1.Some discussion of working conditions in hospita
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 1999;(5):2-3
During working in hospital, the health staffs must expose to many risk factors for their health, including microorganism, medical equipment, patient's excretions, radioactive machines, noise, working position, chemicals, drugs and stress. There were no measures of prevention and improvement to completely eliminate the bad impacts of the work. Therefore, it is difficult to prevent the occupational diseases for health staffs.
Medical Staff
risk factors
2.Evaluation of clinical feature of some juxta-articular soft tissue diseases
Lan Thi Ngoc Nguyen ; Tinh Xuan Ha
Journal of Medical Research 2007;47(1):37-44
Background: In Vietnam the juxta-articular soft tissue diseasesare very popular, but they have not been studied yet. Objectives: (1) Describe clinical feature of some juxta-articular soft tissue diseases (tendinopathy) (except periarthritis of the shoulder). (2) Determine the risk factors of these diseases. Subjects and method:118 patients with juxta-articular soft tissue diseases. Diagnosed following the standard criteria and treated in Rheumatology Department Bach Mai hospital (Hanoi - Vietnam) in the period from December 2005 to August 2006 There was a prospective descriptive method of study.Results:(1) Clinical feature of some juxta-articular soft tissue diseases: average age: 50.2 \xb1 10.4 years, female/male ration: 4:1, the most frequent clinical forms: Tendinosis of the Elbow (Tennis Elbow) (25.4%), de Quervain\u2019s tenosynovitis (22.9%), trigger finger (17.8%), Pes Anserine Bursitis (23.7%). Clinical symtoms: pain intensity: average VAS score: 5,8 \xb1 1,3 mild and moderate limitation of movement, inflammatory signs were not evident: Mild swelling (55%), redness, increase of local temperature (4-5%), pain character: Tendinosis of the Elbow and Pes Anserine Bursitis: permanent mild pain (73.6% and 68%), de Quervain\u2019s tenosynovitis and trigger finger: pain with irrdiation along the tendon (100%). (2)The risk factors ofthese diseases: manual and repetitive work, care of children (74%), middle age (73%), female (80,5%), osteoarthritis (21.2%), diabetes associated with trigger finger (19%).Conclusion: (1) The juxta-articular soft tissue diseases were seen at middle age, with feminine preponderance, moderate pain, not evident inflammation. Clinical forms: the prevalence of each group odd diseases (Tendinosis of the Elbow, de Quervain\u2019s tenosynovitis, trigger finger, Pes Anserine Bursitis) are quite eqiuvalent. (2) The risk factors of these diseases: manual and repetitive work, care of children, middle age, female, osteoarthritis, diabetes.
Soft Tissue Neoplasms/epidemiology
3.Study of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the wrist in rheumatoid arthritis
Ha Thi Hai Le ; Lan Thi Ngoc Nguyen
Journal of Medical Research 2007;49(3):54-60
Background: Wrist joint damage is early, common symptom and in diagnostic criteria of rheumatoid arthritis. Objective: to describe characteristics of MRI of the wrist in rheumatoid arthritis. Subjects and methods: This was a describe study. The study included 41 patients who were diagnosed rheumatoid arthritis according to the criteria of American College of Rheumatology- 1987 from January to October - 2006. Results: The average disease duration was 16.4 \xb114.71months. According to Rheumatoid Arthritis Magnetic Resonance Imaging Score (RAMRIS) 2002, damages on MRI included: 100% of patients had synovitis (5.9 \xb1 2.20), 100% of patients had bone erosions (15.3 \xb1 11.06) and 90% of patients had bone edema (7.3 \xb1 5.86), total score 28.6 \xb1 16.58. The correlative coefficient between synovitis and bone edema: r=0.43, P<0.01, between synovitis and bone erosions:r=0.61, P<0.01, between bone erosions and bone edema: r=0.55, P<0.01. MRI revealed bone erosions in 100% of patients having rheumatoid arthritis less six months after symptom onset compared with 0% of patients on radiography. In patients with over 2 years of disease duration, this rate on MRI was 100% of patients compared with 87.5% of patients on radiography. Conclusions: The specific damages of the wrist on MRI have value in diagnosis of early rheumatoid arthritis. \r\n', u'\r\n', u'\r\n', u'
