1.Recurrent bilateral eyelid and conjunctival granulomatosis in Churg-Strauss syndrome
Nurul Faaiqah Jainuddin ; Aliff Irwan Cheong ; Chiew Seow Fan ; Norlina Raml
The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2020;75(1):86-87
A 47-year-old woman with poorly controlled asthma and
allergic rhinitis presented with recurrent episodes of
bilateral upper eyelid swelling associated with forniceal
conjunctival mass for the past 10 years. Routine blood
investigations showed raised IgE levels and raised
eosinophil counts. The diagnosis of Churg-Strauss
syndrome (CSS) was made following biopsy of the
conjunctival mass. The symptoms responded well to oral
steroid treatment but recurred following cessation of the
therapy. The patient was co-managed with a rheumatologist
and the patient currently remains stable and is on oral
Methotrexate and low dose oral steroids. Ocular
involvement in CSS is unusual but this unique presentation
of CSS was successfully managed, and the patient remains
in remission.
2.A Case Series of Hereditary Congenital Cataract
Nurul Faaiqah Jainuddin ; Azlindarita Aisyah Mohd Abdullah ; Visvaraja Subrayan ; Norlina Ramli ; Nurliza Khaliddin
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2020;16(No.2):336-338
Congenital cataract is a major cause of preventable blindness in children. It can be either hereditary or non-hereditary. In this case series, we present three cases of congenital cataract with a strong family history. The grandparents and parents of these patients had cataract diagnosed in late childhood whilst the patients in this case series were diagnosed with congenital cataract earlier. There was no history of consanguineous marriage in any of the families. These cases show that, in the presence of a strong family history, a child will present with congenital cataract earlier in their life. Hence, babies from such families should be screened at birth and at regular intervals within the first year of life to enable early diagnosis and subsequent surgical intervention to reduce the incidence and burden of amblyopia.