Living donor liver transplantation - achievement in some great Asian centres as follows: There were 306 cases of liver transplantation for 292 patients at Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong Medical College, from October 1991 to September 2003; There were 148 cases of living donor liver transplantation at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taipei from June 1994 to October 2003; There were 227 cases of living donor liver transplantation at Tokyo Medical Centre, Japan, from Jan. 1996 to June 2003; In 2002 there were 127 cases of living donor liver transplantation at Asan Medical Centre, Seoul, Korea. Living donor liver transplantation technique was made at some Asian Hospitals, mostly at Asan Medical Centre of Korea. It is different from european countries, most of liver transplantation in Asian were taken from the living donors
Liver Transplantation
Living Donors