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Author:(Nguyen Ngoc BICH)

1.Seroprevalence of Tissue and Luminal Helminths among Patients in Hanoi Medical University Hospital, Vietnam, 2018

Nguyen Van DE ; Pham Ngoc MINH ; Nguyen Ngoc BICH ; Jong-Yil CHAI

The Korean Journal of Parasitology 2020;58(4):387-392

2.Preliminary evaluation of the role of biomarkers in diagnosing dementia

Luc Viet Tran ; Thang Pham ; Hung Trong Nguyen ; Binh Thanh Nguyen ; Huong Van Nguyen ; Ngoc Bich Nguyen ; Van Thanh Ta

Journal of Medical Research 2008;56(4):87-91

3.Two Human Cases of Echinococcus ortleppi Infection in the Lung and Heart in Vietnam

Nguyen Van DE ; Pham Ngoc MINH ; Le Van DUYET ; Nguyen Ngoc BICH ; Trinh Nam SON ; Bong-Kwang JUNG ; Jong-Yil CHAI

The Korean Journal of Parasitology 2020;58(4):451-456

4.The situation of child injury by injury supervision at Viet Duc hospital in 2006

Chinh Duc Nguyen ; Lap Doc Cao ; Huy Danh Luu ; Nhung Kim Nguyen ; Bich Van Nguyen ; Son Hong Trinh ; Quyet Tien Nguyen ; Tu Thi Hong Nguyen ; Lan Thi Ngoc Tran ; Trang Thi Quynh Khieu ; Anh Mai Luong

Journal of Surgery 2007;57(2):18-27

5.Isolation and Cytotoxic Potency of Endophytic Fungi Associated with Dysosma difformis, a Study for the Novel Resources of Podophyllotoxin

Hoa Thi TRAN ; Giang Thu NGUYEN ; Hong Ha Thi NGUYEN ; Huyen Thi TRAN ; Quang Hong TRAN ; Quang Ho TRAN ; Ngoc Thi NINH ; Phat Tien DO ; Ha Hoang CHU ; Ngoc Bich PHAM

Mycobiology 2022;50(5):389-398

6.Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transplantation for Ischemic Diseases:Mechanisms and Challenges

Thi-Tuong VAN NGUYEN ; Ngoc Bich VU ; Phuc Van PHAM

Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 2021;18(4):587-611

7.Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transplantation for Ischemic Diseases:Mechanisms and Challenges

Thi-Tuong VAN NGUYEN ; Ngoc Bich VU ; Phuc Van PHAM

Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 2021;18(4):587-611

8.Efonidipine Inhibits JNK and NF-κB Pathway to Attenuate Inflammation and Cell Migration Induced by Lipopolysaccharide in Microglial Cells

Ngoc Minh NGUYEN ; Men Thi Hoai DUONG ; Phuong Linh NGUYEN ; Bich Phuong BUI ; Hee-Chul AHN ; Jungsook CHO

Biomolecules & Therapeutics 2022;30(5):455-464

9.Triterpenoids isolated from the aerial parts of Buxus latistyla Gagnep.

Quoc Hung VO ; Thuy Vi HUYNH ; Ngoc Minh Thao DOAN ; Thi Bich Nguyet HUYNH ; Thi Minh Hieu NGUYEN ; Thi Nhat Le DOAN

Hue Journal of Medicine and Pharmacy 2023;13(6):72-

10.Melanin-embedded materials effectively remove hexavalent chromium (Cr) from aqueous solution.

An Manh CUONG ; Nguyen Thi LE NA ; Pham Nhat THANG ; Trinh Ngoc DIEP ; Ly Bich THUY ; Nguyen Lai THANH ; Nguyen Dinh THANG

Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine 2018;23(1):9-9

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