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Author:(Nirmal Raj GOPINATHAN)

1.latrogenic aortic pseudoaneurysm following anterior thoracic spine surgery masquerading as chronic infection

Goni VIJAY ; Bahl AJAY ; Gopinathan Raj NIRMAL ; Krishnan VIBHU ; Kumar RAJESH

Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2013;16(6):368-370

2.Iatrogenic aortic pseudoaneurysm following anterior thoracic spine surgery masquerading as chronic infection.

Vijay GONI ; Ajay BAHL ; Nirmal Raj GOPINATHAN ; Vibhu KRISHNAN ; Rajesh KUMAR

Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2013;16(6):368-370

3.T-condylar fracture delayed for 10 days in a 5-year-old boy: a case report and review of the literature.

Shashidhar-B KANTHARAJANNA ; Vijay GONI ; Pebam SUDESH ; Nirmal-Raj GOPINATHAN

Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2013;16(1):58-60

4.Isolated Tuberculosis of Sacrum with Monoparesis: An Atypical Presentation.

Radheshyam SAMENT ; Vikas BACHHAL ; Nirmal Raj GOPINATHAN ; Ramesh Kumar SEN

Asian Spine Journal 2013;7(4):351-354

5.Proximal tibial and fibular physeal fracture causing popliteal artery injury and peroneal nerve injury: A case report and review of literature.

Uday GULED ; Nirmal-Raj GOPINATHAN ; Vijay-G GONI ; Arjun RHH ; Rakesh JOHN ; Prateek BEHERA

Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2015;18(4):238-240

6.Elbow dislocation with ipsilateral diaphyseal forearm bone fracture: A rare injury report with literature review.

Vijay GONI ; Prateek BEHERA ; Umesh Kumar MEENA ; Nirmal raj GOPINATHAN ; Narendranadh AKKINA ; R H H ARJUN

Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2015;18(2):113-115

7.Management of neglected cervical spine dislocation: a study of six cases.

Vijay GONI ; Nirmal Raj GOPINATHAN ; Vibhu KRISHNAN ; Rajesh KUMAR ; Avinash KUMAR

Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2013;16(4):212-215

8.Traumatic L5 over S1 spondyloptosis without neurological involvement managed nonoperatively: a case report.

Vijay GONI ; Nirmal-Raj GOPINATHAN ; Uttam-Chand SAINI ; Shashidhar-B KANTHARAJANNA

Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2013;16(3):178-181

9.Predictors of early outcome in unstable pelvic fractures.

Ramesh-K SEN ; Nirmal-Raj GOPINATHAN ; Tajir TAMUK ; Rajesh KUMAR ; Vibhu KRISHNAN ; Radheshyam SAMENT

Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2013;16(2):94-98

10.Safety Profile, Feasibility and Early Clinical Outcome of Cotransplantation of Olfactory Mucosa and Bone Marrow Stem Cells in Chronic Spinal Cord Injury Patients.

Vijay G GONI ; Rajesh CHHABRA ; Ashok GUPTA ; Neelam MARWAHA ; Mandeep S DHILLON ; Sudesh PEBAM ; Nirmal Raj GOPINATHAN ; Shashidhar BANGALORE KANTHARAJANNA

Asian Spine Journal 2014;8(4):484-490

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