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Author:(Nugroho AGUNG)

1.Gastroprotective effects of combination of hot water extracts of turmeric (Curcuma domestica L.), cardamom pods (Ammomum compactum S.) and sembung leaf (Blumea balsamifera DC.) against aspirin-induced gastric ulcer model in rats

Susilowati Rina ; Rahmawati Nuning ; Nugroho Endro Agung

Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 2014;(z1):500-504

2.Combinational effects of hexane insoluble fraction of Ficus septica Burm. F. and doxorubicin chemotherapy on T47D breast cancer cells

Nugroho Endro Agung ; Hermawan Adam ; Novika Anindya ; Meiyanto Edy

Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 2013;(4):297-302

3.Anti-acetylcholinesterase activity of the aglycones of phenolic glycosides isolated from Leonurus japonicus

Nugroho AGUNG ; Choi Sue JAE ; Hong JOON-PYO ; Park HEE-JUHN

Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 2017;7(10):849-854

4.Hesperidin as a preventive resistance agent in MCF-7 breast cancer cells line resistance to doxorubicin

Febriansah Rifki ; PP Dewi Dyaningtyas ; Nurulita Aries Nunuk ; Meiyanto Edy ; Nugroho Endro Agung

Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 2014;(3):228-233

5.HPLC and GC-MS Analysis of Phenolic Substances in Acer tegmentosum.

Agung NUGROHO ; Byong Min SONG ; Hee Juhn PARK

Natural Product Sciences 2015;21(2):87-92

6.Analysis of Flavonoid Composition of Korean Herbs in the Family of Compositae and their Utilization for Health.

Agung NUGROHO ; Jae Sue CHOI ; Hee Juhn PARK

Natural Product Sciences 2016;22(1):1-12

7.Identification and HPLC Quantification of a Phytoecdysone and Three Phenolic Glycosides in Lamium takesimense Nakai

Agung NUGROHO ; Kyoung Sik PARK ; Dong Jin SEO ; Hee Juhn PARK

Natural Product Sciences 2018;24(4):241-246

8.Phytochemical Analysis of the Phenolic Fat-Suppressing Substances in the Leaves of Lactuca raddeana in 3T3-L1 Adipocytes.

Agung NUGROHO ; Jae Sue CHOI ; Hyo Jin AN ; Hee Juhn PARK

Natural Product Sciences 2015;21(1):42-48

9.Quantitative Determination of Five Phenolic Peroxynitrite-scavengers in Nine Korean Native Compositae herbs.

Agung NUGROHO ; Sang Cheol LIM ; Subash KARKI ; Jae Sue CHOI ; Hee Juhn PARK

Natural Product Sciences 2015;21(3):155-161

10.Isolation of Flavonoid Glycosides with Cholinesterase Inhibition Activity and Quantification from Stachys japonica

Agung NUGROHO ; Jae Sue CHOI ; Su Hui SEONG ; Byong Min SONG ; Kyoung Sik PARK ; Hee Juhn PARK

Natural Product Sciences 2018;24(4):259-265

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