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Author:(Motofumi YOSHIDA)

1.4. Implementation and challenges of Objective Structure Clinical Examination after clinical clerkship

Motofumi Yoshida

Medical Education 2015;46(1):18-22

2.Opinions of Physicians Graduating from Kyushu University Medical School about an End-of-life Care Course Taken 10 Years Earlier

Kouji MASUDA ; Motofumi YOSHIDA

Medical Education 2005;36(3):173-176

3.Factors Considered Important for a Terminal Care Curriculum.

Kouji MASUDA ; Hiromichi YAMAMOTO ; Motofumi YOSHIDA

Medical Education 2002;33(6):475-478

4.An opinion poll regarding the national licensure examination for clinical instructors and trainees within 2 years of passing the examination

Ryukichi Kumashiro ; Kiyoshi Kitamura ; Toshiro Shimura ; Yohei Fukumoto ; Motofumi Yoshida

Medical Education 2011;42(5):295-302

5.Does the hospitalization immersion experience improve medical students’ understanding of patients’ perspectives? A qualitative study

Makoto KIKUKAWA ; Kikuko TAKETOMI ; Motofumi YOSHIDA

Korean Journal of Medical Education 2021;33(2):97-106

6.Does the hospitalization immersion experience improve medical students’ understanding of patients’ perspectives? A qualitative study

Makoto KIKUKAWA ; Kikuko TAKETOMI ; Motofumi YOSHIDA

Korean Journal of Medical Education 2021;33(2):97-106

7.Medical Students' Simlympic Games 2014:

Kazunobu Ishikawa ; Taichi Shuto ; Hiroyuki Komatsu ; Yoko Moroi ; Keiko Abe ; Motofumi Yoshida ; Kazuhiko Fujisaki ; Takuzo Hano ; Kazuhiro Hirohashi

Medical Education 2015;46(3):259-271

8.Development of education system for medical educationist in Japan: an introduction

Yasuyuki SUZUKI ; Toshimasa YOSHIOKA ; Motofumi YOSHIDA ; Masami TAGAWA ; Hiroshi NISHIGORI ; Takuya SAIKI ; Rika MORIYA ; Hisashi OTANI ; Yoko WATANABE

Medical Education 2009;40(4):235-236

9.Questionnaire survey on the development of education system for medical educationist in Japan

Yasuyuki SUZUKI ; Toshimasa YOSHIOKA ; Motofumi YOSHIDA ; Masami TAGAWA ; Hiroshi NISHIGORI ; Takuya SAIKI ; Rika MORIYA ; Hisashi OTANI ; Yoko WATANABE

Medical Education 2009;40(4):237-241

10.Mixed-Method Outcome Evaluation of a Community-Based Education Program for Medical Students

Makoto Kikukawa ; Yasutomo Oda ; Kenji Ishii ; Maiko Ono ; Hiromi Nabeta ; Motofumi Yoshida ; Sei Emura ; Shunzo Koizumi ; Takanobu Sakemi

General Medicine 2014;15(1):21-28

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