1.Safety assessment of single harvests type 3 of poliomyelitis vaccine by maprec test
Journal of Preventive Medicine 2003;13(6):61-64
Non - RIMAPREC test carried on 14 single harvests of polyomyelitis vaccine type 3 produced in the year 2002 in Hanoi Centre of Sabin vaccine showed that no DNA mutant was detected. WHO criteria on safety were met
2.The efficacy of premature babies' care at Obstetric Department of Hospital of Hue Medical College.
Nhi Thi Kieu Nguyen ; Thuyet Thien Le
Journal of Medical Research 2007;55(6):75-80
Background:A premature birth is one among four main reasons of mortality in the first infant stage in our country. Objectives:This study aims to determine the rate of premature, morbidity form in early neonatal period under 37 weeks as well as evaluate the efficacy of premature babies' care via the rate of morbidity of neonatal period under 37 weeksat Obstetric Department of Hospital of Hue Medical College. Subjects and method: A prospective, descriptive study was conducted on 2452 cases with gestation \ufffd?25 weeks from 2003 to 2006 at Obstetric Department of Hospital of Hue Medical College. They followed up the rate of morbidity, vitalness and mortality among premature babies \ufffd?37weeks which divided into 2 types:<33 weeks and from 33 to 37 weeks. Results: Prernatures <33 weeks was 1.4%; prernatures from 33-37 weeks was 5.2%; premature infant infection under 33 week was 57%; Mortality of newborn <33 weeks was 229\ufffd? prernatures from 33-37 weeks was 23,4\ufffd? Conclusion: Thanks to the care of newborn according to the combination of Obstetric- Pediatricfor immediate support in the consecutive services, continuous therapy and indication of using antibiotic for anti negative gram germs had reduced the mortality of premature babies at Obstetric department of Hospital of Hue Medical College.\r\n", u'\r\n', u'
3.Development of an innovative method of teaching and learning tooth anatomy: application of shading technique in 3D drawing molar occlusal surfaces
Bao Ngoc DUONG ; Phuong Nhi NGUYEN ; Thi Kieu Oanh TRAN ; Thi To Uyen TRAN ; Anh Dao HOANG
Hue Journal of Medicine and Pharmacy 2023;13(7):169-176
Understanding the morphology of teeth is crucial in restorative dentistry in terms of restoring teeth’ anatomy, aesthetics, and function. Objectives: (1) this study describes an innovative method of teaching and learning tooth anatomy that applied shading techniques to 3D drawing the molar occlusal surfaces; (2) the study aims to survey learners’ opinions about the method’s effectiveness. Materials and methods: This study was conducted on 118 third-year dental students at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Hue University, from March to May 2022. The 3D occlusal surface drawing was developed and applied in teaching, and feedback was received from students. All statistical analysis was analyzed using SPSS version 26.0. Results: Instructions for 3D drawing were detailed and explained step-by-step, from forming to shading the occlusal surfaces. Subsequently, 57.3% - 90.9% of students self-assessed their proficiency in comprehending the characteristics of the occlusal anatomy. 73.3% - 95.8% of students agreed on the utility. 73.1% of students agreed to be willing to apply the 3D drawing method in learning other subjects. Conclusion: Instructions for 3D drawing were built step-by-step, from forming to shading the occlusal surfaces. After completing the course, a high percentage of students agreed on the advantages of this method. Further studies are needed to evaluate the effectiveness of the 3D drawing method in clinical practice