1.Blood-saving effect of low central venous pressure combined with acute hypervolemic hemodilution in patients undergoing hepatic lobectomy
Jingfeng YANG ; Xingyang GAO ; Changsheng DONG ; Mingde WANG ; Feiyue WU ; Yetian CHANG
Chinese Journal of Anesthesiology 2008;28(5):417-420
Objective To evaluate the blond-saving effect of low central venous pressure(CVP) combined with acute hypervolemic hemedilution(AHHD)in patients undergoing hepatic lobectomy.Methods sixty ASA I orⅡpatients of both sexes aged 32-48 yr weighing 47-72 kg undergoing hepatic lobectomy for primary malignant hepatonm under epidural combined with general anesthesia were randomly divided into 3 groups(n=20 each);group I control(C);group 1I AHHD and group Ⅲ low CVP+AHHD.Group C received crystalloid and coloid in a ratio of 1.5:1 during operation.In groupⅡ4% suecinylated gelatin was infused at 50 ml·kg-1·h-1 for 30 min after tracheal intubation (AHHD);while inⅢ group low CVP was induced and maintained by epidural administration of a mixture of 1.5% lidnoaine +O.2% bupivacaine 6-8 ml combined with intravenous infmion of propofol at 6 mg·kg-1·h-1 until 10 min after hepatic lobectomy was completed.then 4% succinylated gelatin was infused at 50 ml·kg-1·h-1 for 30 min.Blood glucose,Hb,Hct, WBC count,blood coagulation (PT,AVIT,Fib),shtmic-pyruvic transaminase (GPT) and renal function (BUN,Cr) were determined before operation (baseline),immediately before skin incision,immediately before and 10 min after liver lobe was removed,at the end of operation and 7 d after operation.Urine output,intraoperative blood loss and blood transfusion and complications were recorded.Results The glood glucose concentration.WBC count and GPT levd were significantly lower;the amount of fluid infused and urinary output before hepatic lobe resection and the percentage of the patients with allogeneic blood transfusion during operation were less;Hb,Hct and the amounl of fluid infused and urinary output after hepatic lobe resection were uigher in grolp Ⅲ than in group I and ⅡⅡⅡ.There were no significant differences in blood coagulation,renal function,the total amount of fluid infused and urine output among the 3 groups.No patient developed any complication.Conclusion The low CVP hefor combined with AHHD after hepatic resection can decrease intraoperative blood loss and allogeneic blood transfusior and is safe.
2.Application of Collateral Bloodletting from Sha Zhang Yu Heng (《痧胀玉衡》) for Treatment of Sha (痧)
Linna WU ; Hanyu XU ; Linxuan YANG ; Juyi WANG ; Mingde CHANG ; Yichun SHANG ; Guiping LI
Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2024;65(17):1835-1838
Sha (痧) is an acute infectious disease characterised by the appearance of rashes on the skin, caused by exposure to epidemic toxin and pestilent qi. Sha Zhang Yu Heng (《痧胀玉衡》) discussed the treatment principles and methods, and listed collateral bloodletting as one of the main treatments. Through organizing the articles and proved cases, we found that the author believes Sha (痧) is caused by epidemic pathogen, belonging to heat toxin with rapid changes, so timely treatment for qi and blood simultaneously could achieve the effect of transforming qi into defensive qi. Sha Zhang Yu Heng focuses on patient's position during treatmet, the material of the needle, the site of treatment, the quantum of stimulation and the operation of the contraindications and other essentials. According to the depth of the disease location, use traditional Chinese herbal medicine, scraping together to identify the root of the disease. In addition, diet suggestions for the prevention of the recrudescence of disease are also described in detail.