1.Distance between Midline and Vertebral Artery Groove of Atlas – A Real Aid to the Neurosurgeon
Mukesh S, Prabhat G, Mohd Salahuddin A, Kumar SR
Journal of Surgical Academia 2014;4(1):26-29
The knowledge of the relationship of the vertebral artery with the atlas is very important, in order to avoid any injury
to the vertebral artery, during surgeries in the craniovertebral region. Different researchers have measured the
distance of the vertebral artery from the midline along the posterior arch of atlas (oblique distance), but some authors
have measured the perpendicular distance of vertebral artery from the midline. Usually, it is the perpendicular
distance along which the surgeons are exploring in this region. Hence, the present study was planned to study and
compare both oblique and perpendicular distances of the vertebral artery from the midline and find out statistical
differences between these two parameters. It was carried out on 30 atlas vertebrae of Indian origin. The oblique and
perpendicular distances of vertebral artery groove from midline and the thickness of vertebral artery groove were
measured. The results suggest that dissection on the posterior aspect of the arch of atlas should remain 17.00 mm
lateral to the midline and dissection on the superior aspect of the arch of atlas should remain 8.00 mm from the
midline to prevent injury to the vertebral artery. It was also observed that “oblique distances of vertebral artery
groove from the midline to the medial margin of inner and outer cortex are larger than the corresponding
perpendicular distances from the midline”. Although, the differences of oblique and perpendicular distances are not
statistically significant but it may be clinically significant for the surgeons operating in the craniovertebral region.
Hence, it is concluded that the surgeon should be aware of both the distances while operating in the craniovertebral
region to avoid any iatrogenic injury to the vertebral artery.
2.A Study on the Morphometric Asymmetry of Atlas Vertebrae
Mohd Salahuddin A ; Mukesh S ; Binaya KB ; Nilotpal C
Journal of Surgical Academia 2016;6(1):18-24
The commonly used examination procedures of the upper cervical spine depend upon the symmetry for comparison
and interpretation of joint functions. If symmetry is not normal, then these assessments may mislead the examiners,
allowing them implementation of incorrect treatment plans. Objectives of this study are to explore the possibility that
asymmetry is more common than symmetry and, if it is true, to find out the effects of asymmetry on the
biomechanics of these joints. The study was carried out on 30 atlas vertebrae of cadavers of Indian origin. The
different intra-atlas distances were measured on both sides by digital vernier calliper. All the parameters studied
showed statistically significant differences between the right and left side i.e. a p value of < 0.05. The anteroposterior
diameter of the foramen transversarium, the transverse diameter of the foramen transversarium, the distance
from the midline to medial edge of the vertebral artery groove (inner as well as outer cortex) and the length of the
superior articular facets were more on the right side as compared to the left side. The breadth as well as the length of
the inferior articular facet, the breadth of the superior articular facet and the difference of posterior arch thickness at
the site of vertebral artery groove were more on the left side as compared to the right side. These differences may be
explained by the handedness of an individual, which influences the intra-osteal asymmetry in a characteristically
distinct manner, which needs to be confirmed or refuted in a further study.
Cervical Atlas
3.Design And Development Of Ergonomic Table And Analyze Using RULA Analysis
Mohd Hidayat Ab Rahman ; Nurul Ain Maidin ; Umi Hayati Ahmad ; Mohd Salahuddin Mohd Basri ; Mohd Nazri Ahmad ; Ridhwan Jumaidin ; Mohd Hairizal Osman ; Mohammad Khalid Wahid
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2020;20(Special 1):138-144
Ergonomics and design have made the greatest relation in producing an artifact or creating a workplace. A computer table is widely used in classrooms in universities. However, the problems of the current computer table have been detected through the results of RULA analysis. In this project, a survey of the questionnaire was done and the anthropometric data have also been collected. The dimensions of the current computer table are then collected and the deficiencies of the current computer table have been focused on RULA analysis. A new structural design of the computer table has been designed, in order to meet the requirements of ergonomics. A product of the new design of ergonomics computer table is made and has been focused on RULA analysis to define the improvement between both tables. The paper showed a comparison between the current computer table and the new ergonomics computer table were analyzed. The improvement of the new ergonomics computer table was identified and reduced the injuries and disorders. A further investigation on better working posture when using a computer table is required, while further improvement for the product design of a new ergonomics computer table is needed, as well as the application of the ergonomics design aspect in our life.
