1.Primary Cutaneous Meningioma arising from the Scalp: A case report.
Sug Hyung LEE ; Seok Jin GANG ; Sun Moo KIM
Korean Journal of Pathology 1993;27(2):181-183
Primary cutaneous meningiomas are extremely rare tumors found in the cutis or subcutis, and generally have a benign course. The tend to be located on the scalp, face, neck. or paravertebral area. The primary cutaneous meningioma bears similarities to developmental defects and probably originates from arachnoid cell rests in the skin, although diverse groups of cutaneous meningiomas seem to arise from several different sources. A case of primary cutaneous meningioma occuring in the scalp of left parietal area of a 27-year-old female is presented. Clinically the lesion appeared as indolent, slow growing cutaneous mass and has no connection with underlying brain tissue, as determined by examination of the roentgenographs. The definite diagnosis was made after pathological examination. Microscopically the tumor is composed of sheets and nests of meningothelial cells. Immunohistochemical and electron microscopic studies reveal the typical findings of meningioma.
2.Hibernoma: A case report.
Hee Na KIM ; Mi Kyung JEE ; Seok Jin GANG ; Byung Kee KIM ; Sun Moo KIM
Korean Journal of Pathology 1988;22(3):353-355
Hibernoma is very rarely encountered and is expressed in the various names including "lipoma of brown fat", "fetal lipoma", and "lipoma of embryonic fat". In our knowledge, only about 50 cases have been reported in the literature of the Western world, and no case reports have been published in Korea. In May 1986, we experienced a case of hibernoma occuring in a 16 old years boy. On physical examination, a relatively well defined nodule was noted on the right scapular region. A total removal of the lesion was done under the clinical diagnosis of epidermal inclusion cyst. On gross examination, the specimen consists of three irregularly shaped portions of yellowish brown soft tissue, measuring up to 0.8 cm in greatest dimension. Microscopically, the tumor showed distinct lobular pattern separated by fibrovascular bands. The lobules were composed of multivacuolated or eosinophilic granular cells showing centrally located small unclei. A brief review of the literature was done.
3.Acral Lentiginous Melanoma: A report of three cases.
Young Dae KIM ; Seok Jin GANG ; Mi Kyung HUR ; Byong Kee KIM ; Sun Moo KIM
Korean Journal of Pathology 1986;20(2):243-249
Acral lentiginous melanoma is a rare variant of malignant melanoma and is characterized by a lentiginous (radial) growth phase that evolves over months or years to a dermal (vertical) invasive stage. Clinical and pathological features were reviewed in 3 cases of acral lentiginous melanoma of the soles. The first case was a 59-year-old female. On gross examination, there was a black, nodular, round, and ulcerated mass, 1.5 x 1.5 cm, on the posterior portion of the left sole. This mass was accompanied by peripheral pigmented macules. Histologically, the macular lesion revealed the pattern of a lentiginous growth phase, with a diffuse hyperplasia of atypical melamocytes in the basal layer of the epidermis. In the vertical growth component, atypical melanocytes (predominantly spindle cell) infiltrated the dermis, showing level 3 invasion. The second case was a 47-year-old male. On gross examination, there was a dark brown to black, nodular, hemorrhagic and ulcerated mass, 7x7 cm, on the middle portion of the right sole. This mass grew radially into neighboring tissue. Histologically, the radial growth component revealed atypical melanocytes which were distributed in the basal portion of epidermis. In the vertical growth component, atypical melanocytes (spindle, round, or polygonal cells) infiltrated the dermis, showing level 4 invasion. The third case was a 87-year-old female. There was a formation of satellite pigmented macules, up to 2x0.5 cm, on the right sole. The color of macules was usually not uniform but was likely to be scattered radially, being grayish brown, bluish black, or black. Histologically, the peripheral, macular, hyperpigmented lesion revaled the pattern of a lentiginous growth phase. In the vertical growth component, atypical melanocytes (predominently polygonal cells) infiltrated the dermis, showing level 13 invasion.