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
4.Schooling conditions and the health status of pupils at some schools in Thua Thien Hue province, 2005-2006
Tu Ha Hoang ; Son Dinh Nguyen ; Thao Ngoc Thanh Dang
Journal of Preventive Medicine 2007;17(4):17-21
Background: According to assessment of Ministry of Health, developing constitution of pupuls under 14 years old grade A: 23%, grade B: 52%, grade C: 25%. Objectives: Analysis on environmental conditions, school and health status of pupils, comment, propose to enhance study conditions as well as constitution for pupils. Subjects and method: Pupils at primary schools, secondary shools, high schools in Quang Dien, Huong Thuy, A Luoi district. Method: cross-sectional descriptive study by light meter, measure microclimate, noise and steel measure to measure size of desks and chairs. Analyse, synthetize data by Exel. Results: School environment had remained disadvantageous factors that affects on pupils\ufffd?health status. There were a shortage of hygienic contructions, wrong size chairs and benches, poorly equipped school health office. Among 20,800 pupils, good health (grade A) was 48,42% in elementary schools, 52,07% in middle schools and 54,1% in high schools. The rate of eye diseases has increased in higher classes. Conclusion: Build and transform school have met the regulation of Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education and Training. School must have clean water works, clean toilet and have handwash tub. Organize periodic health test for pupils, always control school hygiene to timely contribute opinions help school to overcome shortcomings, limit disadvantageous conditions for pupils to prevent school health cause by insanitation environments and conditions.
Health Status
Pupil/ physiology
5.Investigation into the blood biochemical parameters related to metabolic syndrome in the staffs of Hanoi medical University in 2007
Thu Van Ha ; Ngoc Thien Pham ; Hoa Thi Nguyen
Journal of Medical Research 2008;56(4):104-111
Background: Metabolic syndrome is characterized by a group of metabolic risk factors in one person but not a real disease. For this reason, metabolic syndrome is underestimated by clinicians and individuals. Metabolic syndrome that was not detected and treated timely can cause serious diseases. Objectives: 1) To investigate the abnormal blood biochemical parameters related to metabolic syndrome. 2) To determine the abnormal ratio of these parameters. 3) To screen the metabolic syndrome among the staffs of Ha Noi Medical University. Subjects and method: 229 staffs underwent laboratory tests to diagnose for the metabolic syndrome. Abnormal blood biochemical parameters were defined as follows: Fasting blood glucose level increased 6.1mmol/l or more. Triglycerides level is 2.3mmol/l or more, HDL-cholesterol decreased to less than 1.03mmol/l for men and less than 1.24mmol/l for women. Total cholesterol level is 5.2mmol/l or more. CT to HDL-C ratio is more than 3.63 and LDL cholesterol level is 3.5mmol/l or more. Results. Rate of subjects with glucose intolerance or blood fasting glucose higher than 6.1mmol/L is 20.09%. Rate of subjects with dyslipidemia is 61.14%. Average levels of blood glucose, triglycerides and cholesterol increase with age. Number of staffs of Ha Noi Medical University have metabolic syndrome in 2007 are 32 persons (14%). M/F rate is equal and most common in persons over 45 years of age. Conclusion:There are significant number of staffs at the Ha Noi Medical University that had abnormal blood glucose and cholesterol levels related to metabolic syndrome.
Metabolic syndrome
blood biochemical parameters.
