1.The sweetest decay: A case report on an adolescent female with type I diabetes mellitus and suicide attempts by insulin misuse.
The Philippine Journal of Psychiatry 2017;39(1):23-34
The case presented multifactorial facets of depression and diabetes leading to noncompliance to both medical and psychiatric treatment resulting in suicide. A biopsychosocial approach was done to elucidate the complexity of the case, factoring in the adolescent storm, vicious cycle of diabetes and depression and effect of enmeshed attachments. Management involved short-term and long-term goals, focusing on psychoeducation about the nature and course of depression, psychiatric impact of depression leading to noncompliance, suicide precaution and treatment plans through psychopharmacology and psychoterapy, family therapy, liaison with the Pediatric Endocrinology and Nutrition service and support group involvement.
Human ; Female ; Adolescent ; Depression ; Family Therapy ; Psychopharmacology ; Goals ; Suicide ; Depressive Disorder ; Psychotherapy ; Patient Compliance ; Diabetes Mellitus ; Self-help Groups
2.The sweetest decay: A case report on an adolescent female with type I diabetes mellitus and suicide attempts by insulin misuse.
The Philippine Journal of Psychiatry 2017;39(1):23-34
The case presented multifactorial facets of depression and diabetes leading to noncompliance to both medical and psychiatric treatment resulting in suicide. A biopsychosocial approach was done to elucidate the complexity of the case, factoring in the adolescent storm, vicious cycle of diabetes and depression and effect of enmeshed attachments. Management involved short-term and long-term goals, focusing on psychoeducation about the nature and course of depression, psychiatric impact of depression leading to noncompliance, suicide precaution and treatment plans through psychopharmacology and psychoterapy, family therapy, liaison with the Pediatric Endocrinology and Nutrition service and support group involvement.
Human ; Female ; Depression ; Insulin--administration & Dosage ; Family Therapy ; Psychopharmacology ; Suicide ; Depressive Disorder ; Psychotherapy ; Patient Compliance ; Diabetes Mellitus ; Self-help Groups