1.Plastic surgery for managing skull bone defects using “infost-2”carbone composite in St Paul Hospital
Journal of Practical Medicine 2004;480(5):53-55
From October 1997 to December 1998, 64 patients with defect of skull vault bone were divided into 2 groups. The 1st group of 33 patients underwent an orthopedic surgery to recreate the defect using their self exploited bone and the 2nd using the carbone composite flap. The technique of use of carbone composite was not complicated and can be applied in any surgical institution which had used to conduct emergency surgery of skull and brain. The priorities in indication must be given to large and very large defect.
Surgery, Plastic
Bone and Bones
2.Cranioplasty technique using carbon composite "intost-2"
Journal of Practical Medicine 2003;450(4):38-39
From Oct. 1997 to Oct. 1999 in Neurosurgery Department of St Paul Hospital, Ha Noi, 42 patients ≥ 4 years old underwent a cranioplasty for skull lacuna using carbon composite "intost-2". The pathologic postoperative conditions were 14.29% with extradural hematomas, 30.95% subdural hematomas, 54.76% cerebral wounds; located on frontal sited 40.48%, temporal 33.33%, parietal 21.43%, occipital 4.76%. Surgical produres were scar removal and cranioplasty 78.58%, scar removal and meningoplasty and skull repair 21.43%. These 42 cases were carried out succesfully with 7-10 hospital days, symptoms caused by skull lacuna were improved, only 1 case of failure
Pain, Postoperative
3.Cranioplasty with frozen self-cranial bone had been performed in patients with skull defect after craniostomy
Journal of Practical Medicine 2005;515(7):50-52
Assessment the efficacy of cranioplasty with frozen self-cranial bone on 47 patients at the Department of neurosurgery, Saint Paul hospital between May 2002 and March 2005. The patients consisted of 37 males and 10 females, the mean age was 28 (16 to 63 years old). In all patients, cranioplasty had been performed to repair bone defects secondary to severe brain injury. 38/47 patients (80.85%) had fronto-temporal defect while 27 patients had very large defect (> 80 cm2). Results: the operation successful rate was 90.24% (37/41 patients) and no complications. 4 cases need secondary cranioplasty while 2 patients were done with carbon composite.
Bone and Bones
4.Weekly iron complementation for women with ages of 15- 35 - A solution of effective preventive complementation can be expanded
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):8-12
Preventive supplementation of iron/folate is required to prevent iron- deficiency anemia during pregnancy. Recently there are a number of studies showed the efficacy of weekly iron/folate supplementation is comparable to daily approach. However there is lack of effective study that conducts at the routine iron supplementation program in the community. Since 1997, we have implemented the iron/folate supplementation program for women of reproductive age in Huong Son district, Ha Tinh province. Non-pregnant women aged 15- 35 were received a weekly dose of iron/folate for 16 weeks a year. Evaluation was conducted in 2 selected communes after 3 years. The results showed that anemia was remarkable decreased (24.2% in 1999 compared with 39.2% in 1997, p< 0.001). The awareness and practices of women about anemia and taking tablets was improved significantly. This approach may be feasible and realistic for further expanding intervention program in the anemia high rate areas
5.Improvement of the meal and nutritional status basing on the food approach in Thanh Mien district, Hai Duong province
Journal of Practical Medicine 1998;344(1):3-6
Evaluating efficacy of the nutrition improvement by educating and encouraging use of available food in the households at the communes of Thanh MiÖn district, H¶i D¬ng province. Results: the diet was significantly improved. Average energy per capital a day was 2002 kcal, was higher than this in 1994. Content of carotene and vitamin A in the diet in 1998 was higher 4 times than this 1994 and higher 2 times than this in 1996. The rate of malnutrition type under weight was significantly reduced. The rate of malnutrition type height was reduced 2% every year but still was high rate (40.2%). The knowledge and practice of mothers and families were improved obviously
Nutritional Status
Rural Health
6.Fibrous dysplasia: some opinions of the epidemiological features and the imaging specificity
Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 1998;230(11):150-0
Cross sectional retrospective study of 20 cases of Fibrous dysplasia confirmed by pathological result at Muculoskeletal Pathology Ward, Traumatologic and Orthopedic Center Hå ChÝ Minh City we noted a female predominance with M/F ratio = 13/7; ages group from 8 to 58 year old average age 24 year old. Polyostotic F.D exists only in 5 cases while the rest 15 cases are Monostotic F.D Tibia and femur are the most affected bones. Depend on the sites of lesion, we have 4 main patterns of bone lesion: 1. Pure lytic lesion. 2. Ground glass lesion. 3. Sclerotic lesion. 4. Complex lesion. From the determining factors as sex, age, sites of lesions, pattern of bone lesions, we try to find some criteria for the diagnosis of FD disease in Vietnamese patients.
Fibrous Dysplasia of Bone
7.Fibrous dysplasia of bone - some epidemiological opinions on the lesion characteristics in conventional X-ray film
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;437(12):32-35
A retrospective and cross sectional study was carried out in 23 cases of Fibrous dysplasia (FD) of bone diagnosed in Musculoskeletal Pathology ward, Traumatic & Orthopedic Center, HCMC, we noticed that Male/female ratio = 1:2.2, the peak age is the 2nd decade Monostolic FD: Pylyostotic FD=12:11. In monostotic FD, the lower limb is most affected (83.3%) in which tibia is the most common bone involved, while polyostotic FD is most encountered in the femur and pelvis. The most common X ray finding is the bone expansion lesion (79.6%), followed by mixtelytic and sclerotic osseous lesions, ground glass aspect (39%). The zone of transition is narrow (77.2%) and sclerotic margin (63.6%) are other common findings. "Crook shepherd" deformity is classic sign in femoral FD.
Fibrous Dysplasia of Bone
8.It should consider to the micronutrient deficiency prevention and control
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2000;(4):7-8
For the past years, the health sector had many efforts to deploy the nutritional program, generally, and the program of micronutrient deficiency prevention and control. Ups to now, the clinical types of eye dry due to the vitamin A deficiency leading to the blind were mainly eliminated. The nutritional anemia in women and pregnant women was also reduced. The knowledge of health staffs and people in the micronutrient deficiency was significantly enhanced.
prevention & control
9.Anemia related with hemoglobin diseases in Thai children in Lao Cai
Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 1998;230(11):63-66
Totally 179 children aged from 6 months to 15 years from 2 villages Taja and Na Cang, Than Uyen district, Lao Cai province was investigated clinically and hematologically. Among them, 99 were boys and 80 girls. The results show that prevalance of anemia among these children was as high as 49.7%. 50 anemic from children 89 had hemoglobin disorder. All children with moderate and severe anemia had hemoglobin-diseases. From the result above we suggest that thalassemia and HbE are serious cause for anemia in children from the region. It is nesecery to establish the thalassemia prevention programme for this region.
10.Early childhood stunting is associated with slow physical growth of primary school children
Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 1998;231(12):16-21
We selected 93 primary school children aged 7-8 years old living in a rural commune in which 46 children were classified as stunting and 47 children were not stunting during their period of under 5 years old. The anthropometric data and other socio-economic data of children and their family in two groups were collected. The results show that there is a catch-up growth in group of children with early stunting. However, their mean height was shorter than group without early stunting. HAZbefore is determinant factor for HAZ present. We found also that the birth weight is a positive factor that influences on both HAZ in two points of observation (in period of under 5 and in present time of study). We concluded that early stunting has the negative impact on physical growth in later age. Prevention of early stunting is very important action toward long-term nutritional benefits of children.
Nutrition Disorders
Feeding and Eating Disorders of Childhood