1.Translation And Validation Of The Malay Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist For Civilians
Rafidah Bahari ; Muhammad N Mohamad Alwi ; Muhammad R Ahmad ; Ismail Mohd Saiboon
ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry 2015;16(2):1-9
Objectives: There are a number of validated questionnaires available for the
screening of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and the PTSD Checklist
for Civilians is one of them. However, none was translated into the Malay
Language and validated for use in the Malaysian population. The aim of this
study is to translate and validate the Malay PTSD Checklist for Civilians
(MPCL-C). Methods: The PCL-C was translated into the Malay Language and
back-translated. The reliability and validity of the MPCL-C were then
determined by administering them to those who presented at the emergency
department for motor vehicle accident at least one month before. Results: The
MPCL-C has good face and content validity. In terms of reliability, it is also
good, with Chronbach’s alpha values of 0.90, 0.77, 0.75 and 0.74 for the full
scale, re-experiencing, avoidance and arousal domains respectively. Conclusions:
The MPCL-C is a valid and reliable instrument to screen for PTSD in motor
vehicle accident victims for the studied population.
2.The Relationship between Food Handlers Personal Hygiene Practices and Cafetaria Sanitary
Hukil Sino ; Zurina Mahadi ; Hasnah Haron ; Muhammad Aizat Misrin ; Nurul’izzah Ismail ; Mohd Hasamizi Mustapa
Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences 2013;11(1):1-8
This case study was conducted to determine the level of personal hygiene among food handlers and its relationship to cafeteria hygiene Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). 75 respondents were involved in this study. The data shows that 32% of respondents are not vaccinated for typhoid while 49.3% do not acquire food handlers’ course certificate. The data also shows that 50.7% of the respondents are not Malaysian citizen. In term of personal hygiene practices, the findings show that 7 items are higher in percentage (70.3% – 87.5%) while another 7 items are lower in percentage (26.4% – 68%). The findings also show that 12 items related to cafeteria sanitary are conformed while 9 items are not. The statistical analysis shows that personal hygiene practices are significantly different (U = 472, p = 0.01) between Malaysian citizen food handlers and the non-Malaysian food handlers. The findings show that Malaysian citizen food-handlers practice better personal hygiene in comparison to non-Malaysian food-handlers. It is also observed that the relationship between is positive and statistically significant (χ2 = 6.432, p = 0.011), although the association between food-handlers personal hygiene and cafeteria sanitary is medium (Φ = 0.29). The findings imply that Malaysian citizen food handlers are better in personal hygiene practices and in promoting cafeteria sanitary in comparison to non-Malaysian food-handlers
3.Short Review Of Fourteen Years Maternal Mortality In Achieving Mdg5 In UKMMC
Rahana Abd Rahman ; NorAzlin Mohd Ismail ; Muhammad Abdul Jamil Yassin ; Aqmar Suraya Sulaiman
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2013;13(1):59-63
Worldwide maternal mortality rate had reduced tremendously including Malaysia. At the 2000 Millenium Summit, eight Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) were established with target for the year 2015. Three years remained until the dateline to achieve MDG5, which comprised of two targets and one being reducing the maternal mortality ratio by 75%. This review compared the trend of maternal mortality and its causes in our centre to the national data. The national data had shown a reduction from 44 to 27.6 in 100 000 live births in1991 and 2008 respectively. The subsequent rate had stabilized for the past seven years. In contrast the UKM Medical Centre (UKMMC) data in the past 15 years had not been stable. The target of MDG5 seemed to be achievable by our country but may require longer time as we have yet to find ways to overcome medical care inadequacy in remote areas.
4.Phytochemical screening and anticonvulsant studies of ethyl acetate fraction of Globimetula braunii on laboratory animals
Aliyu Mumammad Musa ; Musa Ismail Abdullahi ; Kamal Jaafar Muhammad ; Mohammed Garba Magaji
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 2014;(4):285-289
Objective: To investigate the phytochemical properties and the anticonvulsant potential of the ethyl acetate soluble fraction of ethanol leaf extract of Globimetula braunii, a plant used in ethnomedicine for the treatment of epilepsy.
Methods:The phytochemical screening was carried out using standard protocol while the anticonvulsant activity was studied using maximal electroshock test in chicks, pentylenetetrazole and 4-aminopyridine-induced seizures in mice.
