1.Validity And Reliability Of Vicon Motion Capture Camera Over The Traditional Anthropometric Method
Muhammad Fikri Z ; Ruzy Haryati H ; Seri Rahayu K
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2018;18(Special Volume (2)):142-151
Anthropometric study is one of the oldest branches of study in ergonomics where it serves a purpose in study of proportion and size for human body. One of the common methods used in anthropometric measurement is traditional measurement or direct measurement. However, Malaysia is still left behind other countries in development of national anthropometric database. Researchers in Malaysia are still relying on the traditional anthropometric (TA) measurement. There are several important factors that contribute to problems in TA such as accuracy, time, posture, identification of landmarks, instrument positions and orientations, and pressure exerted due to measuring equipment. In view of the fact that the difficulties of obtaining human anthropometry, it becomes necessary to propose a method which has less contact executed to respondent. This study aims to propose a new anthropometric measurement method using motion capture camera (MCC) method, later to develop the database for youth male population. A pilot test was done in order to confirm the measuring procedure as well as the flow of the study. Next, the Minitab statistical software used to check the validity and reliability of data using the tests of a) Accuracy-Pearson/Spearman Correlation b) BiasPaired T-Test c) Test-Retest Reliability-Pearson/Spearman Correlation d) Precision-Mean Absolute Difference and Relative Error Measurement. Results showed that the validity and reliability of this motion camera has successfully obtained and the anthropometric data for youth male respondents has successfully constructed. These findings can be used and expended to the national anthropometric database to be utilised in ergonomics design.
traditional anthropometry
non-contact anthropometry measurements
validity and reliability
ergonomics design
2.Molecular Characterization of Avian Infectious Bronchitis Virus Isolated in Malaysia during 2014-2016
Leow, B.L. ; Syamsiah Aini, S ; Faizul Fikri, M.Y ; Muhammad Redzwan, S. ; Khoo, C.K ; Ong, G.H. ; Basirah, M.A ; Norazura, B. ; Mazaitul, Z. ; Mohd Khairil, A. ; Mohd. Jihan, R ; Sohayati, A.R ; Chandrawathani, P.
Tropical Biomedicine 2018;35(4):1092-1106
Avian Infectious Bronchitis (IB) is a highly contagious disease which can cause
huge economic losses to the poultry industry. Forty five IB viruses (IBV) were isolated
from poultry in Malaysia during 2014-2016. Phylogenetic analysis of the spike glycoprotein
1 (S1) gene revealed that all isolates were clustered into five distinct groups. The
predominant type of IBV isolated was QX strains (47%), second was 4/91 type (27%),
followed by Malaysian strain MH5365/95 (13%), Massachusetts type (11%) and finally
Taiwanese strains (2%). Four types of S1 protein cleavage recognition motifs were found
among the isolates which includes HRRRR, RRSRR, RRFRR and RRVRR. To our knowledge,
this is the first report describing the motif RRVRR and are unique to Malaysian strains. Six
IBVs were grouped in Malaysian MH5365/95 strains. Among these, one isolate was different
from others where it only shared 82% identity with MH5365/95 and to others. It formed its
own branch in the Malaysian cluster suggesting it may be a variant unique to Malaysia.
Alignment analysis of the S1 amino acid sequences indicated that point mutations, insertions
and deletions contribute to the divergence of IB variants. This study indicated at least five
groups of IBV are circulating in Malaysia with most of the isolates belonged to QX strains.
As new IBV variants continue to emerge, further study need to be carried out to determine
whether the current available vaccine is able to give protection against the circulating