Aim: To assess the oral health related quality of life(OHQoL) of a selected population of Malaysian adults andto compare the OHQoL by periodontal status. Material& Methods: This cross-sectional study comprises aconvenient sampling of fifty subjects from the PrimaryCare Unit, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Malaya.OHQoL was assessed using the Malaysian versionof Oral Health Impact Profile-14 (OHIP-14). Basicperiodontal examination (BPE) was performed on allsubjects to determine their periodontal status. Descriptivestatistics and bivariate analysis were performed. Results:Psychological discomfort, physical pain and psychologicaldisability domains were the most affected dimensions inthis population. Subjects with income levels >RM2,500had higher impacts on their OHQoL as compared to thosefrom other income levels (p<0.05). 78% of the subjectshad some form of periodontitis (BPE scores 3 or 4) withthe other 22% recording healthy/ gingivitis status (BPE0, 1 or 2). Subjects with periodontitis experienced higherimpacts on OHQoL as compared to those with healthy/gingivitis in nearly all domains (p>0.05). Conclusion:Subjects with high income levels had high impacts ontheir OHQoL. Those with periodontitis experiencedhigher impacts on their OHQoL as compared to those whohad a healthy periodontium or gingivitis and affected awide range of domains of quality of life.