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Author:(Moon Mock OH)

1.Experience with Arteriovenous Malformation: A Report of One Case.

Moon Mock OH ; Kyung Do KIM

Korean Journal of Urology 1988;29(2):345-349

2.A Clinical Comparative Study between Visual Stimulated Erection and Nocturnal Penile Erection by RigiScan.

Moon Mock OH ; Sae Chul KIM

Korean Journal of Urology 1990;31(3):436-441

3.Experience of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL) with EDAP-LT01: A Report of 660 Cases.

Dae Woong AHN ; Moon Mock OH

Korean Journal of Urology 2001;42(5):483-488

4.Early Clinical Experience of Interstitial Laser Coagulation(ILC) for the Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia.

Kyoung Sik KIM ; Moon Mock OH

Korean Journal of Urology 1999;40(2):201-206

5.A Case of Foreign Body in the Bladder.

Kyoung Sik KIM ; Moon Mock OH ; Keo Young YANG

Korean Journal of Urology 1997;38(7):779-781

6.A Case of Hypervascularization of the Glans after Epigastrico-dorsal Vein Anastomosis.

In gyu CHOI ; Moon Mock OH ; Sae Chul KIM

Korean Journal of Urology 1988;29(2):335-339

7.Preliminary Report of Clinical Experience of Iodine-125 Seed Implant for Early Prostatic Cancer: The First Case in Korea.

Moon Mock OH ; Yong Whee BAHK ; Scott E TROPPER

Korean Journal of Urology 2001;42(11):1235-1240

8.Vesicoureteral Reflux Managed with Gil-Vernet Technique.

Dae Woong AHN ; Jae Hyeok SHIN ; Moon Mock OH

Korean Journal of Urology 2001;42(11):1227-1230

9.A Case of Male Urethral Diverticulum with Giant Calculi.

Dae Woong AHN ; Kyoung Sik KIM ; Moon Mock OH ; Keo Young YANG

Korean Journal of Urology 1999;40(12):1723-1725

10.MMPI Evaluation of the Erectile Dysfunction.

Moon Mock OH ; Sae Chul KIM ; Hun Soo KIM

Korean Journal of Urology 1988;29(5):766-772

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