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Author:(Motoki FUKUDA)

1.Deep learning system for distinguishing between nasopalatine duct cysts and radicular cysts arising in the midline region of the anterior maxilla on panoramic radiographs

Yoshitaka KISE ; Chiaki KUWADA ; Mizuho MORI ; Motoki FUKUDA ; Yoshiko ARIJI ; Eiichiro ARIJI

Imaging Science in Dentistry 2024;54(1):33-41

2.Effect of deep transfer learning with a different kind of lesion on classification performance of pre-trained model: Verification with radiolucent lesions on panoramic radiographs

Yoshitaka KISE ; Yoshiko ARIJI ; Chiaki KUWADA ; Motoki FUKUDA ; Eiichiro ARIJI

Imaging Science in Dentistry 2023;53(1):27-34

3.Differences in the panoramic appearance of cleft alveolus patients with or without a cleft palate

Takeshi FUJII ; Chiaki KUWADA ; Yoshitaka KISE ; Motoki FUKUDA ; Mizuho MORI ; Masako NISHIYAMA ; Michihito NOZAWA ; Munetaka NAITOH ; Yoshiko ARIJI ; Eiichiro ARIJI

Imaging Science in Dentistry 2024;54(1):25-31

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