6.The role of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP \u2013 9) in metastasis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma
Ha Thi Ngoc Nguyen ; To Van Ta ; Binh Hoa Do ; Phi Thi Phi Pham
Journal of Medical Research 2008;58(5):1-7
Background: Identifying the factors which affect the invasion and metastasis process takes a vital role in the treatment of cancer. This is the first study on the relationship between the expression of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP \u2013 9), invasion and metastasis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) in Vietnam. Objectives: To evaluate the significance of matrix metalloproteinase \u2013 9 in predicting the metastasis potential of NPC. Subject and Method: The expression of MMP \u2013 9 was studied by immunohistochemical analysis in 33 nasopharyngeal carcinoma sections and the associations of MMP-9 with lymph nodes metastasis and clinical features. Results: Positive immunostaining for MMP-9 was observed in 94.94% of the NPCs, 39.4% of the cases being extensively positive (+++). The expression of MMP-9 correlated significantly with cervical lymph nodes metastasis (p<0.05). 5/16 cases (31.25% of the cases) without cervical lymph nodes metastasis expressed MMP-9 with 2+ or 3+ level, non-significant of MMP-9 expression with T classification and clinical stage. Conclusions: The expression of MMP-9 often goes along with lymph nodes metastasis in nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
7.Noise pollution, occupational failing hearing and occupational hearing loss among auto-engineering workers in Hue city
Dien Ngoc Nguyen ; Son Dinh Nguyen ; Vu Xuan Ho ; Hoang Van Ha ; Hoan Van Le ; Quang Van Le
Journal of Preventive Medicine 2007;17(2):50-54
Background: Noise pollution has seriously negative effects on worker\u2019s health, especially their hearing ability. Occupational hearing loss is one of 21 insured occupational diseases. Occupational hearing loss is common in workers in transpostation, construction, energy heavy and light industry areas. Objectives: 1. To determine the degree of noise pollution in Thua Thien Hue Unity Auto Mechanical Joint Stock Company. 2. To evaluate occupational failing hearing and occupational hearing loss among workers in the company. 3. To promote preventive measures which imnimize occupational failing hearing and occupational hearing loss. Subjects and method:A cross-sectional, descriptive study was carried out in 254 employees in Thua Thien Hue Unity Auto Mechanical \r\n', u'Joint Stock Company. Results and Conclusion: 72.7% the employees of Thua Thien Hue Unity Auto Mechanical \r\n', u'Joint Stock Company have exposed to environmental noise at the level higher than the permitted one. The rate of occupational failing hearing among these people is rather high (33.1%), and occupational hearing loss rate is 11.8%. There is a increased rate of occupational hearing loss according to the employee\u2019s age and seniority. Proposed preventive measures should be immediately conducted (P < 0.05).\r\n', u'
Hearing Loss
Noise-Induced/ epidemiology
8.Lead level in blood and urine of fishermen in Canh Duong village, Phu Loc, Thua Thien Hue province
Hoang Van Ha ; Son Dinh Nguyen ; Dien Ngoc Nguyen ; Vu Xuan Ho ; Hoan Van Le ; Quang Van Le ; Hop Van Nguyen
Journal of Preventive Medicine 2007;17(4):33-38
Background: In Viet Nam, there were many researches on determining lead level in blood, food and environment. But until now, there were not researches on determining lead level in fishermen community. Objectives: Determine trace amount of lead by von-ampe dissolve anot using electrode BiFE. Analysis on trace amount of lead in blood and urine of fishermen in Canh Duong village. Propose solutions for preventing lead poisoning in studied community. Subjects and method: Fishermen in Canh Duong village, Phu Loc, Thua Thien Hue province. The method differential pulse-anodic stripping voltametry (DP-ASV) using Bismuth Film Electrodic in situ was successfully applied to measure lead levels in blood and 24h urine of fishermen in Canh Duong village. Results: The mean level of lead in blood of the suspected group (fishermen) in Canh Duong village (34,7 \xb5g/dL) was higher than that of the control group (16,3 \xb5g/dL). For both groups, 37 out of 40 blood samples (92,5%) had lead level higher than WHO\u2019s recommended level (10 \xb5g/dL). Especially, 6 of 40 blood samples (15%) had lead level higher than 50 \xb5g/dL. The lead level in 24h urine of suspected group had slightly higher (about 1,2 times) than that in the control group. The lead level of the two groups was much higher than the normal level. Conclusion: The method DP-ASV/BiFE in situ was applied successfully to determine lead level in blood and 24h urine. The investigative results of related information showed that: the risk of chronic lead poisoning in studied community very high.
