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Author:(Noor Alaudin Abdul Wahab)

1.Tympanometric Normative Data for Malay Pre-schoolers

Noor Alaudin Abdul Wahab ; Norashikin Chahed

Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences 2010;8(1):13-18

2.The Hyperactivity of Efferent Auditory System in Patients with Schizophrenia: A Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emissions Study.

Noor Alaudin ABDUL WAHAB ; Suzaily WAHAB ; Abdul Hamid ABDUL RAHMAN ; Dinsuhaimi SIDEK ; Mohd Normani ZAKARIA

Psychiatry Investigation 2016;13(1):82-88

3.Listening to Sentences in Noise: Revealing Binaural Hearing Challenges in Patients with Schizophrenia.

Noor Alaudin ABDUL WAHAB ; Mohd Normani ZAKARIA ; Abdul Hamid ABDUL RAHMAN ; Dinsuhaimi SIDEK ; Suzaily WAHAB

Psychiatry Investigation 2017;14(6):786-794

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