1.Rapid onset of facial swelling.
Brunei International Medical Journal 2010;6(1):51-51
A 59-year-old woman presented with a two-week history of spontaneous gum bleeding and easy
bruising. Her full blood count on admission showed pancytopenia with haemoglobin of 96 gm/L,
total white cell count of 1.6 x 109/L (absolute neutrophil count of 0.26 x 109/L) and platelet count
of 17.0 x 109/L. Peripheral blood film showed a few abnormal hypergranular promyelocytes present.
Five days later she developed the above signs.
What is the diagnosis?
Answer: refer to page 72
2.Rapid onset of facial swelling - Answers.
Brunei International Medical Journal 2010;6(1):72-72
(Refer to page 51)
Answer: Spontaneous bilateral periorbital
haematoma associated with
acute promyelocytic leukemia
In this patient, the spontaneous bilateral periorbital
haematoma could be due to severe
thrombocytopenia. However the presence of
abnormal promyelocytes in the peripheral
blood smear (Panel, darkly stained cells
are promyelocytes) is suggestive of acute
promyelocytic leukemia (APL) which should
be confirmed with a bone marrow biopsy,
cytogenetic study for t(15;17) and molecular
study for PML-RARa oncogene fusion.