4.Relationship of Anatomical Lengths of Forearm plusHand to the Length of Femur in Healthy Subjects
Mohd Salahuddin A ; Tarun G ; Shobha SA ; Rashmi M
Journal of Surgical Academia 2018;8(1):23-27
The commonest procedure for adult diaphyseal femoral fractures is intramedullary nailing. A thorough preoperative examination of facture pattern and its morphology are necessary. Previous studies are non-homogenous and with conflicting results. So the study was planned to find out, any relation between femur and forearm plus little finger length and its association with height/ arm span and upper segment/lower segment ratios in an individual, with its statistical validity. The study was carried on 75 male and 75 female students of more than 18 years of age, studying at AIIMS Rishikesh after taking their informed consent and ethical approval. The forearm plus hand length and the length offemur were measured as per protocol, by simple measuring tape. The mean forearm plus hand length and the length of femur were 42.85 (SD, ±1.87) and 45.88 (SD, ±2.95) cm, respectively with the mean difference between these 2 measurements of -3.03 (95% CI, -3.83 to -2.22) cm, in male and 39.56(SD, ±1.68), 40.96 (SD, ± 2.75) cm and -1.400 (95% CI, -1.917 to -0.883) cm in female volunteers. The Pearson correlation co efficient and p value 0.575, 0.0001 and 0.585, 0.0001 in male and female respectively. There was no significant variation with height, upper segment and lower segment ratios. So we conclude that there is extremely significant correlation between the forearm plus hand length and the length of femur of the individuals. The forearm plus hand length represents the maximum length of the nail to be used in femur. The length of the femur nail can be definitely predicted by the forearm plus hand length in both sexes but it has to be different in both, for the same femoral fracture and there is no significant variation in the femur length with height, upper segment and lower segment variation in the same individ
5.Beneficial Outcomes of Omega-6 and Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on Malnourished Children: A Scoping Review
Nur Kamilah Mohd Fauzy ; Muhammad Salahuddin Haris ; Azrulein Ibrahim ; Muhd Alwi Muhd Helmi ; Sakinah Harith
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2023;19(No.6):285-296
Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) intake may be beneficial in many aspects during the early phase of life. This
scoping review aims to examine the beneficial outcomes and intakes of omega-3 and omega-6 PUFA among children. An electronic database search on academic journals published from 2017 to 2021 was conducted using Science Direct, PubMed, and Google Scholar. A total of 35 studies were identified and included in this scoping review.
Majority of the findings found that PUFAs intake has a beneficial impact on the growth development, mental and
cognitive health among children whether they are malnourished, sick or healthy individuals. Overall, this review
may provide additional information on the benefits and recommended intake of supplementing PUFAs on children.
More detailed research on this topic is needed to support these findings since it will contribute to the formation of
the dietary intervention.
6.A Systematic Review on Effectiveness of Nicotine-Based and NonNicotine Based Drug Delivery System for Smoking Cessation Among the Elderly
Amri Nurhakim Mat Husin ; Nurul Atifah Azmi ; Nurul Hanis Mohd Sabari ; Mohamad Haniki Nik Mohamed ; Nurul Ain Mohammad Hamdi ; Muhammad Salahuddin Haris
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2023;19(No.1):232-241
Introduction: Smoking is associated with a higher risk of mortality, especially in smokers with cardiovascular and
respiratory diseases. Smoking cessation remains the most effective approach in reducing smoking-related illness risks
at all ages. For elderly smokers, smoking cessation has been proved to prolong life expectancy and reduce the risk of
stroke and ischemic heart disease. However, a wide selection of smoking cessation medications makes prescribing
challenging, especially among elderly smokers. Inability to recommend the best treatment may reduce the smoking
cessation success rate in the elderly. Therefore, this study compares the effectiveness of pharmacotherapy available
and correlate the effect of ageing on the effectiveness, leading to the recommendation of the best medication for
elderly smokers. Method: A systematic searching strategy was performed in three different databases by using predetermined search strings. Results: Overall, this systematic review revealed that varenicline showed the greatest smoking cessation rate among the elderly, followed by bupropion and NRT. Conclusion: It is suggested that varenicline
offered the best medical aid for smoking cessation in the elderly.