitis with atypical clinical presentation, the use of barium enema as a diagnostic aid increased theaccuracy of diagnosis and decreased the negative surgical exploration. In women between 11 to 50 years old age,especially, it played important role differentiating appendicitis from nonsurgical acute abdomen. 2. The resultsof the study were 92.31% in sensitivity, 7.69% in false positive, 6.9% in false negative, and 10.26% in negativeappendectomy. 4. A simple partial or nonfilling of appendix without other associated possitive finding could notexclude appendicitis, therefore, close clinial observation was necessary. 5. The positive findings of barium enemaand their sensitivity were as followings: 1. Nonfilling of appendix: 9% 2. Partial filling of appendix: 91.7% 3.Displacement or a local impression on temrinal ileum: 100% *, In all cases, combined with a local impression oncecum and/or irritability of cecum or terminal ileum.
Abdomen, Acute
5.A Clinical Study on Children with Acute Glomerulonephritis.
Jeong Ok KIM ; Son Moon SHIN ; Yong Hoon PARK
Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1989;32(6):779-788
No abstract available.
6.Estimation of Glomerular Filtration Rate from Plasma Creatinine and Height in Children.
Jeong Lan KIM ; Yong Hoon PARK ; Jeong Ok HAH
Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine 1988;5(1):93-100
In clinical practice, creatinine clearance (Ccr) remains the most commonly used laboratory assessment of glomerular function despite methodological and technical problems of urine collection. Schwartz et al. in 1976, reported that an accurate estimate of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) could be obtained from the simple determinations of plasma creatinine (Per) and body length (L): GFR (ml/min/1.73m2)=kL (cm)/Per (mg/100 ml), (k=constant). The subject of this study were 81 children admitted to our pediatric department from July, 1985 to June, 1987 and they were divided into three groups; group I, from 1 to 5 years old, group II, from 6 to 10 years old, group III, from 11 to 15 years old. The results were as following: 1) Measured creatinine clearance Ccr(M), ml/min/1.73m²) were 109.73±9.97 in group I, 108.26±9.02 in group II, 96.20±4.72 in group III and 105.48±5.23 in all age group. 2) Measured k(k(M)) obtained from CcrM=k Ht/Pcr were 0.49±0.03 in group I, 0.48±0.02 in group II, 0.43±0.02 in group III, and 0.47±0.02 in all age group (Ht; height). 3) Linear equations and correlation coefficient between Ht/Pcr (x) and Ccr (y) were y=0.82x-65.63 (r=0.99) in group I, y=0.61x-23.46(r=0.72) in group II, y=0.18x+54.44 (r=0.54) in group III and y=0.58x-22.13 (r=0.81) in all age group. 4) Ccr(E) was again estimated from linear equations between Ht/Pcr and Ccr(M) and k(E) was calculated with Ht/Pcr and Ccr(E) were 0.48±0.01 in group I, 0.49±0.01 in group II, 0.43±0.01 in group III and 0.47±0.00 in all age group. 5) Consistent values of k(E) and k(M) were highly significant as 95~97.5% in group I and II, 90~95% in group III and 97.5~99% in all age group. In summary, we could estimate GFR with height, plasma creatinine and measured k(k(M)) according to the age in easy and rapid way.
Glomerular Filtration Rate*
Urine Specimen Collection
7.Fibroepithelial Polyp of Vagina with Atypical Stromal Cells: A case report.
Mi Ok PARK ; Yong Jin KIM ; Jae Bok PARK
Korean Journal of Pathology 1998;32(8):619-921
A case of fibroepithelial polyp with stromal atypia in a 25-year-old female is described. The tumor arose from the vaginal wall and measured 3.5 cm in maximal diameter. It was composed of hypercellular connective tissue stroma and focal myxoid area containing numerous atypical mono- and multinucleated stromal cells. These cells may mislead to make a diagnosis of sarcoma, particulary of botryoid rhabdomyosarcoma.
