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Author:(Ministry of health)

1.Guide to realize the decree for exercise of private medical and pharmaceutical practice and the enactment No06/CP on January 29th 1994 of the Government for concretization some items of the above decree in the domain of pharmaceutical exercise

Ministry Of Health

Pharmaceutical Journal 2001;298(2):1-8

2.The main orientations of the Public Health Branch in the year 1998 and the problems must be given directions to realize

Health Of Ministry

Pharmaceutical Journal 2002;423(5):5-6

3.Circular letter for guidance of drug and cosmetics import and export that direct affecting on the human health

Ministry of Health

Pharmaceutical Journal 1999;274(2):3-4

4.Circular letter to guide drug business for human health protection and treatment of diseases (No 02/2000/TT-BYT on February 21st 2000):

Ministry of Health

Pharmaceutical Journal 1999;274(2):29-31

5.Direction of the Ministry of Health to strengthen the rational safe and economical drug utilization in Public Health services

Ministry of Health

Pharmaceutical Journal 1999;274(2):4-0

6.Some temporary regulations on the drug registration and the health staff is who are responsible for storing and dispensing the psychotropic and toxic drugs in the precinct (commune) health station

Ministry of health

Pharmaceutical Journal 1999;274(2):4-0

7.Direction of the Ministry of Health to strengthen the drug quality management

Ministry of Health

Pharmaceutical Journal 1998;272(12):2-3

8.Directive for the restoration and development of traditional medicine, acupuncture, massotherapy, massage and press on points in years 1998 -2000

Ministry of Health

Pharmaceutical Journal 2000;291(7):10-2

9.The Regulation of prescription writing and dispensing drugs by prescription (promulgated by the Decision No 184/2003QÐ-BYT on May 28th 2003

Ministry of Health -- --

Pharmaceutical Journal 2003;326(6):2-3

10.Significance of implementation of digital card in comprehensive reform in health care system of mongolia

Mendsaikhan Z

Mongolian Medical Sciences 2010;153(3):48-52

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