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Author:(Mitchell L HALPERIN)

1.Is There Escape from Renal Actions of Vasopressin in Rats with a Hyponatremia for Greater than 48 Hours?.

Surinder CHEEMA-DHADLI ; Chee Keong CHONG ; Mohammad ALAZMI ; Kamel S KAMEL ; Mitchell L HALPERIN

Electrolytes & Blood Pressure 2010;8(1):10-17

2.Importance of Residual Water Permeability on the Excretion of Water during Water Diuresis in Rats.

Surinder CHEEMA-DHADLI ; Chee Keong CHONG ; Namhee KIM ; Kamel S KAMEL ; Mitchell L HALPERIN

Electrolytes & Blood Pressure 2010;8(1):1-9

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