1.Chung buon don
Journal Reasearch of Vietnam Traditional Medicine and Pharmacy 2005;15():29-30
The author described “chung bon don” is reverse air from bottom to upper of the gastrointestinal system. Some signals of the disease are severe abdominal pain, difficulty in breathing, dizzy. palpitation, abnormal feeling (hot or cold) and hungry. The author did bring some dialectical reasoning and how to treat this disease. All for treat the disease are medicinal plants that are available in Viet Nam. There are 3 remedies here. They are: “Bon don” remedy, “Que chi gia que” remedy, and “phuc linh que chi cam thao dai tao” remedy
Plants, medicinal
Medicine, Traditional
2.Nano-ayurvedic medicine and its potential in cancer treatment.
Journal of Integrative Medicine 2023;21(2):117-119
Nano-ayurvedic medicine is an emerging field in which nanoparticles are functionalized with active principles of potent ayurvedic herbs to enhance their efficacy and target-specific delivery. Scientific advances in the past couple of decades have revealed the molecular mechanisms behind the anticancer potential of several ayurvedic herbs, attributed chiefly to their secondary metabolites including polyphenols and other active substances. With the advancement of nanotechnology, it has been established that size-, shape-, and surface-chemistry-optimized nanoparticles can be utilized as synergizing carriers for these phytochemicals. Nano-ayurvedic medicine utilizes herbs that are commonly used in Ayurveda to functionalize different nanoparticles and thereby enhance their potency and target specificity. Studies have shown that the active phytochemicals of such herbs can be coated onto the nanoparticles of different metals, such as gold, and that they work more efficiently than the free herbal extract, for example, in inhibiting cancer cell proliferation. Recently, an Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (AYUSH)-based clinical trial in humans indicated the anticancer potential of such formulations. Nano-ayurvedic medicine is emerging as a potential treatment option for hyperproliferative diseases.
Medicine, Ayurvedic
Neoplasms/drug therapy*
3.Sebastian Kneipp and the Natural Cure Movement of Germany: Between Naturalism and Modern Medicine.
Korean Journal of Medical History 2016;25(3):557-590
This study discusses the historical significance of the Natural Cure Movement of Germany, centering on the Kneipp Cure, a form of hydrotherapy practiced by Father Sebastian Kneipp (1821-1897). The Kneipp Cure rested on five main tenets: hydrotherapy, exercise, nutrition, herbalism, and the balance of mind and body. This study illuminates the reception of the Kneipp Cure in the context of the trilateral relationship among the Kneipp Cure, the Natural Cure Movement in general, and modern medicine. The Natural Cure Movement was ideologically based on naturalism, criticizing industrialization and urbanization. There existed various theories and methods in it, yet they shared holism and vitalism as common factors. The Natural Cure Movement of Germany began in the early 19th century. During the late 19th century and the early 20th century, it became merged in the Lebensreformbewegung (life reform movement) which campaigned for temperance, anti-tobacco, and anti-vaccination. The core of the Natural Cure Movement was to advocate the world view that nature should be respected and to recognize the natural healing powers of sunlight, air, water, etc. Among varied natural therapies, hydrotherapy spread out through the activities of some medical doctors and amateur healers such as Johann Siegmund Hahn and Vincenz Prieβnitz. Later, the supporters of hydrotherapy gathered together under the German Society of Naturopathy. Sebastian Kneipp, one of the forefathers of hydrotherapy, is distinguished from other proponents of natural therapies in two aspects. First, he did not refuse to employ vaccination and medication. Second, he sought to be recognized by the medical world through cooperating with medical doctors who supported his treatment. As a result, the Kneipp cure was able to be gradually accepted into the medical world despite the “quackery” controversy between modern medicine and the Natural Cure Movement. Nowadays, the name of Sebastian Kneipp remains deeply engraved on the memories of German people through various Kneipp spa products, as well as his books such as My Water Cure and Thus Shalt Thou Live! Wörishofen, where Kneipp had served as catholic priest as well as hydrotherapist for 42 years from 1855, changed its name to “Bad Wörishofen” (“Wörishofen Spa” in German). The Kneipp Cure and the Natural Cure Movement became a source of ecologica l thought which is currently gaining more and more sympathy from German people. It is regarded as a lieu de mémoire (site of memory) reflecting the collective identity of German people.
Herbal Medicine
History, Modern 1601-*