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Author:(Naran G)

1.Results of the assessment of the laboratory system

Enkhjargal Ts ; Khadkhuu V ; Naran G ; Regzedmaa D ; Dulamjav J

Health Laboratory 2013;2(2):21-25

2.The Causes of sepsis after Caesaråan section and determination of antibiotic sensitivity

Narantsatsralt D ; Lkhagvasuren J ; Naran G

Mongolian Medical Sciences 2015;174(4):25-29

3. Results revealing renal complication in patients with type 2 diabetes

Uranbaigali E ; Naran G ; Bayasgalan T

Health Laboratory 2015;4(1):15-17

5. Culture bone marrow-derived stem cells under hypoxic conditions improves the stemness

Bayarmaa E ; Bayarjavkhlan CH ; Naran G ; Taosheng LI

Innovation 2014;8(3):24-27

6. 4th Mongolian External Quality Assessment Survey For Clinical Chemistry testing

Naran G ; Bayarzaya A ; Enkhzaya S ; Unurjargal SH ; Мinoru TAKAYANAGI

Health Laboratory 2013;1(1):5-10

7. Results of the assessment of the laboratory system

Enkhjargal TS ; Khadkhuu V ; Naran G ; Regzedmaa D ; Dulamjav J

Health Laboratory 2013;2(2):21-25

8. Culture mesenchymal stem cells under hypoxic conditions

Bayarmaa E ; Bayarjavkhlan CH ; Naran G ; Taoshen LI

Health Laboratory 2014;3(1):6-9

10. Comparison of CSF analysis by manual counts and automated hematology analyzer Sysmex XN-2000

Bolor A ; Oyunkhand L ; Erdenechimeg D ; Narmandakh G ; Gerel A ; Narantuguldur D ; Oyunchimeg R ; Naran G

Health Laboratory 2016;5(1):12-15

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