Introduction: The prevalence of needle stick and sharp injuries (NSSIs) still high among healthcare workers and
many of them, without reason had defaulted the post management follow up. Thus, the aim of the study was to determine factors associated with default follow up among healthcare workers sustained NSSIs in Kelantan. Method: A
retrospective cohort study using secondary data from Sharp Injury Surveillance notification system within period of
six years started from January 2010 was done. Data were collected using proforma and analysed using SPSS version
22.0. Two hundred and seventy cases were selected by using multistage random selection method. Binary logistic
regression analysis was used to determine the factors. Result: Majority of reported NSSIs involved female, with
the mean age of 33 years. Most of them were intern that had less than ten years’ experience. Most of the accident
occurred during office hours at tertiary healthcare setting during venepuncture for blood or intravenous fluid management. The workers with age less than 40 years and those who work at hospital setting have higher possibility to
default the follow up with (Adj. OR 2.80; 95% CI: 1.12,7.00; p = 0.027) and (Adj. OR 4.65; 95% CI: 1.77,12.33; p
= 0.002) respectively. Conclusion: NSSIs can occur at all level of occupational setting particularly among those who
has less experience and work at tertiary healthcare setting. Thus, an intensive precaution action should focus on them
since they are also the group that has higher odd to default the post management follow up.