Lead/ adverse effects
antagonists &
9.Isolation and Cytotoxic Potency of Endophytic Fungi Associated with Dysosma difformis, a Study for the Novel Resources of Podophyllotoxin
Hoa Thi TRAN ; Giang Thu NGUYEN ; Hong Ha Thi NGUYEN ; Huyen Thi TRAN ; Quang Hong TRAN ; Quang Ho TRAN ; Ngoc Thi NINH ; Phat Tien DO ; Ha Hoang CHU ; Ngoc Bich PHAM
Mycobiology 2022;50(5):389-398
Endophytic fungi are promising sources for the production of podophyllotoxin-an important anticancer compound, replacing depleted medical plants. In this study, the endophytes associated with Dysosma difformis-an ethnomedicinal plant species were isolated to explore novel sources of podophyllotoxin. Fifty-three endophytic fungi were isolated and identified by morphological observation and ITS-based rDNA sequencing, assigning them to 27 genera in 3 divisions. Fusarium was found the most prevalent genus with a colonization frequency of 11.11%, followed by Trametes (9.26%) and Penicillium (7.41%). Phylogenetic trees were constructed for the endophytic fungi community in two collection sites, Ha Giang and Lai Chau, revealing the adaptation of the species to the specific tissues and habitats. Cytotoxic activity of endophytic fungal extracts was investigated on cancer cell lines such as SK-LU-1, HL-60, and HepG2, demonstrating strong anti-cancer activity of six isolates belonging to Penicillium, Trametes, Purpureocillium, Aspergillus, and Ganoderma with IC 50 value of lower than 10 10 µg/mL. The presence of podophyllotoxin was indicated in Penicillium, Trametes, Aspergillus and for the first time in Purpureocillium and Ganoderma via high-performance liquid chromatography, which implied them as a potential source of this anticancer compound.
10.Trends in prediabetes and diabetes prevalence and associated risk factors in Vietnamese adults
That Thanh TON ; Anh Thi Ngoc TRAN ; Ich Thanh DO ; Hoa NGUYEN ; Thi Thanh Binh NGUYEN ; Minh Tu NGUYEN ; Van Anh Bao HA ; Anh Quoc TRAN ; Huu Khoi HOANG ; Binh Thang TRAN
Epidemiology and Health 2020;42():e2020029-
The prevalence of diabetes mellitus is rapidly increasing in Vietnam, particularly among adults aged over 45 years. This study estimated trends in diabetes and prediabetes prevalence and determined risk factors in Vietnamese adults (over 45 years).
A cross-sectional study was conducted based on data from an annual diabetes screening program among people aged 45-69 years in an urban city in central Vietnam (Da Nang). Joinpoint regression analyses were performed to calculate the annual percentage change and ptrend-values. Multinomial logistic regression analysis was used to determine risk factors.
In total, 3,765 men and 9,149 women were included in this analysis. The age-adjusted prevalence of diabetes and prediabetes in 2017 was 11.4% and 52.9%, respectively. The prevalence of diabetes was higher in men (15.1%) than in women (10.3%), but that of prediabetes was similar in both genders (53.4% vs. 52.8%). The prevalence of prediabetes significantly increased during the study period, whereas no upward or downward trend for diabetes was observed. The prevalence of obesity, abdominal obesity, hypertension, and dyslipidemia showed no obvious trend. Obesity, a high waist-to-hip ratio, hypertension, more severe abdominal obesity, and dyslipidemia were significantly associated with a higher risk of diabetes and prediabetes.
Diabetes and prediabetes were more prevalent among people aged over 45 years than in the general population. Da Nang has experienced a marked increase in the prevalence of prediabetes. These findings have significant implications regarding the need for nationwide public health interventions and management aiming at diabetes prevention and control.