Connective Tissue
Stromal Cells*
8.Computed tomography of orbital diseases in childhood
Ok Hwa KIM ; Jae Mun LEE ; Yong Whee BAHK
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society 1985;21(6):883-892
We anlized CT of 29 cases of various orbital disease in pediatric age group. Diagnoses were confirmed byeither operation or direct ophthalmoscopy. The patients were examined during the period of last 3 years. Theresults were as follows: 1. Of 29 cases, 21 were male and 8 were female, and the age ranged from 20 days to 15years. 2. Intraorbital tumors were 13 cases consisting of 7 retinoblastoma, 3 pseudotumor, and 1 each ofcongenital teratoma, cavernous lymphanngioma, and optic glioma, Of remaining 16 cases, 6 had orbital fracture, 5persistent hyperplastic primary viterous(PHPV), 3 vitreous opacity, and 2 primary glaucoma. 3. The CT findings ofthe retinoblastoma were a lobulated or oval soft tissue mass denisty (40-60HU) extending into the vitreous wtihoutsignificant enhancement on postcontrast scan. Of 7 cases, 4 had calcifications within the tumors. The extraglobalextension of the tumor was shown in 2 patients demonstrating markedly thickened sclera with enhancement anddilated optic nerve. 4. There were 5 patients with PHPV having a history of white pupil since birth, and all wereaffected unilateraly. Four patients had vitreous opacity and 3 of those showed either linear or branchingtree-like densities within the vitreous on the postcontrast scan. Another one had a lobulated increased densityprotruding into the vitreous which was difficult to differenciate from the similar finding of retinoblastoma.Remaining one case demonstrated a deformed and decreased density in the lesional lens without chaneg in thedensity of the vitreous. This was confirmed to be caused by persistence of the embryonic hyaloid artery attachedto the posterior capsule of the lens. 5. There were 3 patients with vitreous opacity and 2 of them were due toretinal detachment and 1 was caused by retrolental fibroplasia. The CT findings of retinal detachement werehomogenous or heterogenous opacities in the vitreous. In a case of retrolental fibroplasia, irregular, band-likedensity was seen along the posterior wall of the globe bilaterally. 6. Two cases of primary glaucoma showed largeglobe with a widened anterior chamber. 7. Among 6 cases of orbital fractures, 5 were blow-out fracture. Theblow-out fractures showed fractures of the medial orbital wall or orbital floor with herniated intraorbitalcontents into the neighboring ethmoid or maxillary sinus.
Anterior Chamber
Maxillary Sinus
Optic Nerve
Optic Nerve Glioma
Orbital Diseases
Orbital Fractures
Posterior Capsule of the Lens
Retinopathy of Prematurity
9.Lethal neonatal short-limbed dwarfism
Ok Hwa KIM ; Chung Ik YIM ; Yong Whee BAHK
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society 1986;22(1):151-159
We have detailed our experiences on 6 cases of neonatal lethal short- limbed dwarfism and reviewed thearticles. They include, achondrogenesis, thanatophoric dysplasia, asphsiating thoracic dysplasia, osteogenesisimperfecta congenita, and hypophosphatasia lethalis. Five babies were born alive but died soon after birth and onewas a stillbirth. The main cause of failure to thrive was respiratory insufficiency. Each case was having quitecharacteristic radiologic findings, even if the genearl appearances were similar to the achondroplasts clinically.Precise diagnosis is very important for genetic counselling of the parents and alarm to them the possibility ofbone dysplasias to the next offsprings. For this purpose, the radiologists play major role for the correctdiagnosis. We stress that when the baby is born with short-limbed dwarfism, whole body radiogram should be takenincluding lateral view and postmortem radiogram is also very precious.
Failure to Thrive
Respiratory Insufficiency
Thanatophoric Dysplasia
10.The Clinical Study of the Fractures of the Carpal Navicular
Soon Ok AHN ; Kyung Yong LEE ; Hyloun Chin KIM
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1982;17(5):921-926
Fractures of the carpal navicular is a serious injury, particulary in a manual worker, because non union and the resultant disability may limit the usefulness of the extremity. There is almost unanimous agreement that fresh fractures of the carpal navicular should be treated by immobilization in a plaster cast and how immobilization should be maintained. As a result of this study we have arrived at several conclusion regarding to the conservative treatment of fresh navicular fracture.
Casts, Surgical
Clinical Study