4.Clear Cell Hidradenoma: A report of five cases.
Mi Kyung JEE ; Seok Jin GANG ; Byung Kee KIM ; Sun Moo KIM
Korean Journal of Pathology 1988;22(2):180-189
The clear hidradenoma, generally regarded as an eccrine sweat gland origin, is an uncommon tumor and occurs as a slowly growing, usually solitary nodule. The histologic patterns varies from one tumor to another and in different parts of the same tumor. The histologically variable patterns, therefore, are expressed in various names, including nodular hidradenoma, eccrine acrospiroma, squamous poroadenoma, and solid cystic hidradenoma. During the past 16 years the authors experienced 5 cases of clear cell hidradenoma which were diagnosed by the histopathological examination of the tumor mass removed by surgical excision. Clinical and pathological features were reviewed and the following results were obtained. 1) The mean age was 34 years with a range from 27 to 45 years. Three were male and two female. 2) The chiefr complaint was intradermal or subcutaneous nodules for a period of several years to 15 years. All cases occured as a solitary nodule without a distinct predilection for certain sites. A nodule which situated in the dermis and was accompanied by superficial ulceration was elevated above the skin surface in one case. 3) Grossly, the tumors were relatively well circumscribed and composed of multiloblated masses in 4 cases. They ranged in size between 1.5 and 3.5 cm. 4) Microscopically, all cases disclosed lobulated solid masses separated by varying amounts of collagenous connective tissue. There were often cystic spaces, which were lined by a single row of cuboidal cells in four cases and were bordered by tumor cells in remaining one case. These cysts contained a faintly eosinophilic homogeneous material. On solid portions of the tumor there were two types of cells (clear cell and polygonal cell), the proportions of which varied from tumor to tumor in three cases. The remaining two cases were predominantly composed of clear cells. Tubular lumina which were lined by cuboidal or columnar ductal cells were found in two cases. Areas of squamous differentiation and squamous eddies were seen in one case. Intracytolasmic PAS-positive materials were shown in all cases, but diastase-resistant PAS materials in two cases.
5.Trichoadenoma: Report of a case.
Youn Soo LEE ; Mi Kyung LEE ; Seok Jin GANG ; Byoung Kee KIM ; Sun Moo KIM
Korean Journal of Pathology 1993;27(1):75-77
The clinical and pathological features of trichoadenoma are presented. Trichoadenoma is very rare, and as far as we know, no report on the trichoadenoma has been published in korea literature. We experienced a case of trichoadenoma occured in a 29 year-old male, who had a 0.9x0.7x0.4cm sized and slowly growing mass in the right buttock. The histopathological findings and histogenesis of trichoadenoma were discussed and a brief review of the literature was made.
6.Sebaceous Epithelioma: A report of 2 cases.
Youn Soo LEE ; Mi Kyoung JEE ; Seok Jin GANG ; Byoung Kee KIM ; Sun Moo KIM
Korean Journal of Pathology 1993;27(1):58-63
Sebaceous epithelioma is a relatively rare tumor, mostly occuring in the face or scalp. The histogenesis and clinical and pathological features of sebaceous epithelioma have not been clearly defined, and a few other diagnostic terms have been used so far instead of sebaceous epithelioma. Two cases of sebacous epitheliomas were presented. No recurrence or metastasis was observed in our cases, so sebaceous epithelioma is considered to be a benign tumor. A brief review of the literature, concerned about the biological behavior, histogenesis and pathological findings of the sebaceous epithelioma, was made.
Neoplasm Metastasis
7.Female Adnexal Tumor Probable Wolffian Origin: Report of a case.
Soo Kyong CHUNG ; Seok Jin GANG ; Byoung Kee KIM ; Sun Moo KIM
Korean Journal of Pathology 1987;21(1):45-48
The clinical and pathological features of a distinctive female adnexal tumor of probable Wolffian origin (FATWO) are presented. As fat as our knowledge is concerned, no report on the FATWO has been published in Korea. In April, 1986, we experienced a case of FATWO that arose within the leaf of the right broad ligament in a 68 years old female. Clinical data and histopathological findings of the case were discussed and a brief review of the literature on this entity was made.
