4.On the analyzing results of three lifting movements of the weightlifters in Tokyo Olympic Games, mainly.
Mitsutsugu Ono ; Minoru Kubota ; Kiyotada Kato
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 1966;15(1):1-16
High ranking Japanese weightlifters in Tokyo Olympics and high ranking adults and high school students in the 20th Japan National Athletic Meeting were chosen for the subjects. We made research about them for many patterns of movements of the Olympic three lifts which seemed to be the most reasonable way in analyzing the movements of the lifters, by comparing the results which were gotten by the 16 mm 64 frames side filming method with their official records and lifting marks. This led to the following conclusion :
1) At the begining of the clean, dead-lift, for the press the excellent lifters accelerate the bar at a higher speed, but the increase of speed after the begining is not so much. The Olympic lifters pull up the bar bending more forward, at a knee level. But excessive forword bending makes many lifters fail to clean weell.
2) Exellent lifters bigin pressing at a high speed by vigorous extension of their body, Less-trained lifters can not use vigorous extension of their body because of presing forward, or comming down the bar again, and bending the kenee joints.
3) In the snatch excellent lifters pull up the bar at a higber speed to the knees, but they at a speed of lower acceleration from the knees. Even if they are excellent lifters, they often fail to snach in the case of pulling with over-acceleration at that point. It is inportant also in the snatch to use effectively the power of lower ports of the body.
4) It is evident from the loci of the bar that, if the bar travells upward vertically, or near vertically, squat-style lifters need to jump back properly In the case they do not jump back the for moves back and forth excessively, many lifters fail to snatch if they jump back too much.
5) In the clean for the jerk an increasing acceleration in dead lift phase during clean is necessary to become a successful lifter. It is necessary to concentrate the power of the lower parts of the body as much as possible to accelerate on the bar to a knee level. From the knee level exce lent lifters pull the bar by using the pulling power of shoulders more aectively. The barbell falling down from the dead point must be held moderately not to fall down at a high speed.
6) If lifters overstrain the shoulder muscle groups and arms at the starting of the jerk and can not dip their body well in accordance weith dropp ing movement of the bar, they will fail to jerk.
7) The dropping speed of the bar at the first step of the jerk must be marked more carefully at the second phase than at the first phase. Many who make it increase more at the second phase will fail to jerk.
8) The bar of the excellent jerker goes up with very high speed at the begining. But of the speed of the bar after that there is no diffrence between lifters.
5.Coronary-Pulmonary Artery Fistula Complicated with a Left Coronary Artery
Masahiro Saito ; Dai Kawashima ; Satoru Maeba ; Minoru Ono
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2017;46(5):217-221
An 84-year-old woman was referred due to an abnormal shadow on her chest X-ray. Computed tomography and coronary angiography revealed a left coronary artery aneurysm associated with a complex coronary-pulmonary artery fistula. We present our surgical strategy used to treat this complicated pathology.
6.Perioperative Management of Anticoagulation Therapy in a Case with Inherited Antithrombin Deficiency Receiving Aortic Valve Replacement
Kao Tanoue ; Aya Saito ; Osamu Kinoshita ; Dai Kawashima ; Miyuki Shibata ; Tetsuro Morota ; Noboru Motomura ; Minoru Ono
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2014;43(3):101-104
A 72-year-old woman was admitted to our department with a diagnosis of severe aortic stenosis was also diagnosed Inherited antithrombin deficiency was also diagnosed after she suffered from a pulmonary thromboembolic event 10 years previously and had been taking warfarin since then. On admission, her antithrombin activity was 53% of normal, and her PT-INR level was maintained around 2.5. Preoperative management of anticoagulation therapy included discontinuation of warfarin, and supplementation of antithrombin with heparin infusion. On the day of operation, antithrombin activity was maintained above 80% by administering antithrombin, and aortic valve replacement with a mechanical valve prosthesis was carried out under standard cardiopulmonary bypass support using heparin. Heparin infusion was continued with antithrombin supplementation until PT-INR recovered to round 2.5 with warfarin. Her intra- and postoperative courses did not show any thromboembolic events, and she was discharged 14 days after the surgery.