Results: The preliminary phytochemical screening carried out on the crude ethanol extract revealed the presence of saponins, carbohydrates, flavonoids, tannins, anthraquinones and steroids. Similarly, tannins, flavonoids and steroids/terpenes were found to be present in the ethyl acetate fraction. In the pharmacological screening, 150 mg/kg of the fraction protected 83.33% of animals against pentylenetetrazole-induced seizure in mice whereas sodium valproate a standard anti-epileptic drug offered 100% protection. In the 4-aminopyridine-induced seizure model, the fraction produced a significant (P<0.05) increase in the mean onset of seizure in unprotected animals. The fraction did not exhibit a significant activity against maximal electroshock convulsion. The median lethal dose of the fraction was found to be 1261.91 mg/kg.
Conclusions:These results suggest that the ethyl acetate fraction of Globimetula braunii leaves extract possesses psychoactive compound that may be useful in the management of petit mal epilepsy and lend credence to the ethnomedical use of the plant in the management of epilepsy.
5.Pheochromocytoma and Pregnancy: A Difficult and Dangerous Ordeal
Mohamed Ismail Nor Azlin ; Abd Rahman Rahana ; Abd Wahab Norasyikin ; Muhammad Rohaizak ; Nor Azmi Kamaruddin
Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2012;19(1):65-68
Pheochromocytoma during pregnancy is potentially disastrous to the mother and fetus. Its ambiguous presentation is often mistaken for pre-eclampsia, although it may imitate other problems during pregnancy. Early diagnosis and timely, appropriate management reduces possible maternal and fetal complications. We identified a case of pheochromocytoma during pregnancy; the condition was initially diagnosed as pre-eclampsia complicated with gestational diabetes. Surgical intervention via left adrenalectomy was successfully performed in the second trimester. After surgery, all of the patient’s medical problems nearly subsided and she did not require further treatment. However, her fetus displayed restricted intrauterine growth, and the patient eventually had premature delivery via a caesarean section. A multidisciplinary team to identify and treat pheochromocytoma is mandatory to ensure optimal conditions for tumour removal and to anticipate any possible catastrophic events.
6.Comparison of Digestion Methods for the Determination of Trace Elements and Heavy Metals in Human Hair and Nails
Ismarulyusda Ishak ; Farah Dayana Rosli ; Jamaludin Mohamed ; Muhammad Faiz Mohd Ismail
Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2015;22(6):11-20
Background: Microwave is the most reliable sample digestion method. However, it requires expensive microwave digester automation and has relatively low productivity. In this study, three non-automated digestion methods, i.e. wet acid digestion using nitric acid (HNO3) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), wet acid digestion using HNO3, and dry washing, are compared in order to determine the best approach.
Methods: Certified reference material IAEA-086 (International Atomic Energy Agency, Austria) and hair and nail samples from 20 female students of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, aged 19 to 30 years, were collected and analysed using the three digestion methods.
Results: For hair samples, analysis of variance of repeated measures showed significant differences in the level of all elements (P < 0.001) between the three methods. For nail samples, only the copper (Cu) level showed no significant difference (P = 0.100) between methods. Wet acid digestion using HNO3 and H2O2 showed the best within- and between-run relative standard deviation (RSD) values, with within-run RSD for all elements, except for selenium (Se), < 5%. The between-run precision ranges from 6.14% to 17.96% for hair and from 3.53% to 11.52% for nail samples. Wet acid digestion using HNO3 and H2O2 showed both good accuracy and precision for manganese (Mn) and magnesium (Mg), with percentage recoveries of 110% and 96.9%, respectively. All elements show higher method detection limit (MDL) values than the previous study: 0.05 μg/g Mg for wet acid digestion using HNO3, 0.02 μg/g Se for wet acid digestion using HNO3 and H2O2, and 0.2 μg/g Mg for dry ash method.
Conclusion: Wet acid digestion using HNO3 and H2O2 proved to be the best method in terms of precision, accuracy, recovery, and MDL. However, only Mn and Mg showed adequate precision, accuracy, and percentage of recovery.
7.Evaluation of Selected Metal Elements in Commercial Drinking Water and Tap Water in Peninsular Malaysia
Hock-Eng Khoo ; Azrina Azlan ; Mohd Aizat Idris ; Amin Ismail ; Muhammad Rizal Razman
Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences 2011;9(1):5-11
The present study was carried out to determine the concentrations of selected metal elements (lead, copper, manganese, zinc and iron) in 51 samples of commercial drinking water and tap water available in Malaysia. The results indicated that low metal elements were found in the studied water samples. Lead, manganese, zinc and iron were not detected in some of the studied samples, except copper. The concentrations of the metal elements in the studied samples were well below the maximum permitted concentrations as recommended. Therefore these drinking water are safe for consumption and do not pose adverse effect to the health of consumers due to metal toxicity.