8.Mesenchymal Chondrosarcoma Arising from Orbital Soft Tissue: A case report.
Yu Mee KANG ; Mi Kyung JEE ; Seok Jin GANG ; Byung Kee KIM ; Sun Moo KIM
Korean Journal of Pathology 1989;23(2):273-277
Orbital mesenchymal chondrosarcoma, first described by Luis et. al in 1971, is a very rare tumor of characteristic histologic features. A 21-year-woman was admitted with a 4-month histoiry of rapidly progressive proptosis and visual disturbance. Right orbital exenteration was performed under the clinical diagnosis of orbital calcifying tumor. Grossly, the tumor presented as a multibloblated, circumscribed mass that measures 5.5 cm in the greatest dimentsion. Cut sections resembled ordinary chonrosarcoma. Microscopically, the tumor was composed of undifferentiated mesenchymal cells, interspersed nodules of well differentated cartilagenous tissue, areas of gradual transition from undifferentiated mesenchymal cells to cartilage, and hemangiopericytoma-like areas. A brief summary of the histopathological aspect of this tumor and a review of literature are presented.
9.Immature Teratoma of the Ovary with a Fetal Cerebellum: A report of 2 cases.
Seok Jin GANG ; Ki Hwa YANG ; Byoung Kee KIM ; Sun Moo KIM
Korean Journal of Pathology 1985;19(1):119-124
During the past 1 year the authors experienced 2 cases of fetal cerebellum in an immature teratomaof the ovary which were diagnosed by the histopathological examination of the tumor mass removed by the surgical operation. The first case was a 15-year-old female. At laparatomy an infant head sized mass at the site of the right ovary was removed. The ovary was replaced by a large, predominantly solid and focally cystic mass which weighed 810 gms. and measured 16x14x11 cm. The second case was a 10-year-old female. The right ovary was replaced by a large cystic and focally solid mass which weighed 730 gms. and measured 15x13x10 cm. The cystic portion of the tumor was made up to multiloculated cysts filled with serous fluid. Microscopically, the first case showed an abundant mature tissue from the three germ layers, but this was intermixed with small foci of neuroepithelial tubules present in groups. Well formed fetal cerebellar folia(18 folia) characterized by a definite external granular cell layer, molecular layer, Purkinje neurons and an internal granular cell layer was identified. The second case revealed a predominantly mature tissue. Mature elements from the three germ layers were present. There are small foci of immature neural tissue growing largely in the form of neuroepithelial tubules. Fetal cerebellum with well formed folia(13 folia) was also identified. A brief review of the literature and a discussion on the clinicopathological correlations were made.
10.Pleomorphic Adenoma of the Bronchus: A case report.
Eun Sun PARK ; Mi Kyung JEE ; Seok Jin GANG ; Byung Kee KIM ; Sun Moo KIM
Korean Journal of Pathology 1989;23(1):136-140
Pleomorphic adenoma presenting as primary lesion of the bronchus is very rarely encountered, and in our knowledge only 6 cases have been reported in the literature of the western world, and no case report has been published in Korea. Currently, we experienced a case of bronchial pleomorphic adenoma occuring in a 38 years old woman. On X-ray examination, hazy density in the right upper lobe and emphysematous change in the right lower lobe were noted. A right pneumonectomy was done under bronchoscopic diagnosis of bronchial adeoma. The pathologic examination of the present case showed a polypoid endobronchial tumor, 1.4 x 1.1 cm (with extraluminal portion, 2.2 x 1.7 cm) in the right upper bronchus. The microscopic examination revealed a pleomorphic adenoma showing same morphology as those found in the salivary gland. This case, therefore, was believed to be a genuine example of bronchial pleomorphic adenoma of salivary gland type. We compared this case with 6 cases in the literature.