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Author:(Mohammad Sadegh FAZELI)

1.Delorme's Procedure: An Effective Treatment for a Full-Thickness Rectal Prolapse in Young Patients.

Mohammad Sadegh FAZELI ; Ali Reza KAZEMEINI ; Amir KESHVARI ; Mohammad Reza KERAMATI

Annals of Coloproctology 2013;29(2):60-65

2.Preoperative short course radiotherapy with concurrent and consolidation chemotherapies followed by delayed surgery in locally advanced rectal cancer: preliminary results

Mahdi AGHILI ; Sarvazad SOTOUDEH ; Reza GHALEHTAKI ; Mohammad BABAEI ; Borna FARAZMAND ; Mohammad Sadegh FAZELI ; Amir KESHVARI ; Peiman HADDAD ; Farshid FARHAN

Radiation Oncology Journal 2018;36(1):17-24

3.Introduction of a handmade vacuum-assisted sponge drain for the treatment of anastomotic leakage after low anterior rectal resection

Amir KESHVARI ; Abolfazl BADRIPOUR ; Mohammad Reza KERAMATI ; Alireza KAZEMEINI ; Behnam BEHBOUDI ; Mohammad Sadegh FAZELI ; Ehsan RAHIMPOUR ; Parisa GHAFFARI ; Seyed Mohsen Ahmadi TAFTI

Annals of Coloproctology 2022;38(3):230-234

4.Short-course versus long-course neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy in patients with rectal cancer: preliminary results of a randomized controlled trial

Mahdi AGHILI ; Nastaran KHALILI ; Neda KHALILI ; Mohammad BABAEI ; Farshid FARHAN ; Peiman HADDAD ; Samaneh SALARVAND ; Amir KESHVARI ; Mohammad Sadegh FAZELI ; Negin MOHAMMADI ; Reza GHALEHTAKI

Radiation Oncology Journal 2020;38(2):119-128

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