8.Determination of malathion levels and the effect of malathion on the growth of Chrysomya megacephala (Fibricius) in malathion-exposed rat carcass.
Rashid Rumiza Abd ; Khairul Osman ; Ismail Mohd Iswadi ; Zuha Raja Muhammad ; Hassan Rogaya Abu
Tropical biomedicine 2008;25(3):184-90
This study was conducted to examine the effect of malathion on the development of Chrysomya megacephala. A total of 12 adult Sprague-Dawley rats was divided into 4 groups. Each animal in the 4 groups was given orally 0 (control), 10, 25 and 50ml/kg body weight of malathion, respectively. Chrysomya megacephala larvae were then allowed to grow on the liver of carcass. Larvae development was estimated by means of weight and length, time of adult emergence and survival rate. Results indicated that for the first 6 to 30 hours, larvae from control group developed more rapidly than larvae feeding on tissue containing malathion. However, the 3 doses of malathion did not exhibit significant impact on larvae length and weight. The time required for adult emergence was significantly greater for malathion-treated colony which was 10 days compared to 7 days in control colony. Control larvae of C. megacephala had higher survival rate compared to larvae exposed to the three different doses of malathion. Analysis of the tissues indicated that all rats and fly samples were positive for malathion. Malathion concentration was highest in liver. It was concluded that the presence of malathion altered the development rate of C. megacephala and thus disrupted normal postmortem interval estimation.
Chrysomya megacephala
development aspects
Carbon ion
9.Demographic and Clinical Factors Associated With Verbal memory Performance In Patients With Schizophrenia In Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM), Malaysia
Zahiruddin Othman ; Ruzita Jamaluddin ; Muhammad Najib Mohamad Alwi ; Hasanah Che Ismail
ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry 2011;12(2):1-9
Objective: The present study aims to assess verbal memory performance in patients with schizophrenia attending HUSM and determine the relationship between the patients’ verbal memory performance and their demographic/clinical
factors. Methods: A cross sectional study of 114 patients with schizophrenia attending HUSM psychiatric services from December 2007 to May 2008 was conducted. The schizophrenia symptoms as well as verbal memory performance
were assessed using the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale, the Malay version of the Calgary Depression Scale (MVCDS), and the Malay version of the Auditory
Verbal Learning Test (MVAVLT). The relationship between verbal memory performance and demographic/clinical symptoms was evaluated using Pearson
Correlation. Results: Overall MVAVLT scores in all the trials were lowered in patients with schizophrenia compared to average healthy controls. There were
significant relationships between occupational status and MVAVLT performance in Trial A1-A5 Total; between educational level and MVAVLT performance in
Trial A1 and Trial A1-A5 Total and between severities of illness and MVAVLT performance in all indexes except Trial A1 after controlled for occupation and
educational level. Conclusions: Patient with schizophrenia in HUSM performed significantly worse than healthy controls in verbal memory with or without
interference. There were significant relationships between MVAVLT performance and patient’s occupational status, educational level and severity of the illness but
not depressive symptoms.
10.Effectiveness and safety of preoperative distraction using modified halo-pelvic Ilizarov distraction assembly in patients with severe kyphoscoliosis
Muhammad Saad ILYAS ; Abdullah SHAH ; Uruj ZEHRA ; Muhammad ISMAIL ; Haseeb ELAHI ; Amer AZIZ
Asian Spine Journal 2024;18(4):522-531
Patients with severe kyphoscoliosis having coronal Cobb angle >90° were applied with modified halo-pelvic Ilizarov distraction assembly preoperatively. The modified assembly consisted of a pelvic component and halo ring, and distraction was given at the rate of 2–3 mm/day for 6–12 weeks. Complete clinical assessments along with pulmonary function tests were performed, and scoliosis series X-ray images were assessed for coronal and sagittal Cobb angle and other spinopelvic parameters before applying the assembly and during 2 years of follow-up.
Thirty-four patients (age, 9–27 years; male/female ratio of 18:16) were included. The coronal and sagittal Cobb angles were 116°±16.2° and 84°±28.3°, respectively. Correction rates obtained through modified halo-pelvic assembly were nearly 52% (p=0.001) in coronal and 40% (p=0.001) in sagittal Cobb angles, with improvement in height (p=0.001). Apical vertebral translation and coronal balance were also improved significantly (p=0.001). Further improvements in all the parameters were obtained after definitive surgery, with improvements in the forced expiratory volume in 1 second (p =0.002) and forced vital capacity (p=0.001).
Our modified halo-pelvic Ilizarov distraction assembly can achieve good correction in severe spinal deformities without significant risk to neurology, has fewer complications, and promotes good patient compliance.