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Author:(Mohamed L’HADJ)

1.Forecasting and prediction of scorpion sting cases in Biskra province, Algeria, using a seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average model.

Schehrazad SELMANE ; Mohamed L’HADJ

Epidemiology and Health 2016;38(1):e2016044-

2.Demographic and epidemiological characteristics of scorpion envenomation and daily forecasting of scorpion sting counts in Touggourt, Algeria

Kaouthar BOUBEKEUR ; Mohamed L’HADJ ; Schehrazad SELMANE

Epidemiology and Health 2020;42(1):e2020050-

3.Demographic and epidemiological characteristics of scorpion envenomation and daily forecasting of scorpion sting counts in Touggourt, Algeria

Kaouthar BOUBEKEUR ; Mohamed L’HADJ ; Schehrazad SELMANE

Epidemiology and Health 2020;42(1):e2020050-

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