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 2004;53(5):527-536
The present study performed a cross-sectional survey to investigate sleep habits and sleep health in Japanese women aged 40 to 69 years with and without a habit of exercise. A standardized questionnaire evaluating sleep was administered to two subject groups. One was the “exercise group” who habitually performed aerobic exercise at mild to moderate intensity with a frequency of ≥2 times/week and duration of ≥30 minutes/one session (n=207) . The other was the age-matched “non-exercise group” who had no exercise habit (n=567) . Two-way ANOVA was employed for com paring the two subject groups and examining the effects of exercise on aging. Regarding sleep habits, as bed time significantly advanced with advancing age, sleep habits (bed time, waking time and sleep duration) were significantly more regular in the exercise group than in the non-exercise group. Concerning independent sleep health risk factors consisting of sleep initiation, sleep maintenance, sleep apnea, parasomnia, and waking-up, the factor score for sleep maintenance significantly deteriorated with advancing age; and was significantly better in the exercise group than in the non-exercise group. These results suggest that an exercise habit may improve sleep health in middle-aged and older Japanese women among which a higher prevalence of sleep problems has been reported.
8.A Case of Long Term Survival for Left Ventricular Assist Device Related Mediastinitis with Negative Pressure Wound Therapy
Yasuhiro Hoshino ; Takashi Nishimura ; Mitsuhiro Kawata ; Masahiko Andou ; Osamu Kinoshita ; Noboru Motomura ; Arata Murakami ; Syunei Kyo ; Minoru Ono
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2012;41(2):76-79
A 44-year-old man who received left ventricular assist device (LVAD) implantation for end-stage heart failure due to dilated cardiomyopathy suffered from mediastinitis. Computed tomography confirmed mediastinitis. His mediastinum was reopened and irrigated. Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) was applied to the wound without closing the chest. This system enabled the patient to receive early physical rehabilitation. One year after LVAD implantation, under NPWT, the patient could walk in the general ward, and was waiting for cardiac transplantation. We used some useful materials for NPWT including a coatable non-alcoholic film, flexible sealing sheet, soft exudate absorber, in order to control wound clean, keep air-tight, prevent damage to the skin and to reduce mediastinal instability. LVAD implantation is usually performed as a bridge to transplantation or recovery. One of the most critical complications is intractable mediastinitis. We described a successful infection control of LVAD related mediastinitis with the NPWT.
9.Surgical Treatment of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm in Cases with Previous Laparotomies.
Kenichi Sudo ; Tadashi Koishizawa ; Kyouichiro Tsuda ; Nobunari Hayashi ; Minoru Ono ; Jun Kokubo ; Tatsuo Fujiki ; Kenji Nonaka ; Koji Ikeda
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1994;23(2):78-83
From January 1987 to October 1992, 60 consecutive patients operated on for infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) were reviewed to evaluate the effect of previous laparotomies giving on the results of aneurysmal surgery. Eleven of 60 patients had previous laparotomies. Two of them required emergency operation for ruptured aneurysms. One of them died during surgery as a result of excessive hemorrhage prior to cross-clamping the aorta. Severe peritoneal adhesion had made if difficult to properly expose the aorta for cross-clamping to control hemorrhage. There were no statistical significance in mortality between the previous laparotomy and non-laparotomy groups. Excluding ruptured cases, we compared the previous laparotomy group (9 patients) and non-laparotomy group (37 patients) with reference to perioperative factors, including operation time, blood loss, non-oral feeding days, bed-ridden days, and hospital stay but there were no statistically significant differences. These results suggested that previous laparotomy is not a serious risk factor in operations for AAA.
10.A Case Series of Post-COVID Conditions with Fatigability Treated with Saikokeishito
Rie ONO ; Shin TAKAYAMA ; Natsumi SAITO ; Ryutaro ARITA ; Akiko KIKUCHI ; Kota ISHIZAWA ; Takeshi KANNO ; Akito SUGAWARA ; Minoru OHSAWA ; Michiaki ABE ; Ko ONODEARA ; Tetsuya AKAISHI ; Tadashi ISHII
An Official Journal of the Japan Primary Care Association 2024;47(2):49-55
Fatigue is a common symptom of long COVID. Fatigue can majorly disrupt daily life and be challenging to treat. Herein, we describe the effect of saikokeishito, a Kampo medicine, on fatigue in patients with long COVID.Between October 2020 and March 2023, we prescribed saikokeishito to 22 patients with long COVID in the general medicine outpatient department of our hospital. Among them, seven patients (age: 15-58 years, two females) had fatigue, a previously confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19, and no concomitant use of other Kampo formulas. We compared their condition at the start of saikokeishito administration to that 3 months later. Five patients had a slight fever, and four had inflammatory findings on blood tests. Within 3 months, all patients had a 20% or greater reduction in fatigue on a visual analogue scale. Six patients had a 20% or greater increase in health-related QOL and were able to return to society. On the other hand, one patient required a transition to an alternative medication, and one patient's follow-up was prematurely discontinued. Fatigue after COVID-19 may be improved by saikokeishito, especially for the treatment of patients with slight fever or inflammatory findings.