A survey was conducted during 2001-2003 year period in NuocNhi village, PhuKhanh commune , KhanhVinh district, KhanhHoa province in order to evaluate the malaria morbidity three years after interruption of using permethrine insecticide impregnanted bednet In this period, the new incidence in various age groups, including 2-9 years old of age group, was similar with that of 3 previous years when this impregnanted bednet had been used, from the year 2000 to 2003, only 5 cases of splenomegaly, 1st level splenomegaly were reported, even in the 2-9 years old of age group.Splenomegaly and anemia frequencies trended to reduce.The density of Anopheles population in general and of An. dirus in particular trended to enhance. In the year 2001,An.dirus density increased by 2 folds in comparing with the mean of that of previous years when insecticide impregnanted bednet had been used, but this density was as low as15,7% of that before this use. There was no report on oocystes and sporozoites