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Author:(Noriko YONEDA)

1.Frequency of BRCA1 and BRCA2 Germline Mutations Detected by Protein Truncation Test and Cumulative Risks of Breast and Ovarian Cancer among Mutation Carriers in Japanese Breast Cancer Families.

Noriko IKEDA ; Yasuo MIYOSHI ; Noriko IKEDA ; Kohri YONEDA ; Moritoshi KINOSHITA ; Shinzaburo NOGUCHI

Journal of Korean Breast Cancer Society 2002;5(3):194-201

2.Fermented foods and preterm birth risk from a prospective large cohort study: the Japan Environment and Children's study.

Mika ITO ; Ayako TAKAMORI ; Satoshi YONEDA ; Arihiro SHIOZAKI ; Akiko TSUCHIDA ; Kenta MATSUMURA ; Kei HAMAZAKI ; Noriko YONEDA ; Hideki ORIGASA ; Hidekuni INADERA ; Shigeru SAITO ; Japan Environment and Children’s Study (JECS) Group

Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine 2019;24(1):25-25

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