1.The effectiveness of the level of exercise in Rating Perceived Exertion(RPE) method for senior citizens.
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 1988;37(3):254-262
The purpose of this study was to measure the effectiveness of RPE on exercise intensity for senior citizens. A maximum workload test was administered with the use of a bicycle ergometer on older male and female subjects. The results of our study can be summarized as follows:
1. Two trials were performed on separate days. A high correlation coefficient for the first trial and the second trial was found. The reliability for the male group was r=0.76 (p<0.01) and that for the female group r=0.90 (p<0.01) .
2. A correlation range of r=0.55-0.79 (p (0.01) was found for RPE and physiological exercise intensity (which includes oxygen intake and heart rate) . A higher result was found when the relative value was used in the analysis of the oxygen intake and the heart rate instead of the absolute value.
3. Significant correlation coefficients of r=0.63-0.64 (p<0.01) were found for RPE and the work load in terms of watt units.
4. The majority of the physiological variables were statistically determined ; however, there were no correlations between RPE and systolic blood pressure.
In conclusion, based on our study, we have found that RPE and HR ; RPE and %Vo2max: RPE and watts grouped individually had a high correlation for effectiveness. The only exception in our study was the RPE and the blood pressure group because no correlation was found overall. Therefore, the overall effectiveness of RPE was proven to be quite sensitive even for senior citizens, and as a result RPE can be utilized when exercise is prescribed for evaluatory measurement in senior citizens.
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 1974;23(2):77-84
As a method of agility measurement under wide current use, the repeated side step is well-known. At present in Japan, a duration of 20 seconds is employed to test agility ; but it is often reported that the factor of endurance is included in this. When a diagnosis involving agility is made based on the performance of exercise, the duration of the time of measurement was controlled in order to avoid the mixing of other factors and to ensure measurement of as few factors as possible. The distance of step was made flexible according to the age. Since a constant distance makes the longitudinal tracing easier, the distance of step was also studied.
Side steps were tested and duration of measurement was examined based on determinations in 1857 subjects, Junior and Senior school boys and girls and male university students. During the 20 seconds of measurement, scores were recorded every 5 seconds to study the time course of the fluctuations of scores. Taking into consideration factors of endurance such as the endurance of the lower extremity system, the knee test was conducted to see the relationship between scores of the repeated side step and knee test values. As to the distance of the step, 200 high school girls were tested over a distance of 100cm ×2 and 120cm ×2, for 10 seconds each.
As to the time of measurement, the average score during the first 10-15 seconds after start tended to decrease. In the time course of fluctuations of the scores in each subject, a decrease in the fall of scorse was seen about 10 seconds after the start in approximately 55% of the test subjects.
Based on the assumption that the endurance of the lower extremity system participates in this, high and low groups with a significant difference in the endurance of the lower extremity at the level of P<0.001 were compared. While no difference was seen in the slope of the score increase over a 10-second period from the start, changes of scores were distinctly different between 10 and 20 seconds, the lower values in the low group being obvious. The endurance of the lower extremity system was then studied in the two groups with high and low scores in the side step between 10 and 20 seconds. In the group with high scores, the endurance of the lower extremity was high : and a significant difference at P<0.01 was noted in this index.
These results would definitely indicate that mixing of other factors is unavoidable under the current measurement duration of 20 seconds
As to the distance of the step, scores are apparently different even in the same test subject, depending upon the distance of the step. The scores are also different depending upon the body length.
In both of the two groups, however, the scores for each different distance of the step showed a high correlation between each other, giving a correlation coefficient of γ= 0.88 in the group with high body length and γ= 0.82 in the group with low body length, indicating a high correlation.
Based on the diagnosis of agility and performance of exercise, in order to obtain the results of measurement of as simple a factor as possible, the agility time measurement is corrected to 10 seconds ; and the distance of the step is made constant at 100cm×2 regardless of the age, to a distance without unnatural effort even by a primary school pupil, in order to obtain a better diagnosis and tolerance for exercise for the desirable development and maintenance of agility.
