Aims: Xerophilic Aspergillus spp. promote the growth of toxigenic species. Since mycotoxins are toxic to human andanimal, identification of these species is important.Methodology and results: Two xerophilic species isolated from peanuts (Arachis hypogaea) were identified based onmorphological characteristics, molecular identification, and phylogenetic analysis using internal transcribed spacerregion, β-tubulin, and calmodulin sequences.Conclusion, significance and impact of study: The occurrence of A. chevalieri and A. amstelodami on peanutsprovides favorable growth conditions for less xerophilic Aspergillus as well as other spoilage-related fungal genera,particularly mycotoxin-producing species that could lead to mycotoxin contamination. The occurrence of A. chevalieriand A. amstelodami on peanuts might also reduce shelf life and affect the quality of the kernels. To our knowledge, thisis the first report of the occurrence of A. chevalieri and A. amstelodami on a food product in Malaysia, and the finding ofthis study contributes to the repertoire of Aspergillus species that are associated with food products.