1.Uroflowmetry in patients with prostatic neoplasm treated by endosurgery at Binh Dan hospital
Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 1999;232(1):12-18
From November 1999 to November 2000, we observed the preoperative uroflows of all patients with prostatic neoplasm diseases. There were 94 patients (mean age 70.5(8.08) who had indications for TURP. The Qmax was 7.67(mL/s; voided volume was 261.8(142.4mL. The patterns of uroflow consisted 0f 64% obstructed, 14% intermittent, 19% interrupted and 3% normal. We noticed that 93.6% of all patients with symptoms of bladder outlet obstructions involved in our research had abnormal uroflows. We also had to consider the relationship of automatic and visual interpretations of uroflowmeters results. In patients with voided volume under 150mL, Bristol monogram is a very useful tool for correcting Qmax.
Prostatic Neoplasms
2.Blood level of homocystein in various types of stroke
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2004;10():26-29
68 patients with stroke treated at Hue Central Hospital from March to June 2004. Risk factors as hypertension, smoking were evaluated. Patients had clinical and paraclinical examination such as CT scanning of cerebral skull, blood formula. Blood level of homocystein was estimated: The prevalence of stroke in gender male/female was 1.64/1 with 61.76% men and 38.24 women. Hypertension 85.24%, men/women 1.64/1. Smoke 67.65%. Blood level of homocystein increases in stroke by the rate of 77.94%, as for hemorrhagic stroke was 65.63%, for ischemic stroke was 88.57%. Stroke rate increased by age, especially after 55 years old. A positive correlation between blood level of homocystein and hematocrite was notified
3.Bilateral urinary stones treated by minimally invasive surgery: 2 cases report
Journal Ho Chi Minh Medical 2004;8(4):245-247
Presention of 2 cases of bilateral urinary lithiasis treated totally by minimally invasive surgey: percutaneous nephrolithotomy, ureteroscopy and retroperitoneal laparoscopic surgery. If well equipped, almost all cases of urolithiasis could be treated by minimally invasive surgery
Urinary Calculi
4.Preliminary survey on blood homocystein level in cerebrovascular stroke
Journal of Practical Medicine 2004;481(6):70-72
The concentration of blood homocystein (Hcy) in 26 patients with cerebrovascular accident (CVA) was determined preliminarily in Central Hospital in Hue city. 57.69% was the incidence of CVA in male and 42.31% in female patients (in male it was 1.36 fold higher than in female). Hcy concentration increased in 80.77% CVA patient. The rate of increase of blood level of Hcy was 66.67% in brain hemorrhage, 92.86% in brain infarctus. The incidence of CVA enhanced with the age, especially after the age of 55. High blood pressure accounted for 76.92% in CVA. 17/26 (65.38%) was the ratio of tobacco smoler.
Data Collection
5.Robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery
Journal Ho Chi Minh Medical 2005;9(1):1-4
There were some advantages of laparoscopic surgery: decrease of hospitalized time, relief of postoperative pain, high aestheticism, less effect to immune responses in body, decrease of recovery time of patients. Laparoscopic surgery has remained several disadvantages of surgical manipulations for surgeons. Robot is a vehicle that helps laparoscopic surgeons overcome this restriction. Robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery has strong points: providing 3D vision, increasing clever and complex level of surgical manipulations, minimizing vibration amplitude of tools, implementation in limited space. Weak points included losing of feeling when touch to surgical tissue, high cost equipment and surgery. Robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery is applied in gynaecological surgeries, urinary surgeries, heart surgeries, general surgery (cholecystectomy, Nissen procedures, etc)
6.Laparoscopic management of renal cystic disease
Ho Chi Minh city Medical Association 2004;9(4):234-236
Laparoscopic management of renal cystic disease is a safe and effective method for treating those cysts that have indications for surgical intervention. Long term results of treatment of simple cysts, peripelvic cysts, indeterminate cysts and autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease are so good. The approach - transperitoneal or retroperitoneal - depend on the disease, anatomic location and the preference and expertise of surgeons
Kidney Diseases, Cystic
7.Retroperitoneoscopic nephrectomy in children: The first case in Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh city Medical Association 2004;4(5):273-274
An 11 years old male patient hospitalized with a left nates pain constantly from a baby. Sometimes he had fevers with hematocyturia. Belly examination had without tumor. Laparoscopy discovered a whole left kidney with water. Some cysts had turbid liquid. The level of creatinin serum was 7mg/L. Netroperitoneoscopic nephrectomy had been operated for this patient on September 1st 2004. The operating time was 100 minutes, and blood loss was 20 ml. The patient was discharged 4 days after surgery. Netroperitoneoscopic nephrectomy could been performed in children. Surgery had few invasion, the operating time was no longer than open surgery, but the recover progresion was shorter after operation
8.Conservative management of a retroperitoneal bowel perforation after percutaneous nephrolithotomy
Ho Chi Minh city Medical Association 2003;8(4):235-236
Latrogenic extraperitoneal bowel perforation accounts for 0.8% of potential adverse events of percutaneous nephrolithotomy. Most of perforated cases were detected post-operatively because of non-specific clinical symptoms. Conservative management may be performed in cases of retroperitoneal injuries by using separation technique of colon from involved kidney to prevent the formation of fistula.
Nephrostomy, Percutaneous
Intestinal Perforation
9.Adrenal tumors: surgical treatment
Ho Chi Minh city Medical Association 2003;8(3):158-159
Both benign and malignant tumors in adrenal glands could make hypersecretion syndrom arised. Benign tumor usually has small size, homogenous intensity on cross-section. Opening surgery to remove the adrenal gland remains a safe and effective operation. However, a well trained surgeons can remove the tumors by endoscopy. It is an invasive interference with a short term hospitalisation with very low rate of complications.
Adrenal Rest Tumor
10.The role of positron emission tomography in the diagnosis of urologic malignancies
Ho Chi Minh city Medical Association 2005;10(1):28-30
Fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) has a limited role in the diagnosis of prostate cancer mainly because of the low uptake of FDG in the tumor. FDG-PET has shown some advantages in the assessment of lymph nodes and bone metastases. FDG-PET has a significant potential to assist with the diagnosis and management of testicular cancer. PET has been most useful in defining the presence or absence of disease in patients with residual masses. Role of PET in renal cell carcinoma and bladder cancer is so limited. Some new marked atoms have studied to increase effects of PET in diagnosis urologic malignancies
Urologic Neoplasms
Urologic Diseases