The influence of body height on the score should be studied in the future.
3.Validity of the maximal aerobic capacity estimated from submaximal cycling exercise and field performance tests in the elderly.
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 1992;41(3):295-303
Although maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) or oxygen uptake corresponding to lactate threshold (VO2@LT) is considered the single best determinant of one's cardio-respiratory endurance or aerobic capacity, the direct measurement of these attributes requires elaborate equipment, trained personnel, special knowledge, and/or a maximal effort on the part of the subject who is tested. In addition, the measurement is time consuming. The current investigation was designed to examine the validity of aerobic capacity estimated from submaximal cycling exercise and field performance tests in the elderly. The subjects tested were 18 sedentary men and women aged 63 to 75 years (69.7±3.4) . Indirect VO2max tests were selected from those proposed by Astrand and Ryhming, Siconolfi et al., and Margaria et al. (step test), and YMCA. The VO2max values estimated by these methods, with the exception of the Siconolfi method, were found to have large errors when compared to the errors obtained in previous studies for younger subjects. There were no significant correlations between step test scores and VO2max and VO2@LT in the elderly. Correlations of 12-min distance walk with VO2max (r=.711) and VO2@LT (r=.714) were significant. Our findings suggest that 12min distance walk be a better aerobic capacity test than other indirect VO2max tests including Astrand and Ryhming test.
4.Cognitive impairment and neural electrophysiological studies in early stage of transgenic Alzheimer's disease mice
Li WANG ; Zunjing LIU ; Jinsong JIAO ; Yuan SHUI ; Ryo YAMAMOTO ; Nobuo KATO
Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medicine and Brain Science 2015;24(5):427-430
Objective To investigate the early onset of learning and memory function of 4-month-old APP/PS1/Tau Alzheimer' s disease (3×Tg-AD) model mice and explore the pathogenesis of AD in early stage through evaluating neuron excitability and BKCa channel activity in cingulate cortex pyramidal cells.Methods Ten 4-month-old male 3×Tg-AD mice and matched ten wild type (WT) mice.Behavior was tested with the novel object recognition task to observe the ability of learning and memory.Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings were performed to assess the excitability of cingulate cortex pyramidal cells in terms of resting membrane potential and frequencies of spikes evoked by current injection.A train of five pulses of depolarizing currents were injected at 100 Hz to assess the spike width,which was used as an index for BKCa channel activity.Results Compared with the WT group (0.72±0.03),the novel object recognition index significantly decreased in 3 × Tg-AD group (0.55 ± 0.04) (P =0.004).Compared to the WT group((-66.03±0.43) mV),the resting membrane potential in cingulate cortex neurons of 3×Tg-AD group((-62.31±0.54)mV) was significantly depolarized(P=0.000).In contrast to WT group,the action potential firing frequencies evoked by depolarizing current injections were higher in neurons from 3×Tg-AD group(P=0.000),demonstrating that excitability of cingulate cortex neurons was elevated by intracellular Aβ.Spikes were broader in the 3×Tg-AD group than those in the WT group(P<0.01).Suppression of BKCa channels in cingulate cortex neurons from the 3×Tg-AD group was confirmed on the basis of the spike half-width,since BKCa channels affect the descending phase of spikes.Conclusion Compared to WT mice,4-month-old 3×Tg-AD mice are impaired in learning and memory.The suppression of BKCa channels by intracellular Aβ leads to increase of excitability in cingulate cortex pyramidal cells.
5.Education in Primary Care in a Specific Functional Hospital: Postgraduate Medical Training in the Department of Emergency Medicine Covering a Wide Range of Medical Fields Dealing With Patients With First- to Third-Level Emergencies.
Hiroyuki KATO ; Seimyo YOSHIDA ; Nobuo BABA ; Hisashi KAWABUCHI ; Takachika ITOH ; Kazuhisa OOGUSHI ; Kenji HIRAHARA ; Kenji TAKI ; Katsuji HORI ; Takeharu HISATSUGU
Medical Education 1999;30(6):419-423
A university hospital plays roles as a specific functional hospital and as a teaching hospital in primary care because most medical school graduates receive basic clinical training in this area. An important objective of primary care education for all residents is the initial treatment of patients with first-to third-level emergencies. We examined the number of patients, the level of emergency (first, second, and third level) and the diagnoses that each resident encountered. Subjects included 29 residents (3 in the first year, 4 in the second year, and 2 in the third year) who had undergone clinical training for 3 months in the department of emergency medicine at the Saga Medical School Hospital which treats 7, 000 to 8, 000 patients per year with first-to third-level emergencies. Residents were involved with 214.6 emergency cases, which included approximately 59 types of first-level emergency, 31 types of second-level emergency, and 15 types of third-level emergencies. These results were largely compatible with the Objectives of Postgraduate Basic Clinical Training proposed by the Japan Society for Medical Education. These results show that university hospitals as specific functional hospitals should accept numerous emergency patients and that residents must receive clinical training in emergency medicine to achieve the objectives of primary care education.
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 1974;23(1):25-31
A simple method of evaluation and measurement of endurance of the whole body for exercise prescription for sportsmen was previously reported. In the present study, a method of loading for general population was deviced and is the subject of the present communication.
The site of loading was divided into relatively localized portions of the lower extremity, upper extremity and trunk.
By substituting the kneeling exercise with step test, individual difference in body height was corrected.
7.Maximal oxygen uptake and lactate threshold in middle-aged and older runners - With special reference to aging.
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 1989;38(5):197-207
Maximal oxygen uptake (Vo2max) and lactate threshold were measured during an incremental bicycle ergometer test in 40 healthy middle-aged and older runners between 43 and 79 years of age. Although the 10-km run time slowed with increasing age, there were no significant differences in recent training habits or relative amount of body fat between four age groups. However, our cross-sectional data revealed an annual decrement of -0.74 ml/kg/ min/yr, which was significantly greater than that reported in previous studies. Vo2max values for the runners were greater than those for sedentary men of similar ages by about 50% in each age group. Significant correlations were found between the age at the onset of running training and Vo2max (r=-0.600, p<0.05) . Vo2@LT declined significantly but less rapidly with age (r=0.686, p<0.05) than Vo2max. Both the mean maximal heart rate (HRmax) and HR@LT also declined with age. No significant differences in HRmax were observed between the runners and sedentary men of the respective age groups. Significant correlations were also found between the estimated HRmax and directly measured HRmax (r=0.600) . Neither systolic blood pressure nor diastolic blood pressure during submaximal-maximal exercise were found to increase with age. We suggest that maintenance of a higher lactate threshold in older runners when expressed as a percentage of Vo2max is attributable to a greater age-dependent decline in Vo2max with a smaller change in Vo2@LT.
8.Expression of Hyaluronidase-4 in a Rat Spinal Cord Hemisection Model.
Yoshiyuki TACHI ; Tetsuhito OKUDA ; Norio KAWAHARA ; Nobuo KATO ; Yasuhito ISHIGAKI ; Tadami MATSUMOTO
Asian Spine Journal 2015;9(1):7-13
STUDY DESIGN: Examination of hyaluronidase-4 (Hyal-4) expression in a rat spinal cord hemisection model. PURPOSE: To determine the status of Hyal-4 expression after hemisection of the spinal cord, and the relationship between its expression and that of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs). OVERVIEW OF LITERATURE: CSPGs are expressed at the site of spinal cord injury and inhibit axon regeneration. Administration of exogenous chrondroitinase ABC (ChABC), derived from bacteria, digested CSPGs and promoted axonal regrowth. Using a rat hemisection model, we have demonstrated peak CSPGs levels at by 3 weeks after injury but then decreased spontaneously. Could there be an endogenous enzyme similar to ChABC in the spinal cord? It has been suggested that Hyal-4 is involved in CSPG degradation. METHODS: A rat hemisection model was prepared and spinal cord frozen sections were prepared at 4 days and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 weeks post-cordotomy and stained for CSPGs and Hyal-4 and subjected to Western blotting. RESULTS: CSPGs appeared at the injury site at 4 days after hemisection, reached a peak after 3 weeks, and then decreased. Hyal-4 was observed around the injury site from 4 days after cordotomy and increased until after 5-6 weeks. Double staining showed Hyal-4 around CSPGs. Western blotting identified a band corresponding to Hyal-4 from 4 days after hemisection. CONCLUSIONS: Hyal-4 was expressed in a rat hemisection model in areas surrounding CSPGs, and as its peak was delayed compared with that of CSPGs. These results suggest the involvement of Hyal-4 in the digestion of CSPGs.
Blotting, Western
Chondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycans
Frozen Sections
Spinal Cord Injuries
Spinal Cord*
9.Risk Factors for Acute Cholangitis Caused by Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium
Yuki KARASAWA ; Jun KATO ; Satoshi KAWAMURA ; Kentaro KOJIMA ; Takamasa OHKI ; Michiharu SEKI ; Kazumi TAGAWA ; Nobuo TODA
Gut and Liver 2021;15(4):616-624
Acute cholangitis (AC) is a potentially life-threatening bacterial infection, and timely antimicrobial treatment, faster than that achieved with bacterial cultures, is recommended.Although the current guidelines refer to empirical antimicrobial treatment, various kinds of antimicrobial agents have been cited because of insufficient analyses on the spectrum of pathogens in AC. Enterococcus spp. is one of the most frequently isolated Gram-positive bacteria from the bile of patients with AC, but its risk factors have not been extensively studied. This study aimed to analyze the risk factors of AC caused by Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium.
Patients with AC who were hospitalized in a Japanese tertiary center between 2010 and 2015 were retrospectively analyzed. Patients’ first AC episodes in the hospital were evaluated.
A total of 266 patients with AC were identified. E. faecalis and/or E. faecium was isolated in 56 (21%) episodes of AC. Prior endoscopic sphincterotomy (EST), the presence of a biliary stent, prior cholecystectomy, and past intensive care unit admission were more frequently observed in AC patients with E. faecalis and/orE. faecium than in those without such bacteria. Prior EST was identified as an independent risk factor for AC caused by E. faecalis and/or E. faecium in the multivariate analysis.
Given the intrinsic resistance of E. faecalis and E. faecium to antibiotics, clinicians should consider empirical therapy with anti-enterococcal antibiotics for patients with prior EST.
10.Risk Factors for Acute Cholangitis Caused by Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium
Yuki KARASAWA ; Jun KATO ; Satoshi KAWAMURA ; Kentaro KOJIMA ; Takamasa OHKI ; Michiharu SEKI ; Kazumi TAGAWA ; Nobuo TODA
Gut and Liver 2021;15(4):616-624
Acute cholangitis (AC) is a potentially life-threatening bacterial infection, and timely antimicrobial treatment, faster than that achieved with bacterial cultures, is recommended.Although the current guidelines refer to empirical antimicrobial treatment, various kinds of antimicrobial agents have been cited because of insufficient analyses on the spectrum of pathogens in AC. Enterococcus spp. is one of the most frequently isolated Gram-positive bacteria from the bile of patients with AC, but its risk factors have not been extensively studied. This study aimed to analyze the risk factors of AC caused by Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium.
Patients with AC who were hospitalized in a Japanese tertiary center between 2010 and 2015 were retrospectively analyzed. Patients’ first AC episodes in the hospital were evaluated.
A total of 266 patients with AC were identified. E. faecalis and/or E. faecium was isolated in 56 (21%) episodes of AC. Prior endoscopic sphincterotomy (EST), the presence of a biliary stent, prior cholecystectomy, and past intensive care unit admission were more frequently observed in AC patients with E. faecalis and/orE. faecium than in those without such bacteria. Prior EST was identified as an independent risk factor for AC caused by E. faecalis and/or E. faecium in the multivariate analysis.
Given the intrinsic resistance of E. faecalis and E. faecium to antibiotics, clinicians should consider empirical therapy with anti-enterococcal antibiotics for